
I decided to see how many games I have added on steam so far this year (thanks for showing franplants)

Games added in January:

4 SG Wins

I would love to hear thoughts about any of the games :D


Out of all these games I only really played Cats In Time - which is a super fun little puzzle game, but not for people looking for a Myst-like experience, it is the type of game you would play after a long day at work :) ! I enjoyed the 3-4 hours it provided, and whenever it gets a free update I instantly play the level :D !
I also tried Hokko Life maybe a month ago, but it didn’t really click for me - my first impression was, that this game would work perfectly on a Steam Deck, given that it is almost exactly like Animal Crossing, which is the only reason I purchased a Switch some years ago! Sadly I don’t own a Deck, but it might be a better experience there ^^ !


I cant wait to play Cats In Time, I hope to have some time for it soon :D

Yes! I also thought about Hokko on steam deck (I tried it around 1 hour on ps5) and since I did play a lot of AC I hope it will be great :D


Haha glad I inspired you! :D I really loved what I played of Tangledeep a few years ago. It’s a game I’ve been meaning to go back to for a long time. Black Book is one that I have in my backlog, but I completed the free prologue and enjoyed it – it’s got a lot of themes I like (folklore, witches, etc.)


Oh yes found BB for cheap in a bundle split and Tangledeep I won (I just need some more time, for a longer game like that) :D


I really love the soundtrack for Tangledeep, it’s very charming - I still listen to it sometimes while I work. And you can have pets! I think I actually chose to play on the non-permadeath mode since I was quite attached to my character XD


Of that list, I’ve only played The Shivah, although Cats in Time is in my backlog. I liked The Shivah, but I like the old point-and-click games. It has one of the most unique “boss battles” at the end of the game I’ve ever seen.


Oh yeah I am right in the middle of it. I also adore P’n’C games. I actually bought the whole bundle afterwards :)