
Ninglors Log 126

06.08.19 – 12.08.19

August Progress:

Completed Games:
80 Days
Deus Ex: GOTYE – not gonna happen

Won/Gifted Games:

Bought Games:
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma

Played this week:
Motion sickness inc :(

80 Days

45 hours, 35 of 35 achievements


What a journey! Well quite "literally". Around the World! In 80 days - or less. And sometimes even more, but we shall not dwell on that too long. At this point I can't even say how many times I did travel all around the world, but… it's been a lot! And since some Achievements exclude each other… well, even a few more restarts without going to the end, bc why would I, right? Oh, unless I need different items on the market or different prizes. Bc both change every time you play the game. No, not quite. It doesn't change if you only restart. You have to reach London - doesn't rly matter if you make it in time or if not. You just have to get there. So once that is done, you get different things to work with. Honestly? Buying wine in Paris and getting the most out of it in Vienna, was always the best thing for me. Everything else at the start wasn't that much in my favour, but whatever.
Funnily enough I had trouble killing Monsieur Fogg off. I had him a couple of times on 0 health, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's dead. Sometimes you're just stuck with him being on 0 until you give in and get him a doctor. In the end I made him freeze to death, there was no other way - sry, Monsieur Fogg, I would have rather given you a death somewhere warm and pretty.
I never managed to see all places - sad truth. But I've seen a lot. I also learned, that while one might travel the whole world, one doesn't automatically see everything. And least of all a closer look. We had a tight schedule, no idling around! Still one can fall in love in a couple of days and get to be with that love in the end. Which is pretty. I didn't figure out how to make Monsieur Fogg fall in love with Passepartout though. Shame.
By the end I… was… maybe a little annoyed by the game. It might have taken me forever to figure out the rext speed is adjustable. Sadly the time not. Well not rly. You can speed things up in a town, but while traveling… not so much.
Recommendation: Yes, also you can totally finish this in…. a couple of hours? Not much rly, can't say how much exactly though.

Since this was last minute I had not enough time for a review on my Deus Ex GOTYE problems. In case you want one, tell me and I’ll add it to next weeks update :]

Cat Story ahead!
Nope, sry

So much from me :)
Have a lovely week!
Queen Ninglor


I don’t want to force you into it, but I would like to read about your issues with Deus Ex. I am curious as I didn’t had any problems… yet. ;)


I would be interested as well. I ended up loving it, even after playing Human Revolution.


I played HR too. It was the first one for me with the Deus Ex series - shame on me. I know! But just like with Hitman and Thief I started with newer ones and tried to go to the start ever since. See how that worked out so far: Hitman I already failed at the tut and Deus Ex… yeah, well… next week more on that one :D


That’s great to hear! :D
Human revolution was really great! I still have to do one or two runs to open some achievements. ;)


It shall be! \o/
Maybe I gave up too easy. Dunno. I’m not that patient. Even more so if the game is old. Which doesn’t mean it has to be bad - sometimes they are just brilliant! - but… I hate the clunky old graphics hide


Vox populi have spoken. XD
Oh that’s a shame, because I really find this game to be brilliant! XD What? Blasphemy! It’s adorable. :P No, really. I can understand that, I just have weak spot for these games. I played them long time ago, so they are deeply inside my heart. ;) Hmmm, and what about the Thief series? You make me curious!


Ahahahahaha, I confess: I only own one Thief game. I might have thought about getting the others, but I never did, so I don’t even feel too guilty about them xD


If graphics are pushing you away then I would suggest looking into Deus Ex: Revision.


Cheevos included! O.O
I might… think about that :]
Thanks for pointing it out :)