
Permanently deleted 150 more games

Actually they should be more than that but Valve doesn’t allow to remove games separately if bought in a bundle. Still, feels light. My red list is much smaller now. ^^


Nice. Did the same with games that I added around when I joined Steam, and were bad.


Thanks. I feel that. I deleted more than 500 games until now and it blows my mind that there were so many bundles I bought. Rookie mistake. Nowadays I refund right away if the game is not fun or I suspect that the game will die soon (for multiplayers). I hope Valve can find a way to delete individual bundled games so I can delete more. :)


I think it’s how publishers bundle those together. So may not be possible for Steam to force them to change.

I did remove recently one of those bundles with one game I wanted to keep - Game of Thrones RPG. Decided I will wait for some deep promotion to re-buy it. Instead of keeping it in library beaten, when few different games bundled with it I have no interest in.


Yeah could be. It seems Valve can’t do anything about that. I contacted Steam Support for the last 48 games I cannot delete. They managed to delete one beta game and that’s all. Others are all bundled in a way. So only option is the hide them in the library. I also asked if they can delete the bundles but re-accredit the ones I want to keep but they cannot do that either. I know it was a very low chance but well. :)

If knew the prices won’t go 6-10 fold, I might think to re-buy some of them but the timing is bad sadly. At least I don’t buy anything that I know I won’t play anymore. I even removed the ones “I might play” from my wishlist.

Even if you bought a weird bundle (different studio collaborations), Steam Support can’t split it. Though they didn’t tell the exact reason to me.

I guess this is not a reason to disturb GabeN.


Nice job :D


Thanks. :D


This solution to some of my super low interest games didn’t occur to me until I saw your post. I’m seriously considering it.


It’s for the best I think. They just make the library looks crowded and make feels empty at the same time. I didn’t even hesitate for overwhelmingly positive games, if I tried them but didn’t like it just didn’t matter.


Marie Kondo’ing your library 😂
Getting rid of those games does feel great though!


Exactly. :D
Everyone wants their games to spark joy. If it doesn’t, better shoot it down. :P