
ahoy on Feb 19th 2k19, i be looking for a white whale, except it be a zombie whale too!

The Walking Dead: Michonne

The Walking Dead: Michonne

3.7 hours
21 of 21 achievements

theme song: I’m On A Boat, I’m On A Motherfucking Boat

oh my gaaaaawd i have been trying to play this dumb game for years and only now have managed to foce myself to finish it. it’s not like it’s a bad game, because it’s not, i just have this all-abiding deep hatred of Robert Kirkman and have a really hard time stumbling through anything he’s slid his slimy fingers all over.

(do not ask me why i hate the Walking Dead comics so much, your ears will bleed by the time i stop screeching.)

so, as neutrally as i can be: story that doesn’t overstay its welcome, Michonne is a Good Badass, and yes like all entries in the Walking Dead franchise they artificially hype up characters then kill them all in the name of manipulating emotions without putting the work in. with that last point especially it’s business as usual and a very good imitation of Kirkman’s lazy writing that I ljkasdflksdjflksdjfljsdfjskdjljf STOPPING NOW STOP STOP STOP.

i still have Season Two of Telltale’s TWD to get through at some point. i am going to bellow throughout the entire thing.


Imo, Michonne was the worst entry in the whole franchise, so you only go up from here, if it’s any consolation to you. I mean, this drawn-out cheesy finale, that nonsensical choice at the end (it doesn’t matter btw)… really?
So yeah, second season is much better.


nah i hated season one and found Lee and Clementine’s relationship to be the only redeeming feature, so i expect without Lee around i’m gonna hate season 2 just as much if not more. i really hate TWD comics and that hate carries over to the games– only reason i have them at all is because they came in a bundle with Wolf Among Us/Tales from the Borderlands and i didn’t know about SG yet so i redeemed them instead of giving them away.

and i sort of got why they did what they did with the ending for Michonne– the game is set in a prescribed gap in the comics, so they had to shoehorn in character growth for Michonne (in this case, re: the specters of her dead girls) but still leave her canonically whole enough to rejoin the comics timeline. yeah it wasn’t very compelling, but at least there was a reason for it.