
I feel dirty for these :x

Honestly, I’ve got no freaking clue how I even got these - probably an indiegala bundle or some crap like that. I feel like cheating for using these… But, hey, at least my backlog is down 25 games? Or something. All except Pain Train & Pain Train 2 are launch, close,5k achievement/game completed + steam crash games.
Also, it seems for some reason closing everyone of these games makes steam crash.

Except that these are cheap ass achievement games, it made me realise I REALLY hate gaining 5k achievements without effort. Sure, the Zup! games ain’t much better… At least you actually have to complete those games. And I actually liked them.


0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


A lame puzzle game, 5k achievements, only had to open it really and close to get them all.
Oh, and steam crashed.


0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


A lame puzzle game, 5k achievements, only had to open it really and close to get them all.
Oh, and steam crashed.

Morendar: Goblin Slayer

0.2 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


This one was somewhat fun. Same as the others for the achievement, but I actually enjoyed playing a level in it!

Kicking Kittens: Putin Saves The World

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Tha fuck. Thought it couldn't get any worse/weird… Guess I was wrong.

Destination Dungeon: Crypts of Warthallow

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


This one was enjoyable. Somewhat.

Fitzzle Mighty Bears

0.0 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


Same concept as the qlorb games, but now with an image! <img src='https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957476389768638967/DC4A371241D26FD95984D0DE35D48F3AE494D758/>

Warp Rider

0.0 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


Shoot obstacles, avoid gaps, don't die.
<img src='https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957476389768647295/1E766C8F919A59E4B5620A68A2611EC6B58C7B63/>


0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Deja vu… Pretty much the same as Destination Dungeons

Symbiotic Overload

0.0 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


A somewhat decent twin stick shooter. Fun while it lasted, but won't bother playing it again

Pain Train PainPocalypse

0.0 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


A cheap FPS where you kill zombies. Oh, and unlimited ammo

<img src='https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/957476389768751032/2CC7F9DCD941DB7FB2861DBEFDC33551CD2D0F4F/'

Pain Train

2.5 hours, 0 of 590 achievements


Better graphics - compared to paincolypse. Oh, and you actually have to do something for the achievements, instead of just gaining 5k as soon as you launch and quit the game!

Pain Train 2

2.7 hours, 162 of 720 achievements


Same as pain train, but now in a spaceship! The achievements aren't auto-given here, either.. You have to at least meet some requirements.
It seems do-able, just can't be bothered myself as I absolutely dislike FPS games in general.

The Art Of Knuckle Sandwich

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Definately seen this game before, just with different assets… Oh, that's right, Destination: Dungeons!

Yatsumitsu Fists of Wrath

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Definately seen this game before, just with different assets (goblins…) Hmms, I wonder.
Oh, that's right! Their other game, Morendar: Goblin Slayer
These are somewhat fun, except… You move, pick up and attack all with the left mouse button.

Poultry Panic

0.0 hours, 5000 of 5000 achievements


The fuck did I just play… Chickens spawn, you can make them run either left or right. I think by killing them you turn them into food, or something?

Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly 2

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It's different, at least. It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.

Crankies Workshop: Zazzbot Assembly

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It's different, at least. It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.

Crankies Workshop: Whirlbot Assembly

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It's different, at least. It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.

Crankies Workshop: Lerpbot Assembly

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It's different, at least. It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.

Crankies Workshop: Grizzbot Assembly

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It's different, at least. It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.

Crankies Workshop: Bozzbot Assembly

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


It seems a very fast paced science based quit, with yes or no options.
The faster you answer correctly, the more money and thus the more expensive the robot you build.


0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Some puzzle game. Didn't like it.

Math Problem Challenge

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Ultra fast multiple choice math

Math Speed Challenge

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


Ultra fast multiple choice math

Solar Battle Glargaz

0.0 hours, 0 of 5000 achievements


This one was fun! - compared to the other crap in this list.
Actually lasted 5 whole levels before I got bored!

Defend your planet, the gems are shields and are good, the ships are bad and must be destroyed by clicking on them

Arbiter Libera

But, hey, at least my backlog is down 3 games?

Almost misread that as “down to 3 games” for a second. That would be nice.


Whahahahahaha. If only… Figured I might as well get through all the crap from the same publisher, so hopefully the amount is still reducing.


Pro tip for the making Steam crash part: try to start a different game up before you close one of these down, it should stop it from crashing. Also it does not properly crash, just freezes it for a couple of minutes, at least for me.


Ah, thanks for the tip!
Yup, for me steam completely freezes, and apparently I just lack the patient to wait haha.


Wow so many achievement games XD well done on getting rid of them


Totally not worth the effort lol. But oh well, time to find something decent to play now!


Honestly, I had a few of these games in my collection that then added a bunch of achievements and I just deleted them from my account without installing them. Achievements is very much a personal thing, and for me they are memories of games I’ve played and enjoyed, rather than just a number that needs to be increased, so I couldn’t bring myself to installing something I knew was a game in name only. Shame on the devs who abused this system.


Yeah, I liked zup as well. It was nice to get a 100 achievements at first. It’s unfortunate that a bunch of greedy devs decided that they could get away with creating a terrible game as long as they could add 5000 achievements. :/
Btw, Math Speed Challenge is opening the game above it. I think you’ve used the same number for both.


Ah thanks for the heads up!
And ye, it’s ridiculous. I guess I wouldn’t mind the 5k achievements to much if you actually earned them, but just opening/closing the game is like meh. Also a shame about the games itself for the people who do find them interesting, takes the whole point of even trying to play them out.