
February - Yawwn… It’s March Already!?
I’ve been insanely busy and so I wasn’t actually able to get much done gaming wise. Any free time I do get is often used sleeping. As a partial disclaimer, due to my late post a lot of the hours played is from this month, and only really just barely got a chance to beat them last month. Oh well, on to the report.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

43.0 hours, 38 of 50 achievements

Overall it's your typical Dragon Ball fighting game (3D flying, with huge roster). A fighting game with an rpg element where you create, play, and level up your own character as the star of this semi original story. You'll essentially be going through the key plot points of the Dragon Ball Z history with a new dark twist and new enemies waiting in the shadows. You'l unlock more abilities as you play, and more characters to unlock. The two big draw backs of this game is that embraces the worse part of the rpg element is a potential need to grind (particularly if you want to get all achievements), and the fact that the game is essentially dead in the multiplayer department. Otherwise the gameplay is fun enough and tends to scale up in difficulty later game.

Resident Evil 0 HD Remaster

33.7 hours, 46 of 47 achievements

In excitement for the new remake of the Resident Evil series I decided to replay the earlier entries that I had played over and over again. Resident Evil 0 gets a lot of flack, which is understandable as it is does have its share of flaws and is considered the worst entry in the series. Although most of this is true, I'd still say that it is a good game in a series of fantastic games so it is pales in comparison, but not so much to totally throw it out. Unlike the previous entries you play two characters relatively at the same time as you discover the origin of the dreaded T-virus. Due to its smaller inventory, and lack of magical item box it can be quite frustrating to play the first time around. However, after your first playthrough this game really begins to shine with it's various extra modes and experience gained as a player. If you enjoy the earlier games in the series definitely check it out. I myself look forward to getting to the next entry and finally getting to Resident Evil 2 remake.

*Non-Steam Games

Kingdom Hearts 3 Long awaited I have for this game and overall it did not disappoint. Though it could be pretty demanding from its player as it covers information from all its entries as part of the story, and honestly I loved it as the lore is my more favorite part of the series. The combat was enjoyable and satisfying, following a similar aspect to the second game, however there were a lot of mechanics add that if used made the game far easier than I would have liked. This game was largely a Disney experience much more than the mix of Final Fantasy and Disney that one might be used to. Kind of like a giant Disney ad which could be annoying, and the main story doesn’t actually get rolling til the final segments of the game. There were a lot of missed opportunities and I would have liked to see more action and opportunity from the other characters. Still, a lot of the worlds held a lot of fun and much more massive than previous entries and the gummi ship sections have been the best they ever have. Particularly some scenes were particuarly well executed and could get a critical hit in the feels department.
Overall I would give this game a 7.5 and hope they continue to update the game to have more content as they did with the battle gates (optional battles).
I apologize if my review is all over the place, the series means a lot to me and it’s hard to create an efficient review of such a thing.

I really wish I had more time to play more and continue my newer hobbies, but until I can reach my next milestone my time is a prisoner. On other news I had been working on a costume last month and despite the various obstacles and set backs I ran into it actually turned out pretty great. It was a pretty simple one though, but I am already looking towards my next project that will be pretty demanding. Unfortunately I lack the time, resources, and skills peers nervously at the sewing machine at the time, but I’m hoping that in a few months I retain this motivation and excitement to initiate said project. Hmm… looks like it’s time to sleep again yawwwn Thanks for reading, as per usual you all are great. ^_^


Finally someone after one week after the release who doesn’t call KH3 the worst game ever. It’s true that there are a lot of missing opportunities and I hated some worlds (Arendelle…<_<) but overall it was still pretty fun. A lot of people complain about the small amount of worlds and I bet they’d even complain if it would have more as the story progresses only at the end. Oh wait, they already do that too…
I’m glad you enjoyed your time with it!


Yeah, the amount of hate on this game started to get a little frustrating. Arendelle most definitely was the worst world, but Pirate world balanced it pretty well (in my opinion). Glad you were able to enjoy the game as well and thanks for the reply. ^_^