

My Challenge: Life of Daerphen

Monty Python pun intended

So here comes another idea of organizing and digging through my backlog. After doing the Bingo Challenge this year and finishing quite early I was thinking about the next theme for my backlog. From time to time I have a look at my library via https://www.lorenzostanco.com/lab/steam/. Its actually a nice way to filter you library by many different kind of filters, not just by name.
So I was playing with the filter “Release year” and noticed that I have quite a long list of years selectable.

The idea: Go through each year since I was born, pick a game that was release there (according to the Steam Store page) and play that game.
Its all about finishing games from different genres and years. But also getting a bit nostalgic. For example with games like Monkey Island of course.


  • Steam Store page is the source
  • Game cannot be completed/beaten/finished before 23.04.2023
  • No yet decided if I will add more years and treat this like an endless challenge. Will be decided once all years are played until then
  • Years might be missing, in case no year in my library available
  • Games can be swapped, especially for later years with many more published games.

My List

So here is my preliminary list

59% unfinished
41% beaten
Year Game Status Post
1986 - - -
1987 - - -
1988 Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic - -
1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - -
1990 Commander Keen Complete Pack unfinished -
1991 - - -
1992 Math Rescue - -
1993 Litil Divil - -
1994 Jagged Alliance Gold - -
1995 The Dig - -
1996 Realms of the Haunting - -
1997 The Curse of Monkey Island - -
1998 Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus - -
1999 Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - -
2000 Escape from Monkey Island™ - -
2001 Max Payne - -
2002 Commandos 2: Men of Courage - -
2003 Runaway: A Road Adventure - -
2004 Far Cry unfinished -
2005 Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse - -
2006 King’s Quest Collection - -
2007 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - -
2008 Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena beaten Report #380
2009 Mirror’s Edge beaten Report #382
2010 The Ball beaten Report #381
2011 L.A. Noire completed Report #401
2012 Thirty Flights of Loving beaten Report #396
2013 Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians beaten Report #397
2014 Whispering Willows completed Report #395
2015 Go Home - Rage incoming completed Report #385
2016 Adam’s Venture Origins completed Report #389
2017 Hob beaten Report #386
2018 Lamplight City completed Report #378
2019 Red Dead Redemption 2 beaten Report #392
2020 Unrailed completed Report #387
2021 Road 96 completed Report #383
2022 The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe beaten Report #379
2023 The Talos Principle 2 completed Report #404
2024 Portal: Revolution completed Report #398
Arbiter Libera



First - congrats on getting BINGO done, that was quick! ;D
Second - that’s a great idea for a challenge! I might be tempted to steal borrow it from you. XD

Are you going to play in order or you will play whatever picks your interest first? What were the hardest years to choose from? :3


Well feel free to join. Not gonna play them in the order of release. Especially the older ones are in my opinion to hard to play in a row. Its not about the game difficulty but the graphics sometimes are hard to comprehend ;)
Maybe years between 1998 and 2005 were the hardest. Too much nostalgia there to choose from. Before 1998 there were hardly any decision making due to list size. Also the later years are also easier to choose because of so many games. I went through the list quite random to not have too much time to chose.


I will! Also this seems like a great theme for my GoG library. :D
Haha, yeah, I can understand that. Old games can be demanding. X)
I am quite surprised how few games I have around the year 2000, I would swear there were more of them. XD In the later years I think I will need to choose quickly or I wouldn’t make my mind… there are so many games I want to play. x_x

Good luck with the challenge and have fun! :D


That’s a cool idea, I might steal that! >:)
Good luck!


Really nice idea, I am tempted to try this, too! Gonna take a look at those release years :D


That’s a cool idea, would definitely steal if I wasn’t in the middle of a challenge… (but i still might steal ;) ) Good luck!


That’s another great idea!
Might join later. Good luck for now!