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February 2020 update

Overall backlog progress :
27% completed
55% beaten
1% unfinished
2% never played
15% won't play

Side note

I moved few games from won’t-play to beaten with “played enough to count beaten” tag. It irked me the wrong way to have them in won’t-play category, when I spend 37h in FF XII and could not beat last boss.

I went home for some time, and I managed to fit my flight between “huge storms that prevents people to travel” and “coronavirus is spreading and that prevents people to travel”.

Also not only SSD and RAM prices started to go up because of the new console production, but also because coronavirus halted production of many components in China… So I did right thing by ordering PC at the beginning of February.

(Did you know that in USA 80% of active drug ingredients comes from aboard, mostly China and India? Without China export, USA would not be able to make any antibiotics or blood pressure drugs.)


Damn, sounds like there are quite a few things that Pillars of Eternity could’ve done better. I have it in my backlog, but it’s one of the games I hesitate to start because of the big time investment (on the other hand, I’m already about 30 hours into Factorio and it felt much shorter…). I do like cRPGs, but I’ll keep the things you mentioned in mind.

I like the bars on the side of the reviews: “Activated: xxx” and “Beaten after: xxx”. That’s an interesting piece of info you don’t see everyday. I’ll have to look that up for some of my games as well. I know that there are sometimes several years between activating and playing games :D


I like the bars on the side of the reviews: “Activated: xxx” and “Beaten after: xxx”.

I knew I forgot about something. My main point to add those was Pillars of Eternity. I won it on SG (and forgot to add tag into post :P) and wanted to beat it as it’s SG win. But I couldn’t, I bounced off every time I started it. Till now.

And looks like I’m not the only one that points to the combat micromanagement problem and endurance / health problem:

Another problem (not listed above) is that UI doesn’t have many customization options. Sure, you can turn off everything to make game more cinematic-like, or temporary hide “Mskotor dealt x damage to Troll” box. But it re-appears constantly which is annoying.

But it’s not possible to change how health bars shown above character heads work:

  • party health (or more like endurance…) bars are always visible, even when they are also visible on the character portrait. Which only clutters whole view. We have 6 party members + possible pets or summons. So it gets really messy, and it’s not possible to turn it off
  • on the other hand enemy endurance bars are always hidden, and it’s not possible to turn them on by default. You need to click or hover over certain enemy to see how close to death it is. It does not even lock on the enemy you’re currently attacking, to show it above their head when you do something else (like pick character to make them use ability). If you un-clilck enemy to order character to do something - you don’t see enemy health anymore

So how I played? I was ordering party to attack something, wait for it to explode (only reliable way to know it’s dead, and not only knocked off), and switch to another target.


That does sound a bit tedious and annoying…I like it when you can customize the UI at least to a certain degree…I’ll keep it in mind should I try the game in the next months (but I’m not so inclined to do that right now anymore). Do you already have a next game you’re working on?


Things that can be changed from menu:

  • hide offscreen pointers (show where team members are in relation to where you look on the map)
  • colorblind mode
  • solid HUD color
  • big heads (ugh)
  • actions icons on portraits (without this one you will not see what actions characters perform in battle)
  • hide selection circles (hides green circle on the ground in free roam mode)
  • show party endurance as numbers

Apart from that you can turn off whole UI, with exception for character portraits. And that’s all. You can hide menu buttons / action history box etc, but it resets constantly.

I play Prey now :D And it’s niceee. I do see some flaws here and there, but it’s nothing mayor. Also UI in Prey is pretty much fully customizable (even when it’s FPS…). Not to mention modding scene for Prey is alive and well, so you can customize it even further. When PoE is dead here, and all I could find is “better texture for character model”. There is UI mod, but “it’s supposed to bring back old Infinity Engine look”. And it’s kinda messy

Arbiter Libera

Beaten after: 30 months

Thanks for reminding me I have a character created in 2017 and I still haven’t gotten around to finishing Pillars of Eternity.


You’re welcome! Hope you will beat the game soon, to not get closer to “Beaten after 40 months” mark :D

Arbiter Libera

I just find myself burned out on long RPGs, Maybe it has something to do with isometric because i had no problems with action RPGs. Should give it a spin.