
Hi, I need a bit of help.
I’m kind of stuck on what to play next, for various reasons. I’ve lost interest in some games and can’t seem to gain it back, I’m stuck in some games and I don’t want to solve all of the game by using walkthroughs, or some of the games are local multiplayer and I can’t play them yet. So, hopefully from my “unfinished” games (but not started ones are also fine), can someone suggest me something to continue playing that might pull me back into gaming? Right now, I kind of don’t want to play any of my games. Which isn’t good because I don’t want to buy any new ones.

Thanks to everyone again, for taking time out of their day to comment on this post. :)

My current plan is this:
I’ll play a bit of Slime Rancher and go back to a game I’ve enjoyed a lot.
Then I’ll try to continue and finish Limbo, and maybe go onto playing Inside.
I also want to give Wandersong another chance.

And guess who didn’t stick to the plan? Points to herself. Yeah, I’m basically playing Staxel whenever I can steal some game time. Yay for finding something to play! Nay for not sticking to the plan. LOL.

Arbiter Libera

It’s possible you simply burned out on video games and taking a break could rekindle that interest. If you have no interest in any games that seems likely.


I also thought so at first, but I keep opening Steam and looking at games over and over again, so I don’t think it’s a burn out exactly. Or I wouldn’t even feel like playing. :D I do want to play, I just can’t choose between games in a way. It sometimes happens with books too. I have so many books that I can’t choose between them–not one of them is more appealing than the other, they’re all the same level of “mm okay”. But I bought them in the first place, so I should be into them, right? (maybe wrong)


Hollow Knight and Limbo are both great games.
Though I guess that going back to Hollow Knight after a long pause might be extremely challenging.
But Limbo should be good to go. Then you can follow up with INSIDE. Both are solid and fun games, small plateformer with puzzles to solve along the way.
I’d also suggest going for Portal 2 as well if you enjoy puzzle games. I think playing the first one first is a bit better but it’s still a great game, lots of fun even in solo.
Bioshock Infinite is also fairly awesome if you want more action and shooting.

Also, looking at a walkthroughs to go past a part is nothing bad. I’d rather be a bit ashamed at failing to solve something (which usually is something stupid I didn’t see or think of) and continue the game than drop it out of frustration for being stuck and unable to solve the problem.


I stopped Hollow Knight because I was stuck in it. I couldn’t defeat a couple of the bosses, and it’s not something you can just look up and be done with it either… I really want to get back to it sometime, but maybe when I have more time for it?
Limbo is a good idea as well actually. I can’t really remember why I stopped playing it.
Portal 2 was making my head spin, that’s why I didn’t continue it :) And my laptop is too much of a potato for Bioshock, apparently.

Also, looking at a walkthroughs to go past a part is nothing bad.

I didn’t mean it like that. Right now, I’m having a hard time with She Remembered Caterpillars, and can’t solve any of the levels (since 2-3 levels) without looking them up. And I really don’t want to finish the game by looking the whole thing up.

Thank you so much :) I’ll check Limbo and then see if I can continue with it.


Maybe go back to a game you really love(d). That sometimes helps me getting back my gaming lust. Or just take a break until you’re totally hyped to play again (Netflix has A LOT of distraction to offer :D ;) ).


Hell yeah for Netflix! I don’t know what I would do without it now! Pirate stuff? Nooo… not at all.


That is a good idea actually. Apparently there’s a holiday event for Slime Rancher–I can check that out :)
Sadly, I don’t have a Netflix subscription since it’s a bit expensive if you use it only by yourself. (Couldn’t find friends who didn’t have a subscription do get one together:P) Although I’m open to suggestions on things to watch.


Aha! See, there you go! Go slime ranch them all! \o/
Yeah, I only have Netflix and Amazon Prime, bc my parents got the first one and… I’m an idiot so I keep the later :D
Oh, depends on what you like rly. There are a lot of very good shows! Aaaaaaaaaand as always I can’t name a single one of the spot.
Let’s see. Sherlock. The Alienist. Doctor Who (sry, I just can’t not name it). Orphan Black (never finished it though o.O). Broadchurch! How to get away with Murder. Supernatural. The Walking Dead (although I just stopped at some point o.o). Scandal. Good Omens.
Yeah, I’ll stop now. But if you have a genre you like I can probably be more specific. Although looking at that… it’s very much detective stuff. Iiiinteresting thinking


Wandersong is a really lovely and pretty simple game if you’re in the mood for something story driven. There’s some basic puzzling but nothing too long or complex, and it’s not the focus of the experience so there’s nothing wrong with checking a guide if you just need to get past some stubborn obstacle.


I couldn’t get into Wandersong for some reason. All of the talking the characters do is a bit distracting for me, makes me feel like instead of playing a game I’m watching something–which is fine, but I don’t feel like it at the moment ^-^ And thank you :) I will try going back to it.


Another +1 for Wandersong! I’m in the middle of a playthrough now (well, toward the end I guess) and am enjoying it. There is a lot of dialog, but most of it is fluff and can be ignored.


I just wish the game didn’t force the dialogue on me :(


Well, you are playing Monster Prom actively…

Since I don’t know most of the games you’ve got there, I could either recommend pushing through Divide by Sheep (with a walkthrough, possibly?), picking up Deponia or taking a break altogether, just like Arbiter Libera said. And don’t worry about anything :)


That is true, but Monster Prom is not something I can play everyday. It’s more enjoyable if I play a couple times a week, so that I don’t get bored of the story/characters. :)
And thank you!


Even though I’d replace bored with tired, I do know what you mean. After playing daily for nearly a month straight, I had to take a break… ended up being the next two months and then some :D


I’m currently kind of obsessed with Staxel, so I haven’t even thought of Monster Prom recently lol. I should play it tomorrow ^^


Yay for the monsters! ^w^


For local multiplayer, you could probably use Steam Remote Play to bypass it, tho I dunno if it works for every game (also I’m not sure, is it out yet? I always use beta client)
And maybe you should just give gaming a break for few days or play something you know and love for a while.
Try reading a book go to your local library or buy something if you have spare funds.
Discover some new music maybe, both discogs and pitchfork released their top 200 albums of the decade for the end of 2010’s, I personally already discovered some artists I will listen to now. Pitchfork also released top 200 songs of the decade if you don’t feel like listening to whole albums.

Looking through your games, I would say give Portal 2 another chance, it’s one of the best SP experiences of the decade imo. Also if you have courage for it, Amnesia: The Dark Descent is excellent ;)


Steam Remote Play doesn’t work properly with my laptop & internet connection, I’ve tried that. I was using Parsec but even with that it’s usually not very fun for the connecting person. So I’m waiting for a time where a friend will stay the night. And then we can play some together :)
I’m almost always reading a book actually. I’m currently reading Madeline Miller’s Circe!
Thanks for the song recs, I’ll definitely check them out sometime. And Portal 2 didn’t work for me… made me dizzy :P
Thanks again :)


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