
Casual achievement hunter’s progress log #60


Domina - A great soundtrack, awesome graphics, badass spectacles, a great concept and a small price. If you said that the game was all of these things then you’d be correct. But you’d be forgetting one important thing. It’s shallow. It’s actually very shallow. The game’s “story mode” requires near perfection and the endless mode just shows off the shallowness even more. It’s still worth your time, don’t get me wrong. But just know what you’re getting into. (25/34 achievements / 74%)
Batman: Arkham Knight - Well shit… I thought this would be even worse than Origins, but damn was I wrong. This is now my second most favourite Batman game after Arkham City. The Batmobile was a great addition. It’s funny how the game’s vehicle combat was way more polished than their trademark ground combat system though. Just a reminder, the port is not as mangled as it was at first, but it still crashes once in a while, has a massive performance drops from time to time and getting it to actually run to begin with is like playing the lottery. (48/113 achievements / 42%)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - So after the huge amount of praise and hype behind it, I decided to buy the MGS V: Definitive Edition, which included this little “tech demo” as well. It was fun. Not amazingly fun, but it was above average. I’m currently in the main game and I’m already bored of it though. They give you a lot of tools, but it doesn’t make the game more varied or dynamic for the most part. This has been a huge disappointment for me overall as of yet. I’ll try and push through a bit more, maybe the situation will improve. (2/16 achievements / 13%)
Mad Max - I wanted to 100% an SG win, so I thought I’d replay this game. Turns out you can’t get one of the achievements if you’ve cleared all areas. Great… So now I’m 1 achievement shy of 100%… (48/49 achievements / 98%)
Event[0] - I thought I’d love this. Instead we got an A.I. that was frustratingly bad. The solutions to the objectives felt a bit too abstract as well. I didn’t like this game very much. (6/12 achievements / 50%)
Jalopy - Had a fun time streaming the whole thing with my viewers. A lovely experience. I’d recommend it. Though, it’s quite a buggy game, so beware. (8/23 achievements / 35%)
F.E.A.R. 3 - This game’s pretty damn good. The combat feels satisfying, the visuals are actually working with the world, the environments are interesting and the story is pretty okay. It’s not as good as the first main game, but it’s not as bad as the dreadful second game.


Pro Gamer Manager 2 - Jeesh… The devs abandoned the first game and gave this one for free as a fresh start to all the owners of the original. Guess what? They abandoned this one too. And this game’s even worse than the first one. (no achievements)
Garfield Kart - An SG win. Thought the meme would be funny, but this game’s genuinely awful. (no achievements)
F.E.A.R. - The second horror game that I beat. The first one being Outlast. I didn’t enjoy the game in my first two tries, but this time I almost binged through it. It’s such a good action game with amazingly good horror elements. I highly recommend it. (no achievements)
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point - People like this expansion for some reason. I’d say it became awful after the church segment. That was the first 15 minutes of the game. It’s an easy complete, but jeesh it’s boring. (no achievements)
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate - Even worse than Extraction Point. That is all. (no achievements)
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin - It’s weird… this game has “Very Positive” reviews. Even though the game is glitchy, bland and everything (yes, no joke, everything) that it does is bad. Not a single thing is done well. Sound, glitchy. Graphics, ugly and uninteresting. Story, non-existant. Enemies, completely nonsensical. Combat… jeesh… Oh, also, you can’t look down… WHAT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? (no achievements)

14,542 achievements (+132) 76 perfect games (+0) 44% avg. game completion (+0%)
1,235 games (+10) 613 DLC owned (+12) 129 reviews (+1) 955 wishlisted (+15)

55% never played (-1%)
19% unfinished (+0%)
11% beaten (+0%)
13% completed (+1%)
1% won’t play (-1%)

Thanks for the info about Mad Max achievements! It is on my “hopefully play this century” list and it would really annoy me to end up in the same situation as you :/


Yeah. To be more exact, it’s the “complete all challenges” achievement. It seems there’s a reason why it’s the rarest achievement :D

Thanks for reading :)


Yea, I was curious what it was after writing the comment so went to stalk your profile :D Will definitely look up what I have to pay attention to before I start that game.


I also didn’t enjoy Event[0] or F.E.A.R 2 so I’m glad I found someone who agrees! I never actually beat Event[0] because towards the end I ran into a game breaking glitch and the dev never responded to me. I didn’t want to replay so I just left it at that. Event[0] wasn’t a bad game imo, but F.E.A.R 2 was a pain to get through. It didn’t even leave with a satisfying ending


F.E.A.R. 2 is one of those games that is just so damn bad that the only thing that is good about it is its budget because that can, to an extent, substitute talent.
As for Event[0], I’d hate that situation. The game was pretty bad imo and having to replay it would make me just flat out hate it.

Thanks for reading :)


My Pc cant run Garfield Kart at a stable frame rate, only Dirt instead,like some peasant.


Damn… just shows that you’re not worthy, you disgusting mongrel! >:(

(Thanks for reading :D)


I think I enjoyed the prequel of MGS V more as well. It was short but the tight environment made it more interesting. You dropped straight into the action, and could play around with all the systems of the game properly. Scaled up to the huge open world of the main game it gets a bit overwhelming. Such a slog to get from one place to another. It needed a fast travel option that was actually fast. Not go to the helicopter point, wait for the helicopter, get onto the helicopter, fly up, choose a new landing point, fly down, land. ETC ETC. Alternatively you drive or ride the horse everywhere and end up doing the same things over and over. It needed a pick me up anywhere and drop me somewhere else option, for people who don’t need to see the same animations a million times. I appreciate the ambition and scale of the game and I still want to finish it, but it became very grindy after a while.


Plus, the scatter around different outposts and things to do, only to find out that clearing them is useless and those side objectives are pointless after the first few.

It’s like having a few solid mechanics and then basing a 50 hour game around it. The game doesn’t seem to respect the player’s time at all.


That is it exactly, I enjoy a nice open world game, but if it only exists to pad out the gameplay rather give me something with more focus. I would have preferred if missions were held in small bases similar to ground zeros, where there’s still a lot of freedom within the level as to how you achieve your objectives but you’re not wasting time with random nonsense in between the story.


After playing GZ, that’s exactly what I expected. An open world that you can clear out for resources and whatever else and then the main stuff that’s in exclusive areas or just more detailed places. Even Far Cry 3 did that and that’s a classic Ubisoft formula. When playing the hospital level, I thought that it was slow, but I saw the extreme quality in it. I’m just sad by the disappointment :/