
Monthly Update #22: February 2021

Uuuuuuuuuh it's been a month already?? 0.o'

I've now moved in. Another busy month this month.
So last update I said how I was going to paint the place. Jobs now done are:
• Painted the place
• Furniture moved in (and me haha)
• 6(?) flatpacks done
• Built in Wardrobe now set up with a new storage system -aka flatpack MALM's and some flexi storage rails so I can add/remove shelves/baskets etc as needed
• Laundry storage done with flexi storage as well
• Trips to IKEA and Bunnings..uhh 10+ by now?
• Bought a heap of plants and potted them
• Cleaned and painted the grout in the bathroom
• Changed lights and vent in bathroom and attached flatpack cabinets I made in the bathroom...
• Several days of sofa shopping. (Still no success).
• Had a guy come over to quote drainage for the air conditioner.......

So havent had much time game wise this month. I did buy Valheim and play that with friends as it was the only time I'd play otherwise haha

I'm not even bothering with the stats this month haha


I've also played a tiny bit of Beat Saber and Pistol Whip on my Quest. First time to check it's still worked it's been awhile, and to see if my living space is big enough. Last night i played to get a bit of exercise in after feeling like I haven't done much fitness haha



I bought EA Play at the really cheap price of $1.39 AUD to play Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.. I doubt I'll finish the game at this rate haha
  • EA Play
  • Valheim
  • Humble Bundle

  • Boomerang Fu
  • Train Station Renovation
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Heart of the Forest
  • Valkyria Chronicles 4 Complete Edition
  • The Wild Eight
  • Iris and the giant
  • Moving Out
  • Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince
  • Outward


Congrats on the flat stuff!
I need more plants! D:
But I want plants that are cat friendly. So yeah, first gotta check that out, than find a place to get them… thinking

Enjoy Valheim :D


Yeah I’ve only really noticed how many plants are toxic to animals when I’ve been researching them this month for ones that are hard to kill haha.
(I bet half die within a month)

Valheim was fun :) pretty much another building simulator for me while friends explored


Oh. Well, that’s also a nice reason xD
Since I had a cat who would kill plants, the lifespan was ultimately reduced… by a lot!
I kinda need plants which I can easily get to blooming. I hate when they just refuse to have flowers but I’m too stupid to get them to have any. So they frustrate me. And yeah. The cat killing thing - not sure who kills who first. Never mind, my cats are still alive laughs

Ah, I guess take what ever works best for you :3