
Monthly Report - March 2018

This post will be short. I don’t know why but it seems that I didn’t play much this month :)

So, new games this month :

  • Won on SG : Shadowrun Returns, Mafia III
  • Free : F1 2015, The Darkness II, Spec Ops The Line
  • From bundles/gifts/sales : -
  • Bought : Divinity: Original Sin 2
  • Shadowrun Returns

    15 hours playtime

    no achievements

Shadowrun Returns - completed

I won this one on SteamGifts through the Playing Appreciated group so I played it right away and finished it quite quickly.
It was really nice. At start I was a bit worried as it was a lot of walking and speaking and not much action. It looked like I had to investigate which would have been interesting but everything seemed quite on rails… Not a lot of thinking involved.
I was more satisfied by the second part where there is much more action. I might do another playthrough with completely different character choices to see how it might affect the game as I was a bit frustrated with those locked doors I couldn’t open :).
The story was okay.
I liked that you recruit your team for specific missions so even if you chose a class for your character you have the opportunity to play the other classes and try them all.
A friend told me that this is a first attempt for the company and that the sequels are better, so I’m looking forward to them !
Achievements : No achievement on this one !

  • The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

    14 hours playtime

    no achievements

The Elder Scrolls Online - not owned

Played it for the free weekend. I never played the other Elder Scrolls games, I’ve only seen some videos and it was interesting.
As a RPG game I liked it, but as a MMO I think it sucks. I played with 3 other friends, and it looks like there is no mechanics for playing in a group (group exist but it doesn’t seem to help much).
We often play together and tried a few other MMOs, I think this is the worst one to play with others we tried : the quests are not shared, you don’t share any progress either, you are mostly playing alone but with people around… Maybe we missed something, I don’t know. Other players feel more like they are there to create life in the game (or annoy you ^^), not to play with you.
When you played several “modern” MMOs, it feels that there is lacking a lot and they forgot something !
So I played a bit more, but alone, and it was nice :).

  • Sacred 3

    7 hours playtime

    5 of 45 achievements

Sacred 3 - unfinished

I decided to play some of my wins, so launched the oldest one I was yet to play.
Not a lot to tell about that one. This is a hack & slash game, but not as fun as a Diablo would be.
I did a few levels, but I’m afraid that it might become a bit repetitive too soon. I played it over a weekend at the beginning of March and already forgot most of it, so not much to add ^^.
Achievements : looks like a lot of them require to play a lot, so not sure I’ll go after them. I probably didn’t like the game enough to complete the game and some require that you play with other people. I hate playing with randoms and my friends don’t have the game so…

Next Month - April

I didn’t play anything planned last month, so should I do this ? :)
I bought Divinity 2 to play with friends, so I’ll definitively play that one. And I won Mafia 3 just before the end of the month, again through the Playing Appreciated group so I’m sure to play it too.

  • Divinity: Original Sin 2

    0 hours playtime

    0 of 97 achievements

  • Mafia III

    0 hours playtime

    0 of 85 achievements


Glad that you enjoyed ‘SR: Returns’. There is also a now dead (moved on to the sequels) but once very lively modding scene. I hear some of those mods are pretty good, though I haven’t tried any myself for more than a few minutes. The sequels are on my playlist, I’m too looking forward to them.