  • Fallout: New Vegas

    137 hours playtime

    45 of 75 achievements

that . . . took me a while. which works because once it got going i certainly enjoyed it! i’ve been playing through the fallout series starting with the original and each has really worked out for me. seems pretty common that i struggle a bit at the beginning, but after leveling up a couple times i get into the stride of taking down enemies and helping people throughout the wasteland.

while i made it through most of fallout 3 without any companions, this time around i met multiple people where there were clear dialogue options to ask them to join me. not sure if there weren’t many companions in 3 or if i just didn’t notice them. either way i appreciate that new vegas made it clear, though i didn’t realize there were two types of companions and i could have one of each type until i came across that in the wiki.

new vegas has everything i’d expect from a fallout game: interesting story, random game crashes, choices that affect the ending, and more. i bought the ultimate edition with all the dlc. the 4 mission dlc were excellent (though i found some parts of dead money annoying) but i barely used the other 2 and could have gone without them, but it’s probably a better deal to get all of it, especially with a discount. a fun bonus of this game was recognizing dave foley (one of the kids in the hall) as the voice of one of the characters.


random game crashes

I laughed.

New Vegas is in my backlog as well, but – just like you – I plan to play the Fallout games in order and at the moment I haven’t gotten very far with this :D I’m definitely looking forward to NV though, glad to see you enjoyed it!


honestly there was more than one night when the crash was the reason for me to actually quit playing and go to bed…


Damn, that bad? That sucks. The game must be pretty good that you still enjoyed it that much!