
Ninglors Log 226

10.08.21 – 16.08.21

August Progress:
PPU monthly:
August Additions:

Yearly HOG counter:

Completed Games:
Just Desert

Won/Gifted Games:

Bought Games:
Kill me, I bought some more HOGs D:

Played this week:
LoveKami NoirC

Cat Story ahead!
Nothing here

So much from me :)
Have a lovely week!
Queen Ninglor


Oh that explains the games, i thought you brought actual games thats why I was so confused nin!
Oh god if I looked at the names I could’ve guessed it was hogs but I was so shocked by the amount


Haha, yeaaaah, no. Only HOGs really xD


Dear Queen, can you explain to a simple peasant the meaning of HOG? I was out of BLAEO for months, and now I read that term frequently. Also, how it was Love Kami. Is it recommendable, or it’s better to keep it in the depths of my backlog?


Aw. Hey dear Aiori!
HOG is a Hidden Object Game - or a wild pig. But I’m certainly not the Queen of pigs xD So yeah, we’re talking about the games here :3
Mhm. Ok let’s see. I was really intrigued since I currently read a book about Japanese mythologie and I recognized a few things. It was a nice enough VN. I’ll ignore the waaaaay to big boobs though xD I think it’s save(safe?) to read it.
Hope that helps :3


Thanks for the explanation! Currently, I started playing some, from month to month, because they are interesting, depending on the title, and short, so they are good games to reduce the backlog. Thanks for Love Kami’s info. I have the first 2 titles, and I probably will take them soon.
Have a nice day!


Glad to help :3 And yes, you are absolutely right, they are short and… uh… sometimes interesting and pleasant to play. Sometimes not so much xD
Have a nice day \o/