
Casual achievement hunter’s progress log #65


Hearts of Iron IV

183.7 hours, 0 of 71 achievements
Gifted to me


0 achievements, yet there's 183.7 hours played. Shows how tough the achievements are. Mainly they're just very specific and you won't get them with general gameplay.

Overall, I really liked this game. I was worried that the game might be difficult and that I might abandon it quickly. Luckily I had someone teach me and help me figure out the basics. I'm still terrible at it. Strategy isn't my strong-suit. Nothing is really, but it's worse than other genres.

I highly recommend this to anyone who's interested in the game. Thinking about the game makes me want to play it even more.

The Painscreek Killings

8.9 hours, 15 of 33 achievements
Gifted to me


Wow… just wow! Such an amazing experience. I felt like an actual detective solving a complicated crime. The game's relatively open, so you can do mostly anything you'd want. Want to check out the victim's home? Sure, go ahead. Want to go to the home of one of the servants? Well, if you find the key and figure out what street and what house you have to go to, then sure. It starts off at a single spot and opens you up to the village immediately. If you think like a detective, you'll get results like a detective.

At first I streamed it on Twitch. The chat made me paranoid as all hell because they said they saw people or that doors were closed/opened. You should be alone in the world. The next day, I streamed the game to two others and we talked together and tried to figure out who commited the crime and whatever else you might uncover. We spent the whole day finishing the game up and finding out who did it. It was a great experience and I hope that others will like the game as much as I did.

A mod from SG gave me the key since I mentioned on a thread that I couldn't afford the bundle it was in as a throwaway line. Thank you for letting me play it.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

10.7 hours, 21 of 50 achievements


Took a chance and bought it for 5€. I didn't like The New Order that much. It wasn't a bad game, but it never "clicked" for me.

The Old Blood "clicked" like a motherfu**er for me though. The awesome combat, the fun story and the beautiful visuals! This game's such a great, campy rollercoaster. Check it out if you're even a little bit interested. Not sure if I can tell you where I bought it, so I won't. Hit me up if you're looking for it and don't want to pay the full price. (Ah damn… sounded like an ad, didn't it?)


12.2 hours, 17 of 54 achievements


After The Old Blood, I felt motivated enough to finally beat DOOM. The game was really repetitive for me and it didn't feel like a properly fleshed out game. Sure, the combat's great and the visuals are fun, but the "puzzles" were just boring and the world traversal was a total filler. Not to mention the story. Overall, I think DOOM was not for me. You can have good combat and a fun story with interesting areas. The Old Blood proved it to me. DOOM only managed to have combat, visual quality and a good soundtrack. It's good, but not enough for me.

Also, the soundtrack in-game is ruined by the fact that every time you do a glory kill (which was every 5 seconds or less), the music's cut out and there might also be some quick riff. It ruins the flow of everything and it just isn't likeable.


Assassin's Creed

11.2 hours, no achievements


"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."

I decided to go for another run at some Assassin's Creed games. This time with legitimate copies. So I bought AC1, expecting to dislike it like before, but I liked it. It was way more interesting and varied than I remember. Last time I focused on the gameplay and missions and it felt boring and downright bad because I had recently played a newer AC game. This time I looked around the cities and just played it without having played any AC game recently. I rushed through the story to avoid the grind and I think it was a good idea. It didn't feel too long and I was able to spend more time freeroaming.

Diamo XL

5.0 hours, 14 of 14 achievements


Bought a bundle on Steam for some of the games the developer had made. I won a game from his giveaway before and I liked the game. Enough to actually buy one at some point. The games are good arcade-y skill based games that are fair. I highly recommend every XL game.

Righty Tighty XL

2.6 hours, 22 of 22 achievements


Another XL game. This one's my least favourite one due to how constricted it feels quite often with your movement options. It's on purpose, but the issue is mostly the fact that you have to avoid enemies and how hard it is to figure your size out when passing them, since you can't hit them.

21,447 achievements (+165) 77 perfect games (+2) 42% avg. game completion (+0%)
1,303 games (+15) 1,260 DLC owned (+10) 134 reviews (+0) 1,075 wishlisted (+10)

52% never played (-1%)
20% unfinished (+1%)
13% beaten (+0%)
14% completed (+1%)
2% won’t play (+0%)

I played The Old Blood before The New Order and while I do think TNO is the better game, the feeling of beating the shit out of zombie nazis on fire with a metal pipe is unparalleled. I had so much fun with the game, glad to hear you did too!


I probably just have to revisit The New Order at some point. Perhaps I wanted something different out of the game when I played it.

Thanks for reading!

Arbiter Libera

I think many today tend to forgot how insanely mindblowing Assassin’s Creed was back in the day. Huge seamless cities to dick around in fascinated players at the time to no end.


Oh for sure. By today’s standards it’s definitely a janky mess at times, especially when compared to any newer release. But it’s still a great game.