
October 31st, 2k19

Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0

121 hours
44 of 55 achievements

my brain is too fried to write a coherent review, so please just know that i loved this game, i will be purchasing Kiwami as soon as i have the $20 USD (or the winter sale hits, whichever is first), and i am bereft that the story is over for now. absolutely amazing in every way.


I think you should wait and check the new humble monthly today. There was a leak earlier which mentioned Yakuza Kiwami as a early unlock :)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am running around the room screaming at the possibility!!!!!!

EDIT: and now i’m running around the room cos the leak was true. aaaaaah, that was an exciting twenty minutes.


Ahahah I loved the excitement. I really enjoyed the prequel and was thinking of buying Kiwami on the winter sale as well. Guess I’ll play it now instead of waiting ahah :D


we’ll all just have to suffer through the terror of Majima jumping out of trash cans with grace and dignity. it’s a rough job, but we’re up to the task.