
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 29 seconds. Contains 498 words.

Still no internet at home. That means, more DRM-free exploring! :)

Made some more progress in Spelunky, reached that point where you go WHAAAT!?
I believe you know which one if you’ve played it, I’m telling you behind the following spoiler in case you don’t and are curious: <spoiler> at the end of every world ( = beginning of the next one) you meet the tunnel man which unlocks shortcuts for you to be able to directly reach the new world, skipping the old one(s). That comes with a price, obviously. At first I thought that the “quick retry” option was preventing the game from saving my progress, until I realized instead that he has more than a single request before completing each shortcut. Well, between worlds 3 and 4, he eventually asks you for a key that can only be found in the first world! This means that you have to carry it through the levels until you meet him again. And that is a problem because you carry only one object at time! </spoiler>
Well, this made me check for some info about the game, because I was hoping I hadn’t correctly understood what to do.. silly me!
But this gave me some more general knowledge/understanding of the game and, of course, made me realize I won’t be ever beating the game XD (I should really try playing with a controller before giving up though)

Let's go hunt for some internet

Beaten Pony Island, which was given for free by Humble Bundle not long ago, so I assume most of you own it by now.
I went into knowing basically nothing about it, and I won’t be telling you anything either. Just dive into it and experience it to the fullest; no point in reading guides and such, trust me, you’ll only be ruining your experience.
For the record, managed to grab only 10/24 tickets.. but, hey! there isn’t any achievement that can prove that! =P

Tried some more games from the Humble Trove; there are some nice titles in it, if you’re a monthly subscriber :)
This time I played Oh, Deer! and Keyboard Sports.
The first reminded me of 80s-90s a lot, but I didn’t reach the end (yet).
The latter is nicely made! As the title may suggest, you play with the whole keyboard :D Had a small problem with this because my laptop comes with some custom keys and doesn’t perfectly reflect the in-game layout, but that’s just a minor annoyance. Had my share of fun and, when reached the end, I realized I still was in the tutorial! Don’t know if there’s a story mode in the actual game too or only an arena mode, made a couple of matches and closed it without checking what the game has to offer. btw, there’s a Keyboard Sports coming to Steam; some scenes are likethe ones I’ve played.. perhaps they’re going to release an expanded version of it.. let’s wait and see :)

Blue Ϟ Lightning

do you have any plans of going back for the true ending in pony island? getting all the tickets etc

also spelunky was great-used to play it back in grade school on the school computers.
we had a usb with that and the binding of issac and would play at lunch.


oh, didn’t know that! I might be.. hoping it won’t take too much time =P

I guess with friends it’s even more fun :) or easier to beat, at least =P

Blue Ϟ Lightning

It’s not ground breaking I don’t think but it does add a bunch to the story…so If you have the time I’d recomend doing it. There’s a boss battle and a few new areas as well as the ending that actually makes sense.
Not sure how long it would take there’s a chapter select after you beat it the first time and stuff but you are probably missing them all throughout it.
Not saying you have to I just enjoyed this game alot more than I though I would.
It was very meta-like
remember at on point asmodus pretends to be someone on your steam list and it was archi for me and heh.


Oh, nice move! XD I’ve played the DRM-free version so he didn’t have access to my friendlist (Steam wasn’t even running) managed to distract me nonetheless =P