
Plenty of red this time around :(

Heroes Chronicles Chapter 7-8

18.7 hours, no achievements
GOG version


So, done with the Heroes Chronicles series.

For you who missed, or don't remember my old post on the topic, Heroes Chronicles was a series of standalone episodes released between Heroes of Might and Magic 3 & 4, and which used the Heroes 3 engine, and assets. It's basically a bunch more campaigns, with no skirmish mode, meant both as an introduction to this kind of strategy games for new players (as each episode was relatively cheap), and as a way to bridge the gap between Heroes 3 and 4. The Heroes Chronicles series follows the immortal hero Tarnam, as he does different things, with each chapter detailing a specific series of events. And the final two chapters are more of the same. Chapter 8 is actually the only time you get to play an evil faction, so despite there being 8 chapters in total, and 9 factions, there are repeats between the chapters in regards to which faction you play.

Overall, if you like Heroes of Might and Magic 3, you'll like these, it's more of the same. There's a lot of nice flavourful text in this game, which adds a lot to the experience. But sadly there's no skirmish mode, so the main mode that people tend to enjoy for the Heroes series is not here.

Roombo: First Blood

0.8 hours, 12 of 16 achievements


Roombo: First Blood is a short, and very simple game where you play a robot vacuum cleaner who needs to stop burglars who try to break into your home. This is done by activating different "traps" in the house, like making electric outlets zap enemies, or making doors slam in on them. According to the store page, this is a stealth game, but I found the most efficient way to play it was not to try and stealth things, but rather just run in, attract the attention of the burglars and then run in circles while activating traps and trying to hit as many burglars at once. Short, cute, and probably not worth the price. There's only one map, and the difference between the levels is that one extra burglar appears with each new level.

Aveyond 3-1: Lord of Twilight

7.7 hours, 1 of 1 achievements


I was giving up hope on ever finding another good RPG maker game, but this one was actually pretty good. You can tell that this was not made by a professional team of game developers, as the writing is a bit spotty, but the game was fun enough. My main gripe with it is that this game does not have a proper ending, it's just the first part of the story, and I guess I need to play through the other parts to actually see the end, and I only have one more part in the series! But if they're cheap enough, I'll probably get them, because there is enough to like here to make it worth playing.

Alone in the Dark

0.0 hours, 1 of 1 achievements


Well, this game just crashes when I try to start it. It's notoriously bad though, so I guess my computer wants to protect me from it


0.8 hours, 0 of 65 achievements


I thought I knew what to expect here. Instead of a fast paced shooter, like DOOM 1 & 2, this would be a more slow and methodical game, that attempts some light horror. And having heard a lot of people more recently saying that DOOM 3 is not so bad, people just did not like it because it was not what they expected.

Well, now I can say that it's actually a pretty bad game. The tech is still quite impressive, the lighting effects look good and there's a fare bit to like about it form this point of view, but good grief, the enemy placement. You open a door, and suddenly an enemy with a hitscan weapon spawns in a positions where it could impossibly have got to in any other way than appearing out of thin air behind you, and shoots you in the back. Rinse and repeat. When I voiced my complaints about the game in another place, I was told that the right way to play this game, at least on higher difficulties, is to always go through doors with your back turned towards it, so you can shoot the enemy that's supposed to spawn behind you before it can shoot you. Yeah, I don't agree with this design, at all. I played on medium difficulty, and on this difficulty level, that hitscanner that appears behind you is not actually a threat, you're really tanky, and health refills are plentiful, it's just annoying.

Goosebumps: The Game

1.3 hours, 9 of 40 achievements


I've never read a Goosebumps novel, nor seen the TV series, but I found this game to be quite alright when I played it, right up until the point where I put myself into a "walking dead" state, that is I managed to lose an item I had to use for another thing, and could not progress with the game anymore. There was of course no notification of this, but after running in circles for a while I looked up several guides, and all made references to me using an item that I no longer had.


Shame you didn’t like DOOM 3 but I totally get it.


At least it was better than the movie :P


I had never heard of the Heroes Chronicles before your post(s) containing them. Thank you for the short explanation. Very interesting, might have to look into them at some point :)


The Chronicles series quite often gets high discounts on GOG. And I also quite liked the format. One of the issues with many games like these is just getting through them. Heroes Chronicles was a good 60-70h long, in total, but with each episode being treated as its own game, it was a lot easier to feel like I could tackle the series, as I was only dealing with <10h episodes, that were loosely connected, rather than a massive 60-70h long game that I had to beat in one go.


Oh yeah, that sounds quite pleasant. I have several long titles sitting in my backlog and I’m reluctant to start them because of the commitment…


I liked Doom 3 more than new Doom, and was bit disappointed that it is so fast paced :P But I did not play in Doom 1 or 2, so have no comparison how this series was before.


DOOM 1 & 2 were faster than the new DOOM.


Then my image of the series was flawned, as I based it on Doom3.

For me this series was like Dead Space 1.

Arbiter Libera

It’s a shame you didn’t get to play Alone in the Dark. Janky, broken at points game with brilliance shinning through in some of its design. Not to mention absolutely stellar soundtrack that deserved a far, far better game than it got.


That does sound pretty good, but not very fitting for a horror game :P