March 2024

Made it back to March

Played: 9

Added: 7

Beaten: 4

Started: 3

Completion avg: 80.730% (+0.009)

Points avg: 4611 (+17)

Progress bar:

12% (145/1250)
25% (310/1250)
2% (25/1250)
55% (688/1250)
7% (82/1250)




Bit of a slow month for the beatings this time.. I blame Tyranny for that (pretty much all time spent there was enjoyed though, don't worry). Thankfully i was able to squeeze it in (plus one more) before month end.
Otherwise, Aragami and Titanfall 2 were done with early on, and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes was sprinkled across the Tyranny playthrough

For polishes, i did the first challenge mission in Bioshock Remastered, getting all the roses and not killing any turrets; in Arkham Knight i just finished a few more AR challenges to get the next achievement; in Grim Dawn i only intended to get my character to level 85, but while doing that i ended up completing a quest, so bonus cheevo i guess; and then i did another run-through of The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, snagging four achievements along the way.
Shenzhen I/O was newly started this month, and i'm slowly working my way through those (surprisingly difficult) puzzles

Grabbed three new games from my wishlist, and then a Humble Bundle i found attractive gave me the other four (one of which i had never heard of before, so hopefully it's good).
Hope you all had a good month, see you next one!


Congratulations on beating Tyranny! What a beast to slay! And glad you enjoyed it. Haven’t found the courage to play a real long RPG in a long time. Overdue!


Thanks! Big RPGs can really soak up your time, but i usually feel like it’s worth it by the end


Congratulations on your assassinations!! ᓚᘏᗢ
I also need to play my Warlock of Firetop Mountain again, I never ended up finishing it.


Thanks! WoFM is an alright game, but the slog to get all character achievements must get tiring - i’ll finish it slowly over the years, i think


It’s awesome to see someone else enjoying Tyranny! It is such an overlooked gem of a game and the spell crafting system is entirely unique. Congrats on all your assassinations!


It really is quite a gem of game. I liked the spell system too, but it felt a bit underutilised, with every character being showered with abilities anyway. Thanks for the congrats!