Baron Khazadson

It’s been awhile since I updated this, but I have definitely been gaming. I completed Clockwork Tales:Of Glass and Ink (which was even an SG win) and The Last Door for last month’s theme and dipped a proverbial toe into E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. I’ve otherwise been playing a lot of Star Ruler 2, SOASE:Rebellion, along with Tabletop Simulator and Town of Salem with my usual group.The last couple of days, however, all my time’s been put into Rebel Galaxy. It’s as good as I’d hoped and my goal is to finish the main storyline by the end of the month. I also plan to play To Be or Not To Be and at least one other game for the monthly theme.


I haven’t play a single one of the games you’ve mention, but I think it’s a lot of progress and just want to comment because no one did and I hate when there are posts with 0 comments

Baron Khazadson

Thanks:) I suppose I don’t get replies because 1. I am not that active and don’t post much on other people’s blog updates anymore. 2. Most of the games mentioned are pretty niche titles and a lot of people probably haven’t played them. Except ToS,perhaps.


Yeah one friend told me about ToS still I haven’t really played it.

Baron Khazadson

I started playing with some friends via browser before I won it on SG. Browser version


Oh that’s awesome thanks for sharing that knowledge with me :)

Baron Khazadson

Apparently some people from BLAEO play but I’ve never been invited despite inviting others.¯_(ツ)_/¯