
New month, new games. Nothing really happened in march besides part of easter :D

Games added in March:

Games added: 25 (Same as the month before)
Games won: 0 (Same as last month, hardly entered for anything)
Free games: 2

Also bought the newest DLC for CP and some dlc’s for Jigsaw Puzzle

So what do we think? Any recommendations?


I’m surprised I haven’t heard of Land of Screens before! The premise seems like something I’d be interested in.

Sadly, no recommendations from me when it comes to this bunch (I haven’t played most of these)… if anything, I’d have two anti-recommendations :(


Yeah my friend suggested LOS and said it was great, so I bought it in the sale.

Anti-rec? I am ready :)


Okay then! I didn’t like ABZÛ due to its lack of direction; no directions or only image-based directions are easily my #1 pet peeve. It’s the reason I still haven’t gone back to complete Journey (which is often talked about next to ABZÛ, because they play identically, just in a different setting).

And then there’s Our Life - a romance VN so customizable that it ends up having no flavor. It’s almost like the more choices you get to make something fit your preferences, the less that thing actually matters in the grand scheme of things (you get to choose from 10 or so food flavors/types at a few points during the story, and then it’s not even acknowledged in any way). And then there’s the LI (love interest), who has no personality of his own. People who loved the game obviously loved him as well, and I even saw some say he seems neurodivergent, and I can’t help but take offense to that a bit. To be fair, I played this one before I would have looked at him through that lens, but I just remember him being so painfully bland… and it’s not even possible to date anyone else but him unless you pay for DLC. I absolutely don’t understand that approach, they gave you a half-finished game that looks like a nice bowl of oatmeal, garnished with fruits and all, but the moment you pick up the spoon, all the tasty additions just disappear and after digging in, it’s all bland and cold.
(Something I found oddly hilarious was, after the credits roll, instead of going back to the main menu, the game just started the introduction to the after story… which is not available unless you own the paid DLC for it, so then it just returned an error xD)


Oh I will remember that, thanks :)

Yeah its funny, I’ve seen so many people loving him and the novel as a whole, which is why I decided to get it (and consider If I should buy the dlc) but… hm… maybe I should wait :) some people are quick to judge people with having asd or the likes…


I was a lot more into one of the other characters, but no DLCs for them were even out yet at the time… and I’m open to being wrong about Cove, but… yeah, I just remember him being awkward and hanging back, which was understandable for plot reasons, but doesn’t necessarily make him ND just because.


I finished playing GYLT yesterday - if you are in the mood for an Alan Wake-esque game with a more mature theme, this could be a great option.
While I personally liked the gameplay (even if it’s the easiest stealth game I’ve ever completed), the narrative itself has left me a bit unsatisfied…
One of the game’s main selling point is that it deals with bullying - something only a handful of games tackled in the past, and a really important topic that everyone should be educated about. However, after like the first half of the story, the game somehow goes against everything and takes a really weird direction for me…
Let me know when you finish this, I’m really interested in another person’s perspective, since almost every review that I’ve read only praises this title.


Oh I will remember. The reason I got the game was actually because of the bully subject. A subject that is very near and Dear to my heart.