
October 2023 Progress Report

Happy Halloween!

“Wow Zel, only three games? None of these even look spooky.”
Yeah yeah, hear me out. I have 100+ hours into My Time at Sandrock. I’ll be able to 100% it and add it to my next post, fortunately - of which I will be playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth! I’ve been anticipating this one for a good while and I’m super hyped to- HLTB 190 hours. oh god. What have I done?

On a side note, my November games are looking particularly chaotic and even I’m not sure what will show up on my next post. This month, I played Wytchwood and had a ton of fun. ENIGMA: is a VN I’ve been wanting to play and unfortunately putting off for a few years that unexpectedly left me with many good vibes despite the multiple bad ends + gore. Potion Permit, which I decided to speedrun in 4-ish days, and finished today, leaving me with many mixed feelings.

Handing out candy again, it’s gonna be super cold and might rain so I’m not sure how it’s gonna turn out. I’ve already stolen all the milkyways from the candy bag because I’m an adult. Dressing up as a pirate again! No pumpkin this time. Happy November!

Total games added to backlog: 1
Total completed: 3

68% (310/458)
13% (59/458)
9% (40/458)
9% (41/458)
2% (8/458)
10.2 hours
LGBTQ+ engaging story, lots of bad ends with a satisfying true ending. Warning: Gore

Washing up on the unmarked Island of Carlyle with a terminal illness eating him alive from the inside out and less than a month to live, Chester is rescued from the beach by a friendly villager and offered a place to stay. The beautiful island is peaceful, with warm beaches and endless meadows, the only thing really standing out is the unnatural pure white forest that Chester is warned to stay away from. Aside from being known as a “man-eating” forest, it goes by another name that oddly enough, is the same as your disease. Enigma. Naturally curious and not having much to lose, Chester chooses to investigate.


2-13 hours to complete, ENIGMA: is a story focused VN with LGBTQ+ but due to the protagonist's limited time, doesn’t go anywhere leaving many bittersweet feelings. 3 routes, and 19 endings with a true ending once you’ve cleared them all and discovered all mysteries on the Island. On top of 70+ CGs to peruse and two short movies to watch, ENIGMA: Is notably well written with no noticeable spelling errors. Slight warning: The Man-eating-forest title is literal and this game is not afraid to show you blood. Every bad end is a step forward to learning more about the Island and takes you closer to the true end, which I liked very, very much.


Half-Life 2
Fairytales! Less Disney more Original Source Material.


9.5 hours
14 of 14 achievements

Waking up alone in a dusty home with the feeling of something important forgotten, a possessed goat outside your swampy huts informs you of your new duties. A contract was signed, in exchange for 12 wicked souls, a wish. As Witch of the Woods and Lady of the Swamp, you wonder what you could have possibly wished for in exchange for such a laborious task; something to do with these missing memories, perhaps? Set out and weave spells, bottle potions, and snatch these 12 misbehaving souls so they won't be causing any more trouble.


9-11+ hours to complete, Wytchwood is a crafting adventure game with fables and fairytales. (Not Disney, closer to the original source material.) 3 chapters in which you collect 4 souls each, this game is very much a sort of magpie simulator; if you see a thing, pick it up. If you do not like collecting things, you may get bored and annoyed because the game expects you to obtain crafting materials proactively to make trinkets and cast spells. Wytchwood is a dark, morbid, but strangely cozy game with witty dialogue where you play as an old, ancient, knowledgeable bird-like witch with various powers and interesting (read: chaotic neutral) problem-solving skills that means the bad guys have a real bad time and the villagers are pretty happy. Warmly wholesome, I liked it enough to finish the entire game in one playthrough.

Anna Sun

Half-Life 2
Overall good game but has things that need to be fixed.

Potion Permit

35.3 hours
38 of 38 achievements

Sent by the medical association from the capital to the Island of Moonbury, play as an intelligent budding chemist whose goal is to bring modern medicine to this old town who’s only method of healing is the even older ways of Herbal medicine. With a unique environment allowing rare and valuable plants to flourish, gain the townfolks trust to form a mutually beneficial relationship and bring this dying town back to life.


20-35+ hours to complete, Potion Permit is an LGBTQ+ Crafting Adventure Simulator where you play as a chemist who was sent from the capital by the medical association to introduce modern medicine and healthcare to an old town stuck in the even older ways of Herbalism. 8 love interests and 3 large areas to explore, Potion Permit is mainly focused on the villagers and the social aspect of the town and its inhabitants. Making Potions is fun, it feels rewarding to study water/plant/disease samples and to just be the town’s doctor. There are housing upgrades and home decoration, as well as your own clinic you can upgrade. Yes, you can pet the dog.


While I have an overall positive impression of Potion Permit, there are things I genuinely felt could have been done better. The town’s layout is hell to navigate and is 1/4th the entire map, so many parts felt empty aside from hub areas NPCs regularly visit. Secondly, the material upgrades for simple things are just insane and they only get more absurd as you play which leads to this game, about healthcare and living with nature, to becoming a Deforestation sim since you need 6,000 logs and 5,000 stones to upgrade 3 of your tools, nevermind the building upgrades and the frequent material quest requests. Character notes are out of touch and in some cases, completely false; Leano verbally says she has her hand “cut clean off in a sword fight” but notes say it was a sailing accident. Rue’s notes say it’s her dream to become a chemist, which is literally never mentioned anywhere else in the entire game. Characters claim to be workaholics and are regarded by other characters as a busybody takes frequent strolls around town, reading on benches, and feeding ducks and fish. Playing Potion Permit was a huge love-hate relationship. I genuinely feel that while it’s a good game, it needs work if it wants to be replayable.



I see it now.

190 hrs for Cyber Sleuth is wild.


I’ll have Sandrock to pad out my next report, so I’m hoping to finish it before 2024. I’m probably going to go back to Fallout NV as well, I’m upset I didn’t finish it due to the insane crashing. I have one more ending I want to get.


Which ending do you have left?

I wrapped up the final ending I’d been missing in Fallout 4 earlier this year. Brotherhood of Steel ending.


NC Republic, I was gonna do all the DLC’s then save the best for last, something nice to end the game on. I didn’t realize how unstable the game was.


Yeah. Without stability mods, it’s particularly bad.


That’s the thing, I have one installed! DLC areas have a chance of crashing when I discover a new area, when I pull out my gun, when I put it back, and then the chance of crashes doubles if I have a NPC companion with me and guarantees a crash if I talk to them.


Congratulations on your assassinations! Wytchwood is one I’m really curious about, and it’s on my backlog. So, hearing that you had fun with it, I might bump it up to play it soon.


Yes! I hope to see it in one of your posts. :)


I’ve joined in this month’s theme with a game. Let’s see how it goes. Best case, I will like the game and finish it. Worst case, at the very least, it will motivate me to try the game out and discard it from backlog, which is also a win.


Congrats on your brutal assassinations :)

A shame Potion Permit isn’t as well received as I would have hoped. I’m very interested in the concept of the game, but it seems like the execution was a bit lackluster…


It’s still recommended, just be aware of frustrations when you go in.


Okay! Thank you!