
Finished in February (1-5)

Tough month. I’m working hard, have little time for gaming. But I managed to finish a game or two, and even be done with a Big Game of the Month, so it’s not so bad.

  • Subnautica




This is my big game of the month. I was playing it for around 20 hours and most of this time was a blast. It has beautiful, lively world, interesting lore, and for open survival game it pokes you in the right direction for the next part of the story in very, very smart ways. But, unfortunately, like every sutvival game, there came a time when it was a bit too much grindy to me, so I stopped playing, before it turned to be a chore. Nonetheless I’m really happy that I gave it a shot.

  • The Room 4: Old Sins

    4 hours playtime

    9 of 9 achievements

The Room 4: Old Sins


I love The Room series. The puzzles, the visuals, the satysfying sounds of clinking mechanisms. And this is another part in this series, no less good than the previous ones. Every Room game has a quality of a good puzzle box, and because of little smart choices, like making you move mouse while playing with gears and levels, and absolutely brilliant sound design - it is as satysfying ad tinkering with a physical puzzle toy.

  • The Hex

    7 hours playtime

    9 of 28 achievements

The Hex


The Hex is weird. It is this kind of meta game similar to Pony Island and There Is No Game. You are playing as a bunch of video game characters sitting in a bar/inn and listening to their stories, which is basically a game version of forgotten movie stars theme. The game is paying omage to several genres, we have a bit of platformer, shooter, RPG… The gameplay is simple, but there is enough of it to avoid walking sim genre (well - almost :) ). I like those weird kinds of crushing the forth walls games.

  • Metamorphosis

    4 hours playtime

    17 of 26 achievements



I was playing weird games this month… This is a strange game in which you are transformed into a bug. It is based on Kafka works, mainly on Trial and short story Metamorphosis, and it is weird and surreal. In terms of gameplay - it is mostly a first person platformer, nothing challenging and gameplay mechanics are mostly excuses to go from one strange thing, to another. It was good, but I had a bit higher hopes on it.

  • Rusty Lake: Roots

    5 hours playtime

    9 of 16 achievements

Rusty Lake: Roots


What was I telling about wierd games? This one is my old Steamgift win. I want to clear my Steamgift backlog a bit, especially because it has some huge games. But this was a little classic adventure game. It is telling story of the family during a couple of generations. And the story is convoluted, a bit gory, and yes - weird. There was something that reminded me of Edgar Allan Poe there, and I have absolutely nothing against such similarities.


Damn I want to play The room 4! About Subnautica, I am sorry you did not enjoy it in the end, it was my favourite game last year, and it was so satisfying to complete, but sometimes is true that the grind is a bit heavy towards the end, specially when you don’t know what exactly are you supposed to be.


I stopped when I needed to go to the absolute bottom of the sea, and the little submarine wasn’t enough (I don’t remember the names of ships) I built a big submarine but it was completely awful to steer, then I realised that I need to build mech suit, upgrade it and then I can go… I just watched the story bits on you tube, so I know what I missed.


Yeah cyclops is shit to navigate with, and getting all those materials is a drag if you hate grinding. Different games for different people at the end of the day, the important part is that you enjoy what you play :)

Murder is Meat

Roots is nice. While you do get a bit more out of it in terms of added context if you’ve played the games before it in the series (most of which are good, though a few of them do suffer from cryptic/pseudo-arbitrary point and click puzzle syndrome), it’s nothing you can’t piece together from a playthrough in the dark. Also, plenty of the weirder moments are weird even with context.


I played Samsara Room so I wasn’t completely blind. I also have Paradise in my backlog but I think it is a bit later game.