
I haven’t really updated my profile in a couple of months, so bear with me

Game Playtime Achievements
Batman: Arkham Knight 33 hours 70% (79 of 113)
Risen 2 - Dark Waters 29 hours 53% (26 of 49)
Chroma Squad 13 hours 53% (23 of 43)
Legend of Grimrock 2 18 hours 57% (34 of 60)
Mother Russia Bleeds (SG win) 2 hours 30% (10 of 33)

2 lines review

Batman: Arkham Knight was a massive disappointment, batmobile combat was a cool gimmick for the first 30 minutes that took central place in the plot/gameplay as the game progressed and it was just awful. Story was ok, the reveal of the AK was a huge cop out after months of teasing. I really liked the dlcs of Arkham Stories minus the “final boss” of the catwoman sidestory. Overall a stepdown from Arkham City, 7/10 for me

Risen 2 - Dark Waters, mediocre game with nice voice acting and a couple of funny bits. That’s it. The only times the game acknowledge it is a pirate themed game is when they mention rum. I tried to boot up Risen 3 but i realized they somehow managed to ruin the combat even more, so i think i won’t play it anytime soon. 6/10 and i’m being generous.

Chroma Squad , this game works wonderful as a 30 minute parody, than it overstays its welcome for the next 12 hours. The mecha fights were fun the first time, the second time even but by the 12th time it’s just asking you to uninstall and never come back. Truth be told i haven’t, and probably never will, beat the game, i can’t beat the final mecha battle with my current equip and the game has no do-over other than replaying the whole damn thing. No score since i won’t finish it.

Legend of Grimrock 2, although i never fished the first LoG i’ve always kept good memories of it and LoG2 is just a huge improvement over the first one. No more wandering for 20 hours in grey corridor over grey corridor to spot a secret button or trying random teleporters. This time you have a whole island to explore where you can starve to death, if that’s your thing. Truth be told the hunger meter was a no issue and i kept forgetting it existed. If i have one complain, the square dancing in battles is just boring and hard to balance, most enemies in the late stage can oneshot every one of your characters unless you abuse the system. And since i am complaining, some of the puzzles made no sense or had close to no hint on how to solve them. Solid 8/10 in my book.

Mother Russia Bleeds, eh i was expecting much more from gameplay videos. Mediocre game overall, i forced myself to finish it because it was a win on SG. 5/10


I always read something similar about Batman AK and its batmobile… Still need to check myself though (it is in my library and even installed, but waiting for while until I finish what I’m playing now). Batman Arkham City was so far the best batgame did you see what I did here :p in my opinion. Does Arkham Knight have those challenges too? They are cool, but I suck playing them, mostly those combat challenges D:

Congrats with all your progress. Keep doing good work :D


There are a ton of challenges in AK and various characters you can use. I only completed the main game challenges but i think i saw more than 100 in the main menù.


I like batmobile and all its new features. Without it there would be too few new content in this game. And with it AK is kinda GTA but with only 1 car and Batman as protagonist =D


The batmobile is ok on its own right but it’s not on par with the melee combat, i would have preferred if the car was just a gimmick to solve puzzles and have very few combat sections (we even fight major bosses with it, wtf!).