
Update Three Hundred and Sixteen: 2 July 2019


44 hours playtime, ~30 actual, 47 of 47 achievements
Glory to Mankind/10


NieR:Automata has the longest cold open of all time. It’s a cold open that took me, personally, three weeks to get through—and then I finished the rest of the game in about two days. It’s a game about cycles, and humanity, and how, while you might make the same mistakes over and over, they’re still YOUR mistakes, your choices, to make. Embracing them and moving forward anyway, motivated by nothing but the meaning you give yourself, is the only way to keep going.

Also, asscheeks.

I’m not going to do a lot of setup about the game—you’re here on this site, you’re on SG, I know all of you motherfuckers are plugged in to the pulse of games as a whole. You’ve heard about this game. It’s a Platinum stylish action game, with an emphasis on combat and fluid movement and sicknasty combos. The splash it’s made has been undeniable, and while I can see exactly why… I also can’t exactly say I agree.

Let me put it like this: NieR:Automata is a game that emotionally affected me very much… but not one I’d recommend to people who aren’t already interested. It was, somehow, able to make me go from ‘okay, this is okay, I’m fine’ to ‘weeping openly’ in one musical cue, but it also took me three solid weeks (that’s where I went!) to actually finish just the first route. It’s uneven and weird, not in a Katamari Damacy way, just… for every benefit there’s a drawback.

That drawback is the A and B routes. It took me 17 hours of playtime to finish both of those routes, which are essentially the same routes just as different characters, with a couple of new scenes added in route B. Sure, I did sidequests and shit in route A, but I blasted through route B at a dead sprint, literally running everything I possibly could so I could get to the part everyone said was good. And, yes, route C did do what everyone said it would—finally got me hooked and actively enjoying playing the game. It just sucked that it had to take THAT long.

The nature of cycles is that, well, they need to cycle. You need to do shit for a bunch of times before the doing of that shit has meaning and weight behind it… just, before that meaning is built, doing that shit is kind of boring and unfulfilling. Adam and Eve make for really underwhelming antagonists, and until the shit gets going, the stuff the game goes through is pretty average. The soundtrack alone was what carried me through much of those routes, which is a LOT of heavy lifting.

My experience with the game was made worthwhile in Ending E, which was a really cool move and one of my favorite final boss fights I’ve ever had. (And, if you’re wondering if I did what was asked of me at the end: yes I did.) What it asks of the player, what it feels like and means? That’s the goodest of good shit.

I just don’t think I can say with my chest that the rest of it really was worth getting there. Enough people love the fuck out of this game—I’m sure you’ve all heard it enough to influence you in one way or another. I’m glad enough that I got to experience this… though I truly wish it had stolen my heart like it’d stolen everyone else’s.

Oh, well. There’s always this dope ass song that I’ve been listening to non-stop.

Next up: Something short short short!

See you soon!


Wow, the music video is kind of disturbing. I’m traumatized for the rest of the day.

Nier Automata is on my “need-to-play-soon” list for a long time - that’s self-contradictory.

This 3 sentences let me look like a total psycho - I’m not, really. Well, just a little at some moments. ;)

Thanks for your reviews, I really like to read them.


Oh no! Hahaha, I should’ve put some warning tags on the video. It explores the games themes (though the game doesn’t get as graphic), though, so you get a taste!

Don’t worry don’t worry, you’re fine. Thank you for reading! Hopefully I’ll be more active in July - I only finished five games last month!


This comment was deleted almost 5 years ago.


Oh hell yeah, I’m a motherfucker. Don’t know much about this game though except from what I’ve seen in the demo, which is short as hell.

And also, wtf Adam and Eve? It gets biblical?


Really? You managed to escape the hype?

I didn’t know much DETAIL about the game, but I had heard of a TON of people talking about it, how good it was, etc. etc. Several of my friends were like ‘you MUST PLAY IT’.

Only in a loose sense, and only in those two characters, really. There’s a lot more namedropping about philosophers instead.


Yeah, well, I tend not to listen too much to news about those super extra AAA games, cause then I’ll just get bummed out about how I can’t play them cause I don’t have the money or the specs.

inb4 “Nietzsche believed God is dead and that’s why our life is so sad”… or something


That’s a smart move for sure.

Ha, you got the first part right, but the conclusion they come to is different!


And that’s also why I like having a console; even though some people are still incredibly objected to them (as if their dads never worked at Nintendo, psshh!)

Hmm… then I guess it’s something like “that’s why each of us has to find their own purpose”, huh?

Blue Ϟ Lightning

ah yesss I loved this game so much its part of the reason why I falsely convinced myself I like hack and slash games (buying/winning and dropping stuff like one piece, god eater etc)

while playing I thought all the stuff with philosophers names on all the characters was cute/well done but afterwords reading people talk about it they all seemed pretentious and all the “its oh so deep and I’m oh so smart for understanding all the nuances” annoyed the hell out of me.
still recommend the game but I agree anyone who isn’t already interested probably doesn’t need to play it.


I like stylish action games… when I can cheat at them c;

Yeah, they weren’t really made that big of a deal in game, but I’ve seen a lot of buzz about them in the fandom.
The only outstanding thing about this game is the soundtrack and ending E