
Backlog Assassination : January 2020

Guess what. I played a lot of games this month, not those I was expected to play, but it doesn’t matter. As usual, the goal is to have fun and I had a lot of fun. I may be annoying repeating that all the time, but if playing becomes a chore, then it’s not a game anymore. Always remember that.
January has been “one of those month”, aka “everybody renovates their apartments” which also meant for me to have little time for sleeping (do you like the sweet noise of someone planting nails in your wall at 7:30AM ?) and lot of time for listening my neighbor playing French Horn as since the renovation of his apartment, I can hear him like I’m sitting next to him every time he plays. Which means 3 hours per day, from 2PM to 5PM at minimum, 5 days a week. I’m at the point I know his routine like I’m playing it myself and worry that he won’t even progress. Maybe I should buy him some music books to diversify his repertoire a little.


Let’s speak of games instead of gammes (hehe, pun *cough), even if those can be played together (hehe, pun again *cough), which could be a nice Monday topic.

9% completed
1% beaten
3% unfinished
86% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination

I’m glad I never feel bad for not doing what I’m supposed to do or I would definitely feel down LOL !

Bonus Assassination

ABC Challenge Progression

12% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
73% never played

Best Of This Month

I bought more games during the Lunar New Year event and had a lot of fun playing classic HOG, it was really relaxing.

I played a lot of games this month, not those I was expected to play, but it doesn’t matter. As usual, the goal is to have fun and I had a lot of fun. I may be annoying repeating that all the time, but if playing becomes a chore, then it’s not a game anymore. Always remember that.

I have a small favor, if you don’t mind. Since mid January, my best friend is suffering from an affection touching her right ear. Monday she will return to the hospital to have a surgery, the probability for her to definitely lose her hearing on that ear is really high so if you could send positive energy, burn a candle, have a little thought, a little prayer, anything you see fit for her well-being, I would be really thankful.


now thats the kinda thing I can do. My friend would always ask me to pray for her whenever she went to london since it was always around the times off mass shootings and stuff, she knew that it was something i never do but i always did it for her


Thank you Cece, you’re such a blessing i_i !