  • Cyberpunk 2077

    100 hours hours playtime

    44 of 44 achievements

Report #284: Cyberpunk 2077

Welcome to night city

Wow. this game has a lot of ups and downs. I purchased it a few days before release. Already been hyped for quite a while now.

There are a couple of moments, where I hated really the bugs. For example, when the music does not stop anymore in a quest and to fix this, you have to reload. Or you just fly through walls, when driving too fast ;). Also one quest bug, which was fixed after a couple of games, but my savegame was already broken.

You can start with 3 different background stories. Unfortunately it has absolutely no impact on your story. Just a few different options in dialogs.

The story itself is not too long. But there are tons of side missions. After a while very repetitive.


Huh. I thought your initial choice changed some things in the way you play the game. Good to know it doesn’t.


Holy- You already 100% Cyberpunk?? That’s an amazing achievement! Congratulations!!!!
Happy holidays!