Noob with zero free time noakubrick’s profile

‘Sup, just some random person trying to finish games for once, and not just beating a game each century.

LOG #3

Hello, people. Almost two weeks since I post here. The reason is that is the Carnivals where I live, so I didn’t have that much time to play. Anyway, today I have time, so I might as well update.

  • Okhlos

    16 hours playtime

    14 of 38 achievements

  • Pony Island
    Pony Island

    3 hours playtime

    13 of 20 achievements

  • Thirty Flights of Loving
    Thirty Flights of Loving

    43 minutes playtime

    no achievements

This week I’ll mark Okhlos as finished, I’m unable to beat it in normal mode (far too many crashes and frezees), so Pacifist Run and Heracles Run should do, at least the pacifist run covers the main “story”. A shame I couldn’t do more, it’s a great game. Anyway, here you have a screenshot of me on the credits scene of the Pacifist Run. Good times, when the game didn’t chash that much. (Crappy)review time for the other two!

  • Pony Island: Really great meta game. It totally deserves all the praise it got, it may get a little repetitive. But it’s worth just because the story and the meta tricks it puts are impressive. Can’t say much more without spoiling! Just go and play it. (Not SteamGifts win)

  • Thirty Flights of Loving: This was an experience. A really cool one that must be seen if you have the time. It has two parts and I enjoyed the first one more than the second, but both are wild as hell.

Next thing… THIS!

  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

    4 hours playtime

    0 of 27 achievements

  • Ys Origin
    Ys Origin

    12 hours playtime

    5 of 46 achievements

I’ll continue with The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, I’m reaching the part where my PSP playthrough ended, so I’m really excited to continue with the game. And why do I include Ys Origin if I already beat it? Because, I got a challenge on SteamGifts and I must beat the game again, but now with another character. Yay! Perfect occasion to replay this masterpiece.

I think I’ll try to maintain this updated every two weeks, since I don’t think I’ll beat those two games in a week (maybe Ys, but that’s not enough to deserve an update). Or each week if that week was eventful enough (if I win something else on SteamGifts or if I feel like playing my extense not SteamGifts wins backlog and I beat something). Well, with all that said, happy gaming to all of you!!

LOG #2

HI! This is my second week on my crusade to beat my Steamgifts wins. How has it been? Marvelous. I’ve beaten not one, not two, but three games (well, being honest here, I don’t even know if one can be count as “beaten”), here they are:

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
    Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

    29 hours playtime

    18 of 39 achievements

  • Ys Origin
    Ys Origin

    12 hours playtime

    5 of 46 achievements

  • Okhlos

    6 hours playtime

    9 of 38 achievements

And now is (crappy)reviews time!

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director’s Cut: Do I love this game? Yes. How much? A lot. Really. This was my first approach to the Dragonfall franchise and I enjoyed every hour expended here. It was difficult as fuck in normal difficulty, and I fucked it up a few times, but whatever. The story is great, very mature, and their characters are no less. The roleplaying aspect is very well done and the missions have a few different paths to take according on how you play, which is a nice touch, but there aren’t any branching paths until the end. Oh, and I would advice going decker.

  • Ys Origin: What can I say? I didn’t found a single mistake on this masterpiece, well, maybe that the story is a little bit plain, but it’s understandable since this is just one game in a major saga. I beat Yunica’s story (I plan to do the other two stories I have left) and I just had such a great time with it. The bosses were great, the villains too and moving throught the tower was a pleasure. I highly recommed the game. I hope I can win the other Ys’ to play them all!

  • Okhlos: Do you like roguelikes? PLAY OKHLOS! You don’t? PLAY IT ANYWAY. It’s fun, challenging, the humour is very nice and it’s just… awesome! I’m not a great fan of roguelikes, but this just conquered my heart. The only bad thing is that my computer seems to have problems with it and it crashes a lot, so be careful if you have a shitty laptop like me.*

*I don’t know how to mark this… I’ve beaten it twice in different modes, but I feel I can’t mark it as “beaten”, being a roguelike and all that. Anyway, I’ll keep playing this, because I still have a lot of things to unlock and bosses to beat.

Well, what’s next? This:

  • Okhlos

    6 hours playtime

    9 of 38 achievements

  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
    The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 27 achievements

I’ll keep playing Okhlos and this new and flashy game I won yesterday, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky another JRPG from the creators of Ys. Actually, I played it a long time ago on PSP, but my poor PSP died before I could finish the game, I didn’t have the time to play it much, though.

But, let’s see what have to say about the game:


Why?? I’m sure I won’t have time to finish the game this month, but I’ll keep playing it and maybe someday I will finish it.

Just before I left, a curiosity: I have less wins on Steamgifts than here. The missing game is King Arthur’s Gold. Apparently the reason is this:


Way to be a dick, creator… That’s all, happy gaming to all of you!!

PD: I need to learn how to do better posts…


Well, it’s been a week (more or less) since I started on BLAEO and I “announced” how I was going to beat my Steamgifts backlog this month. It went surprisingly well, I’m a bit lazy with all this, but I did my best and beat 3 out of 5 (later 6) steamgifts wins. One wasn’t specially large, but the others were longer (not The Witcher 3 tier, but still…).

So my Steamgifts assasinated list is like this now:

  • Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
    Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

    10 hours playtime

    21 of 44 achievements

  • Sinless

    2 hours playtime

    27 of 31 achievements

  • BattleBlock Theater
    BattleBlock Theater

    9 hours playtime

    14 of 30 achievements

  • Broken Age
    Broken Age

    10 hours playtime

    34 of 45 achievements

I don’t care about achievements, so unless I play them again that’s how they are going to stay, with the exception to this being Battleblock Theater, because I still have levels to play outside the story mode (and the story on coop mode), but I’m going to give the game a breath for now.

I think a (crappy)review of them is in order, in case some of the people who read this might want to give them a try:

  • Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse: (This was beaten last month, but still) I started this game really excited, because I’ve read pretty good things about the saga and I wasn’t dissapointed, I even got more than I expected, It wasn’t too challenging (untill the last part, fuck that part, it was absurb). And, yes, there were a few really boring backtracking parts, but overall I can say that I recommend the game if the genre is to your liking.

  • Sinless: At first is cool, then it gets better, then a little bit silly and then it ends abruptly with a ‘TO BE CONTINUED’ in your face. And no news about the second part… I can’t recommed it, but go for it if you want to know more about a great but unfinished cyberpunk world.

  • Battleblock Theater: Holy fucking shit this game. Is all you could ask to a platformer and more. It has a ton of levels (In the game and in the workshop), lots of humor and a story engaging enough to be enjoyable even if that’s not the game’s focus. And that ending, man, that amazing ending. Really recommended, I assume it’s better playing it with friends, but you can play it withouth them too, and you only lost a few achievements.

  • Broken Age: This game is very special to me because it was my first game won on Steamgifts. The thing is… I won this for my gf (on my Family Sharing), she beated the game and pushed me to finish it too, but I didn’t have the time back then. But now it’s over, I beated the game and I can say that I don’t regret it, the characters are fine, the story is fun, and the puzzles are… most of them a pain because they make no sense, let’s be honest, but that’s more on the last part of the game (that wire puzzle will haunt me in my dreams, I just know it). I didn’t enjoyed it as much as other Tim Schafer’s games, but it wasn’t a waste of my time and I had a great time with it.

Okay, with those finished the backlog now is the following one:

  • Pony Island
    Pony Island

    3 hours playtime

    11 of 20 achievements

  • Oniken

    62 minutes playtime

    5 of 32 achievements

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
    Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

    12 hours playtime

    6 of 39 achievements

  • Ys Origin
    Ys Origin

    1 minute playtime

    0 of 46 achievements

The first one, Pony Island is a game i didn’t won on Steamgifts, but I decided to include it on my February ‘to do’ list, because it’s almost finished anyway. I’m thinking on pausing Shadowrun: Dragonfall for a bit, don’t get me wrong, I’m having a blast with the game, but I think I need a break. Its spot will be covered with YS Origin an RPG from a saga I’ve always wanted to try, but never had the time to do so, I’m very glad I won it. And Oniken… my nemesis, I’m going to defeat you even if it’s the last thing I do!

That’s all from me this week, happy gaming to all of you!

Here comes a new challenger

Sooo, I just won this amazing old school cyberpunk game and, given the fact that is not that long, I’m going to include it in my february ‘to do’ list.

  • Sinless

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 31 achievements

The other games I planned to beat this month are going nicely, Shadowrun: Dragonfall might take more that I initially planned, and Oniken is being a pain in the ass because of the difficulty, which I expected, but not that much, but I’ll be damned if I’m not enjoying it (and I’m only on phase two…)

I wanna beat my backlog

This month, and after beating Shantae and the Pirate’s curse (great game, better than I expected), I’ve commited myself to beat my other Steamgifts wins. I’ll start with the ones below:

  • Broken Age
    Broken Age

    2 hours playtime

    1 of 45 achievements

  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
    Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

    10 hours playtime

    6 of 39 achievements

  • BattleBlock Theater
    BattleBlock Theater

    3 hours playtime

    6 of 30 achievements

  • Oniken

    43 minutes playtime

    5 of 32 achievements

I’ve already started most of them last January, but I didn’t have the time to finish them. Broken age is the exception, because I started it a long time ago, but never went to far in it, no only that, but also that game is very special to me because is my the first game I won on Steamgifts. This is gonna be a great month!!!