
spoiling leeches!

does this works, cause looks better than sg+discord… ?

thing is i might be The wrong one, when it comes to backlog. and SG wins.
i try a bunch of games during a month. sometimes i also get to see a spacecat or two.
that said, i don’t think i’ve ever finished a game. 15 minutes and i’m done, sometimes is just “enough for me”. also happen to enjoy it. very much, at times.

ok, done it.
see you around and enjoy the BLAEO!


IDK dude. You’ve been playing a certain game far more than 15 minutes. :)


Reading your posts makes me think you’re some kind of domesticated animal, rather than a human. Like if your cat was actually the one playing games. Please don’t take this the wrong way though.


lol and <3

even better if that was an “undomesticated”… like, it would be a way cooler fit :P


Hmm… yeah, but then again wouldn’t a feral animal write more LIKE THIS RAWRRR~