Helo world!
Pleasure to be here!
It’s an awesome saturday afternoon for me and what better way to start it off than fixing my backlog problems,right?
I chose Thief(2014) as my first game and hopefully it goes well.
Althou just by looking at some of the achievements I’m a bit worried it might take more time than i expected :)

Welcome to BLAEO and good luck with your progress!
Thief (2014) still sits unplayed in my library, I loved the original Thief trilogy but somehow can’t bring myself to start playing the 2014 one O.o Maybe one of these days… :D

Finieshed Storyline of the game….and i have to admit, it was a lot better than i expected.
I havent played earlier “Thief” titles, therefore it wasn’t much of a let down for me as to some people in Steam Review section.
I didn’t expect anything out of the game and whole experience was a pleasant surprise!

Welcome and good luck! :)


Welcome aboard! :D

Welcome to the site :) Thief looks like a good game, it’s surprising that it got so many bad reviews. Hopefully you enjoy it :)
Welcome to the site! ^^