
Third week of April

CS:GO is still cockblocking me from progressing through my backlog as much as I would like. I need help. The wrist pain is pretty much gone but it was replaced by a constant numbishm tingly feeling on my left half of my left hand which makes using WASD hard sometimes :( My body sucks.

Also it has been about a month since I have last touched a Windows PC and I have to say I am not missing it one little bit (except fucking Paint out of all things, I want that back :( ). I can’t see myself switching back anymore, tho I am half considering switching the distro just to try something new… ah the problem of having too much choice.

Completed SG wins

Sleeping Valley
Playtime: 2 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review: A shitty platformer game with very imprecise controls. The fact that they want 10€ for it is ridiculous. It runs fine with Proton at least.

Other completed games

Euro Truck Simulator
Playtime: 1.3 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review: There is exactly 0 reason to ever pick this up and play it unless you really wanna drive through Portugal and Spain as ETS2 exist and it is so so much better in every other aspect expect for not having Portugal and Spain but it has many other new places to drive through. And if you wanna have a great time while trucking across Europe you should definitely pick it up (ETS2 I mean). Works completely fine with Proton.
Playtime: 2.2 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review: A pretty easy, simplistic and I guess ok gravity game that insist that it must be played on my portrait monitor (I did manage to move it to my main screen after a bit of fighting with it). Runs 100% fine with Proton. The only problem? I fucking hate gravity games.
Playtime: 2.2 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review:It being an RPGmaker game it didn't give me high hopes and well it didn't give me any surprises.
Timore Inferno
Playtime: 2.6 hours
Achievements: 0 of 0
Review: Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope... its a horror game. Playing it with no sound makes it a 100x better experience. It is not all that good anyways. Crashed the first time I clicked play but on the 2nd try it worked fine (Proton).

That numbness sounds a little worrying - I hope everything ends up all right, MouseWithBeer. Keep cracking at that CS:GO - you’ll conquer it!


Yea, my best guess it is some kind of issue with the nerves from sitting in a weird chair in front of a PC all day at work but I don’t really have time to go to the doctor for another 3 weeks… hoping it will go away till then.


There’s some wrist stretches you can do to relieve pressure on the nerves in your wrist (my favorite is pressing your hands together in front of your chest like you’re praying, then pulling them down toward your belt as far as you can go while still keeping the heels of your palms together) but they’d just be stopgap measures <:c

I hope it does, too!


I have been doing stretches a lot actually which they do seem to help a bit at least :) Thanks for the suggestion, I shall try that one too :)


Aaaaa jaz tudi imam (z desno) roko težave zdaj še skoraj eno leto. Sicer se ni začelo zaradi igr(c), ampak zaradi faksa - junija sem ful preveč ur vsak dan tipkala na računalnik zapiske in od takrat bolj ali manj ni tedna, ko me ne bi peklo ali v zapestju ali pa v komolcu. V bistvu takoj ko spet začnem malo več uporabljat računalnik me začne spet bolet. Tak da počivaj preden pristaneš v isti situaciji. :I


Problem pri meni je, da glede na to kaj je moje delo (software developer) si ne morem lih privoščit, da bi počivala kaj preveč :/ Danes je roka dejansko skoraj normalna na kar je 3 dnevni vikend verjento dosti pomagal. In čez prvomajske mam dopust in grem v Nemčijo za en teden tako, da upam da tisti čas bo bil zadosti da spravi roko v neko dokaj normalno stanje. Čene nevem kaj bom naredila ker ne morem delat brez ogromne uporabe rok :/


Ja bedno je, ko je služba problem oz. ko služba vsaj ne pomaga. :I (Jaz sem se delno zaradi teh težav potencialno odločla za drugo specializacijo… Ker radiologi ful preveč tipkajo in ne morem cele dneve tega delat, aaaaaa.)
A maš pa v redu tipkovnico v službi? Pa v redu položaj stola/mize/vsega? Ker doma tudi sklepam, da si že od nekdaj dosti za tipkovnico pa zgleda da do zdaj nisi mela težav. :D
Veselo heal-anje v Nemčiji želim!


Ker radiologi ful preveč tipkajo


A maš pa v redu tipkovnico v službi? Pa v redu položaj stola/mize/vsega?

Ne :( Nastavla sem si use čim bolj meni prov kolko sem upala ampak več kot tolko ne gre :/ Vsaj na tisti lokaciji ko sem večino časa so ok-ish stoli, ker na eni drugi lokaciji so taki da po 2 urah ne morem več na njih sedet ker me začne tako bolet hrbet. In stoli morejo bit vsi enaki blah blah blah. Vsaj kolikor sem slišala jih majo namen menjat kmalu. Resno upam, da se bo to dejansko zgodilo.

da si že od nekdaj dosti za tipkovnico pa zgleda da do zdaj nisi mela težav. :D

Sklepaš prov :) sem pa mela izredno podobne probleme ko sem delala zadnjo prakso samo hvala bogu je blo samo 3 mesece.

Veselo heal-anje v Nemčiji želim!

Hvala ^^


Ma’am this is Wendy’s, please speak english


That was English, I swear!


CS:GO?…get me 30 mins with this guy and i will convert him to TF2, i will crack him down! :)


*her :)

Sorry to ruin your plans but I have +550 hours in TF2, haven’t really played it since 2015 and I don’t have any plans touching it anytime soon :)