
March-April 2023 Progress Jump to next post

Finished games:

Unfinished games:

Current progress

36.4% (246/675)
12.3% (83/675)
4.4% (30/675)
46.8% (316/675)

does not include games from the "won't play" list and non-Steam backlogs


Last 2 months weren’t that productive in terms of my backlog progress, as most of the time went either into playing TF2 or making BLAEO+. Fortunately I’ll have more days off work this month so hopefully I can go back to business as usual.


Earlier this month I released BLAEO+, a userscript for BLAEO that adds some new features and QoL improvements to the site, including How Long to Beat integration, filtering games by tags or modes (SP, MP, CO-OP), saving/loading post drafts, previewing comments before adding them, QoL improvements for mobile, etc. I’ll be slowly adding new features to it over the next few months, like ProtonDB integration, Steam Deck Verified icons, adding games to tags automatically by playtime or other criteria, etc.
I’d love to hear what you think about it, and if there are any other useful features you’d like to see added.

Install BLAEO+
Source code on GitHub
Discussion thread on BLAEO Steam group

That’s all for now. Thanks for checking out my post!


Wow, you completed Adventure Pals in 8.5hrs. Impressive.


Thanks :) The game was pretty easy and the collectibles were easy to find so I’m not surprised I managed to do it quick.


Thanks for the userscript and updates. Looking forward for ProtonDB integration. <3


You’re welcome! ProtonDB integration is something I’d love to use myself, hopefully I can get it done soon :)


Thank you for making/sharing the script! It is great so far and will absolutely come in super handy! I would also absolutely love to have a ProtonDB integration.
As for any other features I would like to see: being able to see the actual HLTB playtime next to the game instead of just a link and some sort of option to block people so their post don’t show up on the feed.


Thanks for the suggestions! By HLTB playtime I assume you mean your own playtimes from HLTB? It definitely seems doable since they do have an API for that. A block list sounds good too, with an option to have the posts either collapsed or just hidden completely. I most likely won’t be able to get those features added in the next update since I do want to focus on ProtonDB integration first, but I’ll keep them in mind :)


No, I mean the Main Story/Completionist playtime so you can already see at a glance about how long a game would take you. Wait HLTB has an official API? Last time we checked (for the PA website) they didn’t and we were using some janky 3rd party one.
Oh yea, I don’t expect them to add you at all, you just asked if they were any other features we would like to see and those are the 2 things I miss having so I threw them in :) Thank you for listening to them!

Edit: wait, I just saw that there are those playtimes listed now. I don’t know if this was updated since I yesterday or the script wasn’t working properly for me because they 100% werent there yesterday.

Double Edit: last updated 17 hours ago on the script and a week ago on GitHub, safe to say something just wasn’t working for me so disregard my suggestion for HLTB as it is already done :D This is even more handy than I thought it was already <3


I was confused at first since the feature was already added, so I thought you meant something else but I’m glad it got cleared up :)

Yeah, HLTB has an official API now (same one they made for their Xbox partnership), and their site itself uses it in some places like the search function, but they haven’t opened it to the public yet and so there’s no documentation for it so far. If you need an example, you can check the HLTB for Deck source code to see how they handled it.


Yea, no clue why it didn’t work originally, I assume a restart of Firefox fixed whatever was wrong.

Ahhh, I see, good to know. Thank you for the link!


Userscript looks great and very helpful!! If I can figure out how to get it to work…. haha


Thanks! To use it you have to install an extension in your browser that allows adding userscripts, like Violentmonkey or Tampermonkey for example. Once you install an extension like that, just click on the “Install” link and the extension should then ask you if you want to add that userscript. Once that’s done just visit BLAEO and then you should be able to use all features from BLAEO+. If you want to toggle some features on/off, there’s a settings menu in the dropdown next to your avatar in the header that lets you configure the userscript.


I knew I was missing something! Thanks, playing around with it now.
The HLTB integration is amazing :D