Arbiter Libera

I can't help thinking this is a kind of low effort Report when I should be dedicating them to a single, proper review. Beyond tackling three free games that you yourself can play right now and finish in under an hour each, I also binged on some anime by checking out a much acclaimed show I never got around. You could say it's “Isekai done right” from before the entire genre departed into distilled mediocrity. Kept it short this time around, though.

The Twelve Kingdoms ( Fantasy – 2002 – 45 episodes ) + TRAILER

I'll spare you the usual wall of text, but holy crap did watching The Twelve Kingdoms again make me realize just how much anime has changed.

Slowly watching over the course of two months may have added to it somewhat. I especially liked how it focuses on introspection and self-reflection with problems getting solved as, surprise surprise, characters actually change and act upon that despite difficult situations at first glance. Cynical part of me kept imagining just how differently Youko's entire journey would be handled in a modern show. She'd probably ass pull some magical power to demolish the entire established order of things because it would be a simplistic "correct thing to do" or something. Effect itself isn't necessarily solely the result of having 45 episodes and focusing primarily on the protagonist, either. Hell, The Twelve Kingdoms even pulls off three parallel stories in its longest arc with two brand new characters who still end up undergoing their own meaningful developments.

If there's a flaw to the show it's the way it sometimes can't decide whether it wants to be about Youko's ascent to position of Queen and status thereof in this fantasy world heavily based on East Asian aesthetics with accompanying celestial bureaucracy to go along where the Heavens seemingly choose rulers of the eponymous kingdoms through their own agents OR have her be shoehorned into entire arcs and act merely as the common element while we're told tangential backstories. If not for setting building value one could almost argue two arcs could've been excised entirely let alone the unnecessary recaps. It is amusing that few standalone episodes were my favorites because they kinda cover what happens between big story arcs. Sadly, I can't comment whether anime is faithful to original novels or not, and you can also say it may be too long for its own good, bur journey here is a lot more important than the final destination you can tell will be reached. I wanted to see a lot more because the show ends just as Youko comes into her own... and is then followed up by recollections of a supporting character.


I’ve got to say that I haven’t heard of either of those games. Metamorphos looks pretty decent for a student project though. Impressive. Also it seems to try bringing some variety in the settings, not the same old same old orcs and elves. To Hell With It’s premise sounds funny…well it’s not that far out, my smart phone may not suck in cats but it definitely sucks in a lot of time if you’re not careful :D

I don’t watch anime, so I can’t comment on the show. Sounds interesting though!

Arbiter Libera

I stumbled upon them via exploration queue. Probably one of the few times that thing’s been helpful. To Hell With it was probably my most pleasant discovery and if animations were a bit tightened it would be even better.