
Ive bought the Yogscast bundle so the log has increased but i finished/beat a few too so woot woot.
I still find it difficult to “complete” games as i dont find it enjoyable to grind for achievments but its a cool thing to have 100% game completion so il try.
I will also update more frequently now as i need to get the hang of this.
Ive also not been invited to the Steamgroup

Lucky Thirteen

Might want to start with the games with no achievements, then the short games with achievements (HOGs are awesome for that, as they’re short, enjoyable and usually pretty easy to 100%) and then it’ll start coming to you hehe ;D

Be sure to keep an eye on the monthly themes too, they might help you find the motivation to play some games ;)


You don’t have to gain every cheevo, just have fun and optionally beat main story.


i also bought the yogscast bundle and haven’t been invited to the group. it’s been a busy month for me and all i’ve been playing is terraria; maybe i’ll get invited to the group if i start finishing games.

i wouldn’t worry about 100%ing games you don’t enjoy, especially if you have other games in the backlog! i even move on from games i did enjoy before trying to get all the achievements if at least one of them seems difficult or not fun to get. there is a beaten status in addition to completed…

Arbiter Libera

That bundle sounds amazing if you’ve been out of the indie loop for couple of years. Still a bit pricey at $30.


Personally I’m bigger on finishing games than 100% completing them. It does happen though. Plenty of games are easy 100%. Not necessarily going out of your way for if you have a huge backlog though. Just play and enjoy games and try to finish them when possible.