  • The Ball

    19 hours playtime

    12 of 17 achievements

Report #381: The Ball

Life of Daerphen Challenge Year 2010

Well, this was a different experience than I thought. Saw the title and I thought it would be a platformer where you control a ball. Well… yes you control a ball, but you are not the ball. You can pull the ball or push the ball away. Then there are a couple of buttons you can smash and also you can knot the ball to a stone/item to move it.

Overall a nice story, but the controls are so indirect. A lot of small, hidden stones where you cannot cross. Or you hit the ball and the ball just spins in place.
Then there are survival levels which are buggy as hell, causing sudden game crashes. Extremely annoying because you have to restart the level.

Wanted to 100% it, but got demotivated by bugs. So “just” a beaten game.


I tried to play this years ago and I was also confused by the controls and the premise. Congrats on beating it though