Machines Are Human

Feb 18 - 1

  • Black The Fall

    11 hours playtime

    8 of 14 achievements

  • Tacoma

    3 hours playtime

    2 of 12 achievements

Black - The Fall
Black - The Fall is a puzzle-plattformer in the style of Inside where you try to break out of a totalitarian system.
I liked the steampunk/sovjet mix and the puzzles where not that easy. The only negativ point I saw was the controlling that not felt so tight and direct as in other games of this genre…
Still I would play it again (playtime is more like 5h but I forgot to exit the game yesterday :D)

Tacoma is a Sci-Fi walking simulator where you explore a space station after there was a problem.
You can recreate “Videologs” to find out what happend. There are no puzzles or anything like that in the game so it’s pretty much fast forward.
I enjoyed the story and setting (as you can see in my avatar, my name and my steamprofil I like stuff like that) and the soundtrack was great too…

I’m not sure what to play next. Still have my “3 big ones” with Mafia 3, Dishonored 2 and Quantum Break in my Backlog and maybe I’ll start one of these next weekend but tbh. I would love to play a good looking single-player-first-person-shooter-with-good-story. But… it feels like I already played most of them.


I’m gonna play Tacoma next. I didn’t even know about it till yesterday but it seems so fun.

Machines Are Human

It is. I can understand, that people might find it boring because you just explore the story but if you are into walking-sims, it’s a good one.


Oh, those were both in the recent Humble Monthly, however I haven’t activated them yet. Tacoma had me interested as well, but wasn’t so sure about Black. Good to hear that both are enjoyable games :)

Blue Ϟ Lightning

I’m currently playing dishonored 2 and its definitely a big one- loads of fun while playing but then weirdly enough I have low motivation to start it each time
so progress has been slow.


playtime is more like 5h but I forgot to exit the game yesterday

those 11 hours scared me for a second :D
I tried Black the Fall last night and I was really unimpressed with the controls and some jerky movement/animation quirks. I’ll try sticking with it but it felt weird that the game I was most happy to get in this monthly was also the most underwhelming so far. Tacoma and The Norwood Suite on the other hand were great!