malabagaa’s profile
Hi everyone!
My name's Davide (1985-?), native of that beautiful island called Sardegna.
I like to draw, write, play/listen to music and a lot of other things (just ask and you'll be answered). And, of course, videogames =P
I'm here because I'm casually trying to beat my backlog.
Other places you may find me:
Feel free to add me
Don't mind these symbols, they're here for my convenience as they're not available on my keyboard ` ~ — ¬
How I plan to do it
I've spent some time sorting my library to have a draft to follow when I have to choose a new game.Points → | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Age (# in library) 1 | 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 |
Acquisition | Money | Giveaways/Gifts | (Tremor)Coins | ||
Howlongtobeat 2 | <2h | <3h | <4h | <5h | <7h |
Status | Playing | Paused | Backlog | Beaten | Neverending |
Wishlist | Wishlisted | Removed from wishlist | Almost wishlisted | ||
Hype 3 | WOOHOO!! | Amazing | Look promising | Interesting |
Even so, I'm giving high priority to short/easier/less time consuming titles, as I'm only one exam away (plus the final thesis) from finally graduating. So, RPGs and such are on halt until then.
- Monthly themes look a nice idea to me, help in the mission and strenghten bonds in the community, so I'll try to join whenever I can. You should be able to see the current month's list on the right with all my potential plays.
- When I'm not I'll probably be trying to beat one of these games.
- I also play those neverending titles in between.
- Games started before I joined BLAEO have a bit of high priority over the backlog because I've them already installed. 4
- Lastly, there are games I've already beaten but seem 100%-able to me, which I'll try to do someday.
( #tot_games - #game_position ) ÷ 100
. Keeping the row in the table for reference.↩2. Based on howlongtobeat times. Thinking about changing the range to 2,4,6,8,10 hours. I'm also thinking about give negative points to too long games, to lower their priority and beat short ones first. (Update: atm I'm using
10/h ∀ h<20
and -h/20 ∀ h≥20
)↩3. This is not mandatory, more like a bonus to send games in a higher position. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯↩
4. List removed once I realized it was an almost overlapping subset of
Fictitious achievement:
2024-05-17 : [Steam] Reached level 50...
2018-02-27 : [BLAEO] 100 games finished
2018-02-04 : [Steam] Reached level 37
2017-12-13 : 3500 total achievements unlocked
2017-08-21 : 50 Perfect games
2017-08-21 : [BLAEO] 75 games beaten
2017-08-01 : 3000 total achievements unlocked
2017-06-29 : [Steam] Reached level 34
2017-06-05 : 25 monthly-theme games beaten
2017-05-24 : 2500 total achievements unlocked
2017-04-14 : [BLAEO] 50 games beaten
2017-02-16 : 25 steamgifts-win beaten
2017-03-15 : 1000 games owned
2017-02-02 : 50% Avg. Game Completion Rate
2017-02-02 : 100 total games beaten
2017-01-01 : 2000 total achievements unlocked
2016-10-09 : [BLAEO] 25 games beaten
2016-07-17 : 10 monthly-theme games beaten
2016-07-14 : 10 steamgifts-win beaten
2016-07-03 : [BLAEO] 10 games beaten
2016-06-02 : 1st monthly-theme game beaten
2016-05-29 : [BLAEO] 1st completed game
2016-05-27 : Joined BLAEO (thread request and first post)
Handy quick links
- Neverending story, The
Trying to make a story about this whole backlog-slaying thing. [Last update: 2016-08-29 — Ouch! I'll update it soon!] - Bestiarium
Description of all type of backlog-monsters that exist. Coming soon - Monthly log breakdown
Accurate log of every month's games status and some stats.
Warning (if you have limited monthly data transfer): Contains a lot of images! - Assassination list
Images-free alphanumeric list of all the games beaten since I've joined. Click game to go to relative post. - The Club of 100
Sortable table of all the 100%-ed games so far. IncludesWhen
. - Valorous enemies' graveyard
Games beaten before BLAEO which is nice to keep a memory of. Mild warning about images to load. - Full achievements earned list
Pretty self-explanatory. Hover image to get game & name. Useless yet eye-catching. Contains a lot of images! - Badges
Steam badges earned so far. All together, not in multiple pages like Steam does. Mild warning about images to load. - W.I.P.
Sneak peek at my upcoming posts
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 53 seconds. Contains 179 words
Last post over 3 years ago 🙈
I’ll be honest: growing up doesn’t get well with gaming.. why whole months pass and I can’t even manage to play once.. it sucks.
I keep thinking «I’d really like to play now», «perhaps tonight I could be able to play a little» and such.. but most of times it just ends with me going to bed disappointed :\
I still read from time to time what you write, as it’s always interesting, but I’m not as regular as before; and, of course, I do not have enough time to read it all (otherwise I would be playing) =P
I’ve also started playing games outside Steam, that’s why it seems I’ve been playing even less than how it really is. (not much more tho)
Anyway, in my last post I mentioned how I had reached 4500 achievements (yes, that was in 2019).. and today I’m telling you I’ve just obtained the 5000th! 🥳
It’s called You Have a Great and it’s from Muse Dash. Have a look at it:
Not much, but it’s honest work — some would say.
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 44 seconds. Contains 349 words. Take your time looking at those graphs =P
Farewell, 2019
Hoping 2020 will hold a lot more of gaming-time. :fingerscrossed:
Yes, 2019 hasn’t been a good gaming year for me. Spent most of the time playing a stupid game called adulthood.. doesn’t even drop cards :v
Anyway, managed to score a measly 11, less than a game per month ^^;
The plus side of this is that the list is pretty short =P
AER Memories of Old
6 hours playtime
20 of 20 achievements
Bad Rats
9 hours playtime
13 of 13 achievements
Cross of the Dutchman
7 hours playtime
31 of 31 achievements
Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk
6 hours playtime
11 of 11 achievements
Forward to the Sky
4 hours playtime
12 of 12 achievements
Rise of the Tomb Raider
46 hours playtime
40 of 143 achievements
Runestone Keeper
37 hours playtime
46 of 80 achievements
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™
24 hours playtime
38 of 50 achievements
The Banner Saga
19 hours playtime
30 of 39 achievements
The Chambers
2 hours playtime
5 of 6 achievements
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
5 hours playtime
no achievements
If we also count games started and not finished yet, we rise to 22.
Aporia: Beyond The Valley
6 hours playtime
15 of 41 achievements
DiRT Rally
7 hours playtime
11 of 170 achievements
Endless Legend
19 hours playtime
23 of 139 achievements
2 hours playtime
3 of 23 achievements
12 minutes playtime
1 of 69 achievements
Human: Fall Flat
4 hours playtime
10 of 67 achievements
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
4 hours playtime
13 of 27 achievements
Muffin Knight
10 hours playtime
21 of 55 achievements
Please, Don’t Touch Anything
3 hours playtime
7 of 15 achievements
Pool Panic
3 hours playtime
9 of 32 achievements
Rollers of the Realm
74 minutes playtime
2 of 32 achievements
The grand total reaches 27 by adding neverending games (Pinball FX2, Pinball FX3 and Rocket League) and those games started before 2019 and not finished yet (Batman: Arkham City and Realm Grinder).
Avg. Game Completion Rate still stuck at 57%
Perfect Games are now 76, with 4541 unlocked achievements.
The 4500th is One of a kind from Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk, shown here:
As you can see I was able to lower unplayed games under 70%, mostly because I’ve moved some games into the Won't play
category (all those games removed from Steam that were massively given away for free)
Perhaps someone may be interested in my luck per month:
February arose after a reroll in march (original value 0.44)
Overall, you’ve been neither lucky or unlucky, and won the exact number of gifts we estimated since you first joined.
Let’s finish with sg wins status:
For any question (about these games or anything else, I’m here) :)
PS: I also like Venn’s diagrams =P
even though they aren’t perfect, ‘cause they’re using circles ^^;
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 30 seconds. Contains ~300 words.
this is not a post about played games but a request for suggestions/thoughts. Telling you at the beginning so you can skip it if not interested :)
Ok, as some of you may already know, I like to sort and collect stats/info about my games, giveaways and such.
Recently I’ve been hit with a dilemma which may sound stupid to you but I can’t decide what to do and it’s been bothering me for a while.
I’ll try to keep it short:
for every game in my library, I also keep track of the acquisition method; after some experiments, I’ve finally set with the following categories:
bought (where I spend my money), credits (which means using that site currency, main protagonist of this category is tremorgames), sg wins, other wins (includes wins on other sites, from raffles, tournaments etc.), gifts, trades, mass giveaways (these are sites/devs giveaways) and f2p.
(I also try to keep these lists here but, being not an easy task, I do it in short batches so those lists are never up-to-date).
Anyway, until now, I’ve marked all the games bought on Steam as, obviously “bought”. Well, the problem is that the last games gotten there, have been bought using the Steam wallet, which is 100% generated from selling cards on the market, thus may be seen as currency of the site more than real money of mine.
So, the big question is:
Should I move games bought with Steam wallet to the “credits” category or should I keep them in the “bought” category?
Here’s a poll if you want to leave your opinion but don’t want to write anything =P
Sorry it’s so big.. tried a couple of sites but this is the only who could be embed and didn’t require extra steps from me :\
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 34 seconds. Contains ~314 words.
Crossed "Cross of the Dutchman" off the batch, man!
A nice game game based on a true (and not-so-nice) story. You play as a farmer who leaves his fields and family to fight against the oppressors.The gameplay reminded me of Driftmoon, even if here you basically only go around killing Saxons.
You move and attack with the mouse yet the controls are not very accurate. Example of this can be seen if you get stuck somewhere or during battles, where clicking correctly is everything or you miss hitting the enemies.
Even so, the game is not very long so I think it's rather easy to bear with those flaws.
There really is not much more to say about this title.. go here, kill saxons, go there, kill some more, etc. etc.
Other than idling time, playtime could be lower.. I just died a couple of times during huge waves of enemies (until I noticed that your health auto-regen after a while if you don't get hit.. after that I was invincible!) and a couple more during the stealth parts, mostly because I needed to figure out the right path.
Oh, and run across the whole map a couple of times because the end game was close and I hadn't unlocked the achievement for opening all the chests yet. Luckily, I eventually noticed that the map shows you how many chests you already opened in each area, so I able to find that last one :)
How long could've that taken? 15-20' at most? well, not that much, sure ^^; ..still, not a long game :)
Title: Cross of the Dutchman Developer: Triangle Studios Publisher: Triangle Studios Release date: 2015-09-10 Regular price: 8,99 € Bundled: ☑Yes ☐No Achievements: ☑Yes ☐No Cards: ☑Yes ☐No
- Cross of the Dutchman
7 hours playtime
31 of 31 achievements
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 13 seconds. Contains 445 words.
After roughly 35h, I’ve finally beaten the game featuring Emma Watson!
It’s far from completed though, as there are 9 more characters waiting to beat the dungeon (btw, I didn’t beat it with Emma) and I’m still missing 34 achievements.
Don’t know if I’ll ever 100% this.. the game is good but it’s a bit too slow :\
I’m talking about animations and some questionable design choice.. but also the “character progression” (if we call it so) feels slow.. things which could prevent me to stick with the game long enough to complete it.
I mean, there are still upgrades and characters to unlock, gods to meet, modes to try.. If I needed this long to beat it a single time, who knows how long I still need!
If you like the following genres
do give it a try without doubt! :)
oh, it’s also available for Android and iOS if you prefer to play these games on the go :)
In this case, I think it could be a good choice :) ..I’ve played on PC basically because I’ve won it on sg ;)
Since we are at it, in January I’ve started and completed AER Memories of Old. Got some nice screenshots, but haven’t posted any yet ^^;
The game is quite nice and all that flying is kind of relaxing :)
It isn’t very long, I just needed some more time to find a couple of hidden things.
In February I didn’t beat anything but I’ve started 3 games!
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood, Please, Don’t Touch Anything and Rollers of the Realm.
- I think Max is the one I’ve progressed the most so far. Quite nice and well thought, good for kids and grown-ups ;) ;) I’m struggling a bit when I have to act fast with the marker, but could be a mouse issue.. should really try with a controller.
- PDTA is harder than I thought D: I’ve managed to get about half of the endings because I’ve more or less inadvertently read too much and spoiled me a fundamental part of the game ^^; but now I’m kind of stuck.
Don’t want to spoil anything (there’s a lot around if you want to know) ..if I’d have to tell you how it is, I’d probably say a mix of The Stanley Parable and Pony Island.. that probably could do, not really sure, sorry ^^; - RR is kind of disappointing so far. It promises to mix RPG and Pinball and, hey! I love those two genres! I’m surely going to like this one too, right? Well, apparently math doesn’t work on videogames :\
Hopefully it will get better later *fingerscrossed*
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 32 seconds. Contains ~307 words. Doesn't include images.
Another 2018 recap
Ended the year in positive, with 21 games won and 28 sent.
I think I had started 2018 with a +3 and went super lucky in march (as you can see from the graph) which briefly pushed me to +7, setting my new record! throughout the following months I descended to -2/-3 but then september came and evened out everything.. so I've finished the year at 0.
Played much less than the 2017 (had finished 60 games vs only 20 in 2018) but that is understandable given that I’ve finally graduated1 and started looking for a job, my laptop suddenly broke and didn’t have time to fix it for a couple of months, and also because I’ve started a working trial that keeps me 12h out of home.
Even so, percentages of game categories remained basically the same.
#games | never played | unfinished | beaten | completed | won’t play | |
2017 | 1291 | 932 (72.11%) | 161 (12.47%) | 71 (5.50%) | 85 (6.58%) | 43 (3.33%) |
2018 | 1438 | 1042 (72.46%) | 177 (12.31%) | 79 (5.49%) | 97 (6.75%) | 43 (2.99%) |
Achievements increased from 3666 to 4225 (+559) and Avg. Game Completion Rate didn’t move from 57%.
Glad (am I? really?) to see that last year tentative to call our mascotte () Mr. Assassin didn’t catch on =P
And since last year seemed you liked it, here’s again the cloud with all the games I’ve played in 2018 (only 53..2017’s had 123).
LEGENDA: [unfinished] [beaten] [completed] [Such game, wow, much liked] [..not really]
Previous years: 2017 - 2016 - Main watch out if you have data cap on your downloads as there are a lot of images, don’t want to run you out :( real link here
had an achievement streak ongoing since december ‘17 which ended (after 137 days) exactly on the day of my graduation.. pretty sure it’s my longest streak ever but, as you can easily imagine, I wasn’t able to play that day =P ↩
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 59 seconds. Contains ~399 words
YAY for holidays! :D
After months of basically no-playing, I spent a night awake to finally fix my laptop. I was lacking time so these past few months I put some patches here and there to let it run but now it’s back to the same state it was in summer :) (or so it seems)
The first thing to test, of course, was videogaming! =P
I would’ve liked to play more but there are relatives and friends who want to have social interactions.. can you believe it!? :v
Even so, I managed to complete 3, albeit short, games :)
All of them were ranked pretty high in my to-play list :)
was as good as the first.
Being very focused on puzzles, there’s no wandering around thus the conveying of the story is kinda weak. That is the only negative aspect of the game, but the rest is so good you can forgive them for that =P
I’ve only played it with a mouse but I think it would be better with a touchscreen. Even better with a VR set (sadly, I don’t think these games support it)- I was expecting a bit more from
I don’t mean it’s a bad game, and I don’t know what I was expecting that the game misses, but I had this impression. Perhaps I was just too hyped from the trailer (I even traded for it; it was, like, my third trade of a game ever)
In the end I’ve enjoyed it, it was silly to a turn and it wasn’t long enough to become boring. Negative aspects to me were the lack of subtitles (if they were present I totally missed ‘em!) and a bit too much backtracking. Given the nature of the game, all the rest can be forgiven, as it usually blended with the mood. was nice but a bit short. not short per sè but short for the elements introduced during the game and left unexplained. Surely it has been made like that to leave room for a possible sequel, but I doubt it will ever see the light.
Had some problems with camera placement and entering/exiting shadows, which led me to repeating easy parts of the game more than I should have.
@mandrill: spoilers still don’t work correctly: This should be totally\ covered ~
It’s been a while, a long one ^^;
Can’t you recall when I last posted? See? told you it was long ago.. back in february, and it was a recap post for 2017 ^^;
After that, a “lot” of stuff happened; I continued to play now and then, yet didn’t post anything about it, until the time there was too much to write that it was scaring/overwhelming..
Started to think how to organize the things.. a single, giant, post or a post per month or a post per game.. wanted to also include some info about the games as I used to but to do that I needed to write more that a couple of words (mainly to not have too much empty space), but I didn’t know if I were able to for the “oldest” games I had played.. and so, more time passed..
In the meantime, I (finally) got my master’s degree! :D
Got my share of problems along the road but I managed to finish, even if really, really late ^^;
“Now’s the time to make those posts! and to play some games! and to relax!” - I thought.. HA! What a fool!
I think I said something about it on sg.. in my cakeday’s post just checked: yup, I did but nothing more, because I started doing job interviews here and there, not a nice thing to do with the late-spring/summer heat (and occasional downpours) :\
Anyway, after some months I’ve finally started a “trial period” :D It was hard ‘cause I’m older than the average graduate but this company doesn’t seem to care.. hopefully they’ll hire me after these couple of months *fingerscrossed*
oh, and my old laptop, fellow of thousands adventures, is giving me hints that he may be too old to continue.
one day it suddenly stopped working properly and didn’t had the time to investigate the matter the above-mentioned company is not close to my house, not even in the same city, so I spend about 1½h commuting per trip, which leads to 13h far from home.. add eating, sleeping and chores to that and you get why it took me close to 3 months to make it work again it’s working now, but the hard-disk seems close to leaving me for good. and since it’s about to turn 9 y.o., I can’t decide if buy only a new HD or a whole new PC (the problem with the latter is that I can’t afford it atm.. but will this last until I can?)
if you missed I’ve also made a thread where I do totally-not-professional drawings for users (who request them) on their birthdays.. it was obviously on hold these months but it should start again if no new problems arise.
And a group for those who likes to draw but most of times don’t know what to draw (or that just want some challenge or to step outside their comfort zone). We are not many, and even fewer active =P Have a look if you think you may be interested: sg thread - dA :)
oh, right! the games! XD
Here’s a list of all the games beaten up to now.. just ask if you want info about any, I’ll try my best :)
They are in alphabetial order for easier search, the numbers between the square bracket are in chronological order.
[10] Adam Wolfe
[05] Doodle Mafia
[12] Hacknet
[13] Last Day of June
[01] Lines
[06] Link Twin
[11] Midsummer Night
[07] Missile Cards
[15] Oceanhorn: Moster of Uncharted Seas
[02] Pixel Traffic: Risky Bridge
[04] Plox Neon
[14] Puzzler World
[08] Road to Balhalla
[09] Tidalis
[03] XXZ
Well then, with my previous post I’ve finally finished talking about games slained in 2017.
Before I start to talk about those in 2018, lemme show you a cloud map of all the 123 games played in 2017: hoping I didn’t forget any
It should be easy to understand as it is but, just to be sure:
▪ the bigger the name, the more I’ve liked it;
▪ the colours, of course, follows this site rules: orange=unfinished, green=beaten and blue=completed
In the first comment to this post you’ll find some variations (or a W.I.P., if you prefer) of the cloud which didn’t win =P
If you want more stats I’ve added some more in this post watch out if you have data cap on your downloads as there are a lot of images, don’t want to leave you dry :( real link here. Not much ‘cause everytime I plan to add a billion things and, as usual, end up with unfinished stuff -_- (see 2016)
I’ve also changed the style of each monthly comment (you can see them if you scroll down), I think this new version is a bit better as each month should, on average, take less space, giving you the possibility to expand what you’re interested in. Also added some quick link to each game:
up to 2017, finished games linked to their respective posts, while started and new addition linked to nowhere.
Now, finished games have quick links to their post, store, achievements and screenshots pages; new and started links to store page.
In the unlikely case that someone other than me check this page, hope it’ll be more useful now :)
If you quickly want to find a post about a specific game, you can always use the alphanumeric list of all my posts :)
These, and some more links, are available in my profile under the agenda icon (the agenda, not the notepad)
Title: Year Walk Developer: Simogo Publisher: Simogo Release date: 2014-03-06 Regular price: 5,99 € Bundled: ☑Yes ☐No Achievements: ☑Yes ☐No Cards: ☐Yes ☒No
cards idling
Estimated total reading time: 2 minutes, 57 seconds. Contains 590 words.
Lost twice what I had wrote about this game so I’m gonna scratch that and quickly write a new post with the first things that come to my mind, let’s see what we get.
Was curious about this title and started looking at its store page. Has an interesting style and it’s based on some tales from swedish folklore. Don’t remember if I was looking at the achievements page or reading some reviews or what; the important thing is that I’ve discovered there’s an achievement that can be unlocked only in a certain date. blahblahblah wasting space to not let guess what’s under here to those who don’t want to know. btw, I had set an alarm to not forget to play it at the right time.
Game on, game off, time passed until the day I finally was ready to play it. Being tagged as horror, I waited until night, turned off lights, put my earphones on and launched the game.
At first I didn’t know what to expect so I was very cautious in every movement, but the strange atmosphere the game emanated was strangely calming. I then started to relax.. HA! FOOL!
..don’t worry, it’s not very scary, it’s just me that get scared easily =P
I won’t get into the details, just know that there’s close to no action, there mostly are puzzles to solve. One in particular needs you to have the sound turned on to be solved. Either that or you can look at some guide =P
At first I wasn’t fond of how you move around but then I got used to and little by little I was wandering around so naturally without even realizing it :)
All in all some puzzles were harder than others but nothing too brainwrecker. Sound really helps setting that weird/eeire mood/atmosphere. Once you know what to do, you can beat quickly but it took me an hour (perhaps two) to beat it the first time and I was on my toes the whole time.
Well, it took me that long because I knew about that achievement I’ve mentioned at the beginning and thus looked at the others too; so I made my first playthrough 1) without hints; 2) never looking at the map and 3) without solving one puzzle, to unlock their three relative achievements. Toward the end I couldn’t move forward and I was cussing the devs until I luckily passed it! Once finished I was too curious about it and read a guide.. well, turned out that the puzzle I had skipped held the solution to the puzzle I couldn’t solve. Its relative achievement even have the word “cheat” in its name but I can be very stupid at times :v
Another thing I think it needs to be said is: watch out after you end the game as it’s not really ended. This is not hidden as it’s not really a spoiler, more an advice to help you not miss out on another part of the story. Said “another part” because you could play only the “base” game and you won’t feel like you’ve missed anything, but imho you’d be really missing out instead.
“Happy” year walking, everyone!

Some characters of this story
1783 | games (+1 not categorized yet) |
69% | never played |
13% | unfinished |
5% | beaten |
7% | completed |
7% | won't play |