
Finished in August (1, 2, 3)

  • Year Walk

    2 hours playtime

    3 of 10 achievements

Year Walk


Monthly theme

This is a game ported from mobile, but it’s a good port. Some of the riddles were even redesign to match with PC controller. Ok, so what it is? An adventure game with a lot of influences from scandinavian foklore. It’s the end of a year, you are going through a ritual to see a future. While doing this you will meet some creatures from folklore, like souls of dead children and ghost of a river horse. The gameplay is nice, the mood is set beautifully and I would love it, if there weren’t those freaking jumpscares. Really. The game is scaring you in the most primitive way, and I hate it. Everything else is so well made, that it’s a real shame,that I couldn’t enjoy playing in the way I should.

  • One Finger Death Punch 2

    26 hours playtime

    51 of 63 achievements

One Finger Death Punch 2


I loved the first part and this one is also very good. It’s a basic entertainment - you have two buttons, enemies are coming from left and right. Mash those buttons to kill everyone. But the speed, animations, sound, everything is so well done that it is a pure fun to play. I finished a main campaign, there are still some little things to do, but I had enough. Still - highly recomended.

  • Marlow Briggs

    9 hours playtime

    24 of 29 achievements

Marlow Briggs


Monthly theme

This game is stupid. And it knows it. And it’s proud of it. It is gaming counterpart of cheap action movies - Jean Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal style. Gameplay side - it’s a part brawler, part platformer. Plot? Who cares. The bad guy killed you, but he really didn’t and he kidnapped your girlfriend. Add to this a bit of Mayan/Aztec curses, a magical artefact to concur the world, tons of one liners and A LOT of explosions - you know all of this style. But I must admit. It is fun. Just pure mindless fun. Te battles are smooth, platforming is enjoyable, little riddles (Tomb Raider style) are simple, but nice. It is just a nice little stupid game. And I enjoyed it.


A Year Walk has a lot of jumpscares? :o From other reviews I thought it doesn’t. I’m so bad with jumpscares. >< Maybe I should reconsider putting the game out of won’t play category……


Well… A lot - 3 or 4, but you can beat this game in an hour so it’s jumpscare every 15 minutes. And I’m scaredy cat, so they were hard for me.


Oh noes, I’m also a scaredy cat. D: I guess I’ll avoid it for now. :o