
Update Three Hundred and Five: 9 May 2019


236 hours playtime, ~30 hr actual, 21 of 21 achievements
Doesn't matter!/10


I feel like I’ve woken up from a two-week long coma, or an eighty-year long nap. Like when you wake up and you’ve only REALLY slept for an hour and a half but you’re disoriented and vaguely sticky and your mouth feels like the inside of a boot and you’re convinced you’ve died and been transported somewhere where your head is the same consistency as one of those squishy stress balls soaked in sour marmalade.

Anyway. Hey, hi. It’s been a while. Long time no see.

In between havin real life fun with real life friends, letting Dungeons and Dragons absorb my weekend, and drawing like a sonofabutch, I’ve been doing the daily (eternal) grind with Lionheart, a game that, if you don’t have already, you cannot and will never play. It really isn’t a great loss.

Some pretty serious fuckshit (yes, that is a legal term) lead publisher and localizer Fruitbat Factory to remove Lionheart from their catalog. That already is reason enough not to play it, and then you get to the core of things: the game itself is a nothing-game. Nothing about it is particularly special or impactful or even all that bad. It’s the platonic ideal of nothingness, a great big shrug.

You play as a plucky guy who’s really dumb, there’s a cast of characters (including the take-no-shit white mage, the only real bright spot in this game), you have to explore this corridor and eventually fight a demon lord, it’s very flat 2D turn-based combat that’s clunky and just… well…

It helped me watch about four episodes of Critical Role in two weeks, which is better than my previous rate of an episode a week. Everyone (including my girlfriend) is so far ahead of me in watching it, but it helped me get a little bit closer! The incredible grindy nature of the game gave me just enough to do with my hands so I could focus on the way more interesting adventures of the Mighty Nein.

… yeah, folks, that’s all I got.

Next up: Holy christ do I need a pick-me-up after that, and I get to choose a game myself that fits the monthly theme! I choose—

See you soon!


I feel like the only time I properly connect everything you write down is when it’s bad and I have it to play or want to… You certainly got a way with words to make me groan in horror of the idea of having to do them 1 day. Think I’ll wait until someone picks me to play this rather then jump at the chance when I feel like it. Still want that seduce me 2 though! Still not willing to pay that £7 and I keep forgetting about it until the sales are up if it even goes on sale which it doesn’t always


HA! You know? I’ll take it. You’re effected either way, AND I either get to say ‘I told you so!’ or feel your joy at proving me wrong.

Lionheart isn’t AWFUL, just numbing. Have a good television show or podcast lined up whenever you start it!


I loooove Tokyo Dark. It’s such a great game and it’s in my list of favorite games of all time. The story is so creepy and thrilling and you can’t stop playing. And the decisions are so hard to make. I think, I’m going to play new game+ in the next time. Have fun! And I’m really curious about your opinion.


Oh man, I’m pumped! I’m doing a blind playthrough first, so we’ll see what we get!


I’ve been seeing you logged into Lionheart since forever and because of this I thought it meant it was such a good game!!! ;D TOP 10 ANIME BETRAYALS


The games I spend the longest on, usually, are the games that aren’t bad enough to drop entirely… but aren’t good enough for me to actively WANT to play (LIKE YOU, XBLAZE LOST MEMORIES).

Never betrayals, giselle! never!!


Guuurl… you don’t even know how long I’ve waited for you to finish this. Sad it turned out bad. Even more sad that its dev is another harassing piece of shit. Cool you finally get to play another game. Can’t wait for stuff to move again ^^


Aww, thank you for waiting anyway! And, yeah, reading that article first off made me VERY glad I didn’t buy the game outright, just kept a key from a bundle. I’m also eager to keep things moving! May seems to be a month where I don’t play a lot of games…


At least you weren’t too disappointed. I mean, imagine being incredibly hyped about a game and then learning something like that about the dev… you’d still enjoy the game, but deep inside you’d just feel queasy… I hate that kind of feeling :/

As for moving, I mean… you could always choose what you want to play yourself or what is short enough to be done for faster backlog assasination, but I guess RNGing it adds that extra spice :>


Oh gorl, tell me about it. That’s how I feel about Rurouni Kenshin.

Ehhh, the problem with that method is if you do a lot of short games, then all you’re left with is long games! I like switching them up. It’ll all take me the same amount of time in the end, after all. What’s been standing in the way, actually, has been real life! I’m happy that’s what’s taking me away from so much time dedicated to this hobby - other hobbies and fun times. Feels like my life has opened up more.


Oh damn. As little as I know about that series, I’m certain I heard that story too.

You do have a point, actually! I often do things the wrong way - play games because they’re short just to be discouraged later on, start watching anime as they air and end up stalling them indefinitely, buy games on sales just to realize I still spend a fuckton of money on them…
And, uh, how do I say this… congrats on having a real life? xD I mean, it’s good to hear you like dedicating yourself to so many things!


Yeah. That was my first manga, and I love… d… it dearly. It mega sucks.

I don’t know if I’d say there’s a ‘wrong’ way, just a way that makes you more or less happy or fulfilled. If you take action with that as your focus - to be happier, have more fun, enjoy yourself more, rather than for what you feel you ‘should’ do - you’ll rarely go astray, at least in the case of choosing which media to engage with or when or how much.

Ha! Aw, I get it! It’s new for me, and while it tuckers me out sometimes, I like it! I do miss digging into gaming, and, luckily, I’m on to much better games!


You wanna love a thing… but the creator of that thing just… goes and does that other thing that isn’t creative and is actually a law offense. As a wise man would say: Nice job breaking it, hero!

Hmm… yeah, I get that. Then again, it’s way too often that I or probably many other people do something the way we feel we have to do it (even though it’s about free time activity, for goodness sake), and then… the “epiphany” comes. Coupled with a facepalm (mental, physical or both) and an “Oh my god, I’ve wasted so much time doing it this way!” …unless you really want to consume bad media. For entertainment purposes. Then I can’t say no, I do that a lot.

I’ve either yet to find something that isn’t somehow tied to school (and ultimately doesn’t feel like a waste of time and/or money) and I could do more often, besides sitting at home and feeling like… uh… a low person. I like things like bowling or going to the shooting range (truth be told, I must have done that only… twice? in my whole life so far), but I guess the reason I like them is because I don’t do them as often? I dunno, I wanna learn to bowl good.