
Coming back Report

So my gaming hiatus is slowly coming to an end. I've been following everyone's posts over the past few months but had too little on my side to update on anything. But no more! I finally seem to be enjoying gaming again but I'm still lazy af so gonna keep it as short as I can :P

The Limbo

The Unending!

Also tried my hand at Ticket to Ride and Gremlins Inc. but as board games they don't really have a campaign to beat to make it easy to categorize as beaten or not. So like others of their genre I've decided to set them in an eternal state of unfinished. Both very nice games but the have the style of multiplayer matching I dislike with "rooms" you need to join, not an autoqueue. Also spent a few hours in Armello as usual.

The Completed!

The ABC Challenge

I've been silently doing one of those as well! Not using any special rules for it, just adding and removing as I feel like.
So that's about it for my past 4 months. Dunno how regular my upcoming updates will be. Until next time~

What a nice batch of games! Congrats for the progress in the past months. I’m always glad to see other people who played Thea and loved it! I got so addicted when I played it last month!

Blue Ϟ Lightning

Your description of OPPW made me laugh…and perfectly describes why I’m having trouble continuing it.

CleaningSimp twitter

I also loved Thea so much! Sheepy assigned it to me.
I also went on the Thea 2 kickstarter with interest xD. But I ended up not backing in, it’s pretty expensive >.>


I’m glad you liked Earthlock and The Sexy Brutale since they are on my wishlist :D Also Oxenfree is such a good game.

Would you mind if I used your formatting for my next post? I played so many games this month I’ve been trying to figure out how to format while saving space


Not mine, I also “borrowed” it from Akantha xD