
Third week of September

OMG… I am finally done with Planet Coaster… finally… took months. Now I can finally sleep at night.

Completed games

Psi Cards
Playtime: 1.6 hours
Achievements: 451 of 451 (100%)
Review: Some shitty card guessing game that can be very easily exploited and is laggy and buggy as hell. I dont know if that is Protons fault or the game itself. Would not be surprised if it is just the game.
Planet Coaster
Playtime: 66.7 hours
Achievements: 32 of 32 (100%)
Review: This game can be both fun and frustrating has hell depending how much the game hates you. Also has some bugs with the achievements and UI that a game this expensive really shouldn't... Works fine with Proton. And 4 last words that anyone watched me play it heard way too much: I hate building roller-coasters.

Never thought the day would come. Many failed attempts but you finally beat planet coaster well done


I never failed or given up, it just took a long time.


Congrats on finishing Planet Coaster :D
Now on to bigger and hopefully more fun things for you ^^



I would prefer smaller things :D


Sorry that the next game I gifted you is even bigger :P
But at least I hope it will be cuter and a lot more fun ;)

P.S.: Also no coasters^^