
March 2021 Update

Next update (works only on profile page)

Overall backlog progress :

27% completed
59% beaten
1% unfinished
1% never played
12% won't play

Side note

I saw banner on Sharky post which turned out to be iterated from Lengray post. I tweaked it up a bit. I didn’t know that you can do this kind of thing with simple HTML before. BLAEO doesn’t support CSS so I never went into trying to make simple banner.

I started to learn Python so I’m surprised I managed to beat that much last month (I’m not super consistent with it though :hehe:). I made a list after Winter Sale with games I have and that it would take me most probably whole year to go through them. We’re just done with Q1 of the year and I already beaten 7 / 15. So looks like I may beat those by the half of the year. So I may buy something during the Summer Sale after all :D

Also I went ahead and incorporated more game dissection in this review. Night in the Woods doesn’t fit into it so it has “normal” review. But I like how it turned out to be. Some summary of points that repeat in nearly all my reviews and optional extra text under if some aspect doesn’t fit - like broken money economy in GTA V.

I used icons from this page, to show gaming platform in my post:


BLAEO doesn’t support CSS

Actually, it does. There’s plenty of things you can tweak as long as the code works inline.


Start selling the code you will make a fortune


I tried for days to make carousel screenshots but it requires CSS. And I realized it too late. Normal CSS has bare bone HTML tags and styling part in the top part of the website that tells browser how to display it.

And BLAEO supports some weird mix of SG-like formatting and HTML. You can style your text inside div or span class but it’s done in standard HTML way. Like I write top part in HTML and bottom in SG-like. But I can’t use ** to bold text in top part, as it’s in HTML :hehe:. It’s confusing, so no wonder so many people don’t format their posts.

Good that we have generator that allows people to make fancy posts in easy way.