
September Progress Picks: Project Cars, Horizon Zero Dawn and too much Rocket League

It was always going to be difficult to match August’s progress but it feels quite disappointing in comparison. It’s easy to pinpoint the issue, Rocket League! I’d forgot how addictive it is with 5 minute matches that provide an illusion of time control… there’s always another match that must be played as you did so well previously and need to keep it up, or you lost and you can’t finish on a downer, and look it’s bed time and I haven’t done any backlog assassinating. To shift the blame I was surprised to receive a really kind gift that allowed me to get the Rocket Pass which rewards levelling up with new items, so I guess it’s their fault! :P Anyway I’ll try to get the balance much better in October, I did manage to finish all three of my Play or Pay challenges which is the priority as well as making a start on Horizon Zero Dawn so that’s something!

Play or Pay - chosen by Verd

  • Homefront

    14 hours playtime

    32 of 47 achievements

  • Project CARS

    29 hours playtime

    34 of 45 achievements

  • World to the West

    22 hours playtime

    36 of 36 achievements

Homefront - To say something I used to say quite often, I haven’t played many [genre: military shooter] games so I don’t have much to compare the single player campaign with. The only Call of Duty game I played was World at War ages ago and even then I just stuck with multiplayer. I recently bought the Modern Warfare trilogy as these are meant to be well designed and I enjoyed this enough to want something the next level up, and I have Spec Ops The Line in my backlog I’ve been keen to play for a while too despite its most memorable section being spoiled for me. So I thought Homefront was fine, the final mission on the Golden Gate bridge was cool, the collectables were actually worth finding as they were newspapers of past news stories relating to the North Korean threat in addition to the fictional events that enabled them to occupy the United States by 2027, it was quite interesting to read about, if nothing else the game’s intro is worth watching lol, here’s a link. The AI was clever enough with its attempts to flank you and used cover properly, it didn’t seem unfair unless you were playing on the hardest difficulty (yes this may in fact have been perfect preparation for Dark Souls, for anyone else who played it I wish the church and supermarket section never existed), there’s a bit of variation in the 9 missions with a stealth section if you can call it that where you just need to follow someones instructions for 10 minutes, a few sniping segments, and one where you control a helicopter and need to protect a convoy. I probably wouldn’t recommend buying it, I own it from the first bundle I ever bought back in 2012, but it’s worth playing if it’s in your backlog.

Project Cars - I found this to be much more enjoyable than I expected. My experience in the racing genre only really comes from the Dirt series, Rally was fantastic and it’s great to see a sequel announced, so actual track racing with pit stops was something different for me. The career mode is great, you choose from 8 different tiers, I thought it made sense to start at lowest and work my way up, and in each tier you drive different types of cars from Karts to Formula 1. There are also extra challenge events you unlock in your calender each season by winning races, these offer a break from using your current car all the time with a wide variety from the Ariel Atom to a Ford Focus. In terms of locations I also have to give the game a lot of praise, it takes you all across the globe, although I can’t say I’m familiar with any of these real tracks it must be cool for actual fans of motor sports. There’s changable weather too, this is probably a standard feature but I liked how foggy mornings would clear up as the day went on, or what were perfect conditions turn into a nightmare when it decides to bucket it down right near the end and everyone’s got the wrong tyres to deal with it! I read some reviews complaining about the realism of the driving but I quickly got used to it and didn’t have any issues after a few laps with each car, admittedly it took me a while to get used to the idea of the most powerful vehicles needing to be at quickest speeds in order to have any kind of grip when you’re turning, so it’s not a good idea to go full throttle after just coming out of a corner. Forza Horizon is way too expensive for me at the moment but I would like to play more racing games in the future.

World to the West - This is an adventure game that gives you control of four different characters a few chapters in to get around the world and do some treasure hunting. The major downside is you can only control one of these characters at once, you can only change character at the totems dotted around the map (which can be a pain to find again), and each character must activate the totem in order to use it for fast travel, so it means a lot of the game is taking the same path four times with some slight variation that requires you to use each of their unique skills in order to get to the next screen. The combat really isn’t great but can thankfully be ignored most of the time by running past enemies and there’s no XP system only money drops that can be gained from treasure chests instead, the currency’s only use is for battery locations that need to be found for the achievements and health boosters that give one of your characters another bar of health. There are boss fights however these are a cakewalk and only one required a second attempt. Yeah this doesn’t sound like that much of a positive review… but I did like the art style, the music was nice in places, and it reminded me of the LEGO games which I love with that discovery and reason to explore with each character to access new areas. So overall I did find it fun and I’d recommend it but I felt a bit disappointed at the same time, I may have preferred if it was less open world and more level focused like the beginning of the game where you’re forced down certain paths only using one or two characters instead of four, that’s how the LEGO games work, and then when you want to explore you’ve got freeplay and an easy way to just switch characters around with a press of a button, instead of finding the totems that aren’t marked on your map even after finding them.

Next month - chosen by Traqie

  • DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition

    2 minutes playtime

    0 of 41 achievements

  • Headlander

    3 hours playtime

    0 of 31 achievements

  • Remember Me

    3 hours playtime

    0 of 50 achievements

It’s an exciting time when the month ends to see what new challenge my picker has in store for me, however my heart may have sank a bit seeing Dark Souls appear next to my name! I know it’s meant to be a must play but honestly I’ve always been worried I may not have the skill or patience to finish it, which is thankfully something that doesn’t happen often as I hate abandoning things part the way through, I can only really think of Furi and Hotline Miami 2 and I mean to give them both a second shot when I’m feeling brave enough. So being challenged was likely the only way I was ever going to click play, and still those two minutes gametime were from opening it up, seeing the menu and thinking no not today. I’m sure the difficulty is exaggerated!!! Delighted with the others, Remember Me is something I’ve been eager to play for a while, I’ve been listening to the soundtrack for it since it came out, and Headlander looks fun too, I saw a positive review for it on here recently.


Rally was fantastic and it’s great to see a sequel announced

Yes!! I’ve been watching all footage, developer interviews and whatever I’ve found on Youtube, I’m excited to see the final product. I noticed all the locations in Rally 2.0 will be new, but I’m wondering if they’re planning to bring back locations from the first game later after release. If not, I’ll definitely miss places like Monte Carlo, Finland, Sweden (as frustrating as they were)…

Whew, best of luck with Dark Souls. I bought that same “old” version earlier this summer from a sale, I’ll play it eventually after an undetermined time of mental preparation. Are you playing it with or without DSFix?


As much frustration as Sweden caused I’d also miss it, you need some challenging locations that fill you with dread when the loading screen appears! Finland was much nicer in comparison, I hope there’s a reasonably gentle location if it isn’t included, without the piles of snow to get stuck in or mountainside drops if you mess up a corner like Monte Carlo… New Zealand, Argentina, Spain, Poland, Australia and the USA are given on the Steam page, maybe Poland might be a good beginner track? Famous last words! Just going by my limited geographic knowledge lol.

Thanks I appreciate the good luck! Yeah I installed the DSFix, I was tempted by the remaster but looking at some comparison videos the DSFix does a good job at improving the original even if it doesn’t quite match the new version. I’ve played through the prologue without dying once, maybe I’ll survive the whole thing.


Yep I agree, Poland is most likely one of the “easier” rallies, it should have fairly smooth type of gravel/tarmac. Same goes with Spain, I think. Either way, those six locations already look like an interesting mix! Can’t wait for the full car list.

I came to the same conclusion as you, it looks like the original with DSFix should give a good experience. As far as I know there can be issues where you might glitch through the map while sliding down ladders if you unlock the framerate, but that’s pretty easy to avoid.

I’ve played through the prologue without dying once, maybe I’ll survive the whole thing.

There you go! That’s a no death run well under way. Carry on. ^^

Blue Ϟ Lightning

Dark souls’s dificulty is definitely exagerated…but not non existant.

The good thing about it is alot of the time if you’re ever stuck you can switch weapons or find somethingg to infuse with breaking whatever barrier you find yourself behind


Thanks for the tip I’ll keep that in mind, as far as I can tell there’s no inventory limits either so it’s nice I can carry around several different weapon types too. I ended up failing my no death run when I decided to pick a fight with a black knight…


Thanks for the World to the West review. I have it in my backlog as well, but wasn’t sure what to think of it. The 22 hours are a little off-putting to be honest, after all the game does sound a bit tedious to play… With that I can push it farther down my backlog with good conscience

Have fun with the next month’s game! Remember Me looks very interesting, judging from its store-page.


Yeah I wasn’t expecting it to be so long either, the HLTB time for the main story is 11 hours but if you’re after achievements you’re going to be doing a lot of exploring, it wasn’t so bad when all the totems were found but that mid-game section was a pain. I just had a quick look at your backlog and saw you haven’t got any LEGO games in your library, if the exploration from World to the West does interest you those are a great alternative, just find one from a license you like such as Star Wars or Harry Potter, I can’t recommend them enough!

Thanks! It’s a bit of a weird situation being excited to play games already in my backlog that I could play at any time… but the trouble has been choosing for myself and if it’s getting me 3 games beaten a month then the group works well for me!


I haven’t had the pleasure of playing a LEGO game, no. I’m definitely planning on doing so though, I’ve heard a lot of good things about them!

Choosing games for oneself is always hard. I’m struggling with it myself sometimes. Glad that the group helps you in that regard :)


I played World to the West with my kids and we really enjoyed it. The boss fights weren’t cakewalks for me, but I kinda suck at boss fights. I enjoyed the changing characters and trying to figure out which one to use to access a particular battery. I think that saying “[…] totems that aren’t marked on your map even after finding them” is misleading…because they are marked on your map, but only by the character who finds them. But it was a fun game, even if some of the batteries were hard to find (thanks, Guide!).

Remember Me is one of my favorite games. I’ve never played any kind of fighting game (combo-based combat, etc.) so it presented a challenge for me, but I really liked the story and world-building, and the memory remixes. It has a great variety of achievements which I thought were really well-done. They encouraged me to press further than I otherwise might have, and eventually got 100%! :D


Yay another comment, thanks! I liked the exploration at the end when the totems were all activated by everyone and going battery hunting was the best part of it. It was also a positive how I never felt irritated having to use a certain character, they were all balanced enough and well equipped to get around easily. That’s a fair point about the map markers, I should have made that clearer, I meant that when you’re bringing up the map when you’re off exploring it just shows the terrain detail and any objectives, it would have been nice to see where the nearest one is located. Haha yes guides are definitely a bonus to playing a while after a game has been released!

That’s nice to know about the 100% being doable, congrats :) I’ll see how I get on… did you find the combat easier the more you played it? I barely have any experience with fighting games either! Neo-Paris looks absolutely amazing, I’ve been using some of the concept art as desktop wallpaper since it came out lol.


Yeah, the variety of the characters and the different way to handle opponents / land features was a real plus.

I started Remember Me on Easy because I’d never played a fighting game, and the game does a pretty good job gradually increasing the difficulty of the combat sequences forcing you to try new combos and strategies. I tended to favor survivability for damage output but a better player probably could have mowed down the opponents by favoring damage. As I mentioned in my review, veterans of the genre find the game too easy and boring.

And yes, the artwork and trailer made me want to try out a game outside my comfort zone.


Nice review, thanks for sharing :) It does sound promising if you were encouraged to persist with the hardest difficulty even after trouble with the first boss, I can absolutely relate to having a love hate relationship with achievements, if I feel a game is worth it then I try to push myself to reach completion too but on the other hand I may end up playing something long past the point of having fun and it doesn’t always feel worthwhile. I’ll be sure to check out the guide you mentioned!


Good luck and have fun! And feel free to hit me up if you have any issues/questions.


Thanks Trent! I’ll send a friend request just in case :P