
2022 Year In Review

Y'all, it took me a MILLION years to put this post together (and I learned a lot about HTML along the way). I figured out how to make my own collapsible review boxes! Kinda. It didn't end up quite how I was imagining, but it works. Yay, me!

I've been wanting to make a year-in-review post for a while, but kept putting it off because for some reason trying to write concise reviews always makes me feel anxious! I was going to post it on r/12in12 (some of you may be familiar with that subreddit), but now that I've joined BLAEO, I'd rather post here instead. Because (a) pretty post-making tools and (b) there is much more engagement from the community!

2022 was a weird year for me in the gaming realm. In January, I returned from living overseas for a year and ended up setting up my laptop (which I normally used for gaming) as my work computer, since I didn't really have space for my whole desktop PC. This resulted in me not playing anything for the first few months of the year, because I had no desire to sit at my computer all day and then continue doing so to play games in the evening. So I just lazed around and watched Xena: Warrior Princess and a lot of Elden Ring streams for a good while.

Around March, thanks to a friend who planted the idea in my head that I should maybe buy a 3DS due to the announcement of the eShop closing (glares at friend), I plunged headfirst into an extremely sudden and rather expensive retro game-collecting habit. I didn't just buy a 3DS. I ended up getting almost every different model of 3DS/DS (for science, ya know, I had to see how the design evolved over the years), as well as multiple GBAs, a Wii, a WiiU, and many, MANY physical games for 3DS, DS, GBA, Wii/WiiU, and Switch. And accessories too, like carrying cases and all that.......yeah, I'm kind of an all-or-nothing person XD I never owned any of these game systems as a kid, so it was a sort of rectification of my missed childhood, lol.

At some point during the summer, I also finally caved and got myself an Xbox Series S, so I started using Game Pass much more regularly. And then my Steam Deck came in August and everything else was pretty much left in the dust. Truly, the Steam Deck has been a game-changer for me. I love that thing!! As you'll see once I get into the games list, I tend to "dabble" a lot and often find it difficult to finish games. In no small part, thanks to choice paralysis and getting distracted by my absurdly large library. The Deck has really helped me focus on playing just a few games at a time and actually finishing them. I officially completed the longest game I've ever played!

ANYWAY! Here we go. I promise most of my posts won't be this long, lol. I sorted the games I played in 2022 into 3 categories:

  • Finished: Games that I either 100% completed, or finished the story, or otherwise felt I had a complete experience with
  • Played: Games that I played more than "a little while," but didn't finish
  • Sampled: Games that I only tried briefly

amazing— 5 really good— 4 good— 3 okay— 2 bad— 1


176.1 hours
70 of 86 achievements

Review: I loved every single thing about CrossCode. If I had to pick just one favorite game, it would be this one.

You play as Lea, a woman who has lost her memory, and she's been logged into a super high-tech MMORPG called CrossWorlds in the hopes that it will help her recover. The way the devs handled the "game-within-a-game" trope was, in my opinion, brilliant. They created an engaging sci-fi story full of twists and some of the best characters I've ever encountered in a game—they truly feel like real people who are other players in this MMO. The puzzles are clever and challenging, and so often look absolutely impossible—but once you figure them out, you feel like a genius. The combat is equally fun, with many options to accommodate different playstyles, and each enemy has its own specific weaknesses that you can figure out to make defeating them much easier. It gets even better when you start unlocking the higher-tier combat arts. My personal favorite is the giant ice turret that pummels your enemies full of ice shards and slows them down >:-D

And the music! The pixel art! The exploration! The collectibles! The massive skill tree! The side quests! The extensive statistics section that lets you track almost anything you could want to track! Well, like I said... I absolutely adore this game, and I'm probably going to spend the rest of my life trying to chase down other games that feel anywhere near as special.

I played for about 150 hours to complete the full storyline (I like to take my time and explore every nook and cranny, so this is almost certainly longer than the average playtime). The game won't be for everyone—the puzzles in particular seem to be something that people either love or hate. But the entire experience as a whole just made me feel some type of indescribable way. Luckily, I still have the DLC to finish!


59.4 hours
26 of 39 achievements

Review: I really hit it out of the park last year with randomly picking games to play on a whim, because that led to me playing CrossCode and Spiritfarer back-to-back. And just like CrossCode, Spiritfarer quickly shot to the top of my favorite games list.

In the game, you play as Stella, the new Spiritfarer, who is accompanied by her cat, Daffodil. The job of the Spiritfarer is to help lost souls fulfill their final wishes, and when they are ready, to ferry them to the Everdoor on a magical houseboat. Why has Stella taken up this role? It's a mystery and you have to play the game to find out ;-)

First off, I have to say, the art and animation in Spiritfarer is ABSOLUTELY TOP-NOTCH and GORGEOUS. I personally think it should be played by everyone just for that reason alone. The characters are wonderful, each distinct in their own right, and you will definitely feel Emotions about at least some of them. (I stan Giovanni and Stanley is my son, never speak to him or me ever again.) Even the "generic" NPCs you meet throughout the game are so full of character.

There's plenty of other stuff to do as well—meet new souls to bring onboard, upgrade your boat and add buildings, explore the entire map, find collectibles, fish, farm, craft, cook, change your clothes, or just give everyone a hug.

Aside from the platforming/gliding/ziplining sometimes being a bit finicky, I don't think I can find a single fault with the game. Well, aside from the fact that it doesn't last forever. I never wanted to stop exploring that world—it was truly a beautiful experience.

Swords & Souls: Neverseen

37.2 hours
27 of 39 achievements

Review: Swords & Souls: Neverseen is one of those simple games that's just fun. It's a follow-up to a flash game called "Swords & Souls." In S&S: Neverseen, your ship crashes onto the shore of a distant land and you are immediately enlisted into training by a strange being named Sir Pupset. You need to become a hero to save the Neverseen from the Evil Witch Queen! And fast!

The most unique aspect of S&S: Neverseen is the training mini-games. Instead of passively leveling up abilities, you actually "train" in them yourself. There are skills for melee and ranged attacks, defense, magic, and agility. In addition to leveling up the overall abilities, each mini-game has its own "sub-goals," like "get a combo of X length" or "don't make any mistakes for 30 seconds." It's a lot of fun, but can also get very challenging, especially at the higher levels. I was playing on Steam Deck, but notably, at higher tiers, training the ranged skill is nearly impossible without a mouse and keyboard.

When not training, you go out into the wilds and fight a mostly-linear set of battles until you ultimately reach the "boss" for that chapter and get one step closer to the Witch. The combat is a sort of real-time/turn-based auto-battler hybrid. Your basic attack goes off automatically at certain intervals (same with the enemies), but you can also actively manage a wide array of other skills, such as shooting your bow, casting spells, drinking potions, blocking/dodging attacks, etc. Each melee weapon has its own manually-triggered special attack, as well. You can also eventually recruit mercenary companions and pets to fight alongside you. I found this sort of hybrid combat to be really enjoyable. It made me feel like a powerful badass ;-D

The graphics are colorful and lighthearted (some may feel they have too much of a cartoonish or "mobile game" look), the characters you meet are funny and charming, and the gameplay loop is rather addictive. Between training and fighting, you can also fish, upgrade your gear, and fill in collections at the museum (always gotta have a museum).

You won't find complex mechanics or an intricate story in this game, but if you are more of a completionist or collectathon-type player, and don't mind a bit of a grind, then I recommend checking it out!

Luna's Fishing Garden

5.8 hours
14 of 14 achievements

Review: Luna's Fishing Garden is an adorable casual game about a little girl who gets caught in a storm and finds herself on a set of mysterious and magical islands. From here, she embarks on an adventure to help restore the islands to their former glory, in the hopes that it will allow her to get back home. Gameplay consists of cultivating various plants and animals on the islands, fishing, and completing simple quests. There is a small cast of delightful characters to interact with, and I thought the dialogue was great—very clever and sometimes even laugh-out-loud funny. It's a short and sweet game that I'd recommend to anyone who enjoys a wholesome slice-of-life experience or lovely pixel art.

fault - milestone one

15.9 hours
9 of 12 achievements

Review: I found this science-fantasy visual novel to be rather fascinating. Although the writing isn't always that great, the lore of the world is incredibly rich, and once I started reading I really wanted to know more.

The story starts by throwing you right into the action. The princess (Selphine) of a kingdom being taken over by a coup has been cornered by those sent to kill her, and in a moment of desperation, her extremely loyal bodyguard/friend (Ritona) uses some sketchy teleportation magic to get them both to safety. Unfortunately, now they have no idea where they are. Upon reaching a town, they find out they are in the area of the world where mana is extremely scarce. The people here have managed to harness the small amount of mana they can access to basically create "electricity" and other things that we would consider to be modern scientific advancements. But there's a dark story behind how this all happened.

Soon after arriving in the town, the two travelers meet a sweet but mysterious girl who shows them around and is incredibly helpful. But when they try to meet up with her again the next day, she's nowhere to be found. Selphine and Ritona decide to stick around and figure out what's happening.

The structure of the story is a bit odd, as it really becomes focused on unraveling the story of this mysterious girl and her family, and almost nothing happens to actually move forward the story of the two main characters, who urgently need to find their way back home. Nevertheless, I found it interesting and enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to playing the second game in the series. I just hope that one focuses a bit more on the fates of Selphine and Ritona!

AI: The Somnium Files GAME

62.7 hours
30 of 45 achievements

Review: Oh man, I'm not even sure where to start with AI: The Somnium Files. It was a wild ride and one of the best games I played last year. It's essentially a murder mystery VN set in the near future, but it also has a sigificant gameplay element where you can enter a memory, or "Somnium," of someone else in order to find clues that might help solve the mystery. Each Somnium is timed, in a way, but time only passes when you take an action, and each action takes up a certain amount of seconds. So it's more of a time-management puzzle than anything that requires quick reflexes or fast thinking. I personally found the Somniums to be a little stressful (thanks, choice paralysis anxiety), and I was always enjoying the story so much that I didn't want to interrupt it with a Somnium event. But that's just me being weird, and they were still really fun. There are also some quick-time-ish events like shooting a bullet or punching someone at a certain time, and there are interrogation scenes where you ask people questions.

You play as Kaname Date, a rough-around-the-edges detective with a prosthetic eye that houses a snarky AI named Aiba. The banter between Kaname and Aiba throughout the game is hilarious (and full of puns). Honestly, I loved almost every single one of the characters (especially Mizuki <3). The voice acting is phenomenal (everything is voiced), the story is brain-melting, the art is beautiful. I had a blast with every second of it, and it kept me guessing till the end. There are multiple routes/endings, but the game takes you through them in a relatively structured way (e.g., having to reach a certain ending to unlock a different route), and it's all shown to you in the form of a flowchart, so there's no guesswork involved in experiencing every part of the story (which I appreciated).

This game comes highly recommended from me if you're interested in sci-fi, murder mysteries, or something a bit off-the-wall and experimental. Or if you enjoyed other Spike Chunsoft games like Danganronpa or Zero Escape. I recently bought the next game in the series (nirvanA Initiative), and I'm super excited to play it!

Beacon Pines GAME

12.1 hours
10 of 10 achievements

Review: I was really looking foward to Beacon Pines after playing the demo on Steam, and the full game did not disappoint. Sometimes described as "Winnie-the-Pooh meets Stranger Things," this charming-creepy-cute storybook adventure ended up being one of my favorite games of the year. The characters and writing are fantastic, and the hand-painted style of the art is really beautiful. The game's main mechanic is a branching storyline with multiple endings (literally "branching"—it's a tree). You unlock new branches by finding objects in the game world that provide a word you can plug into the story, which actually gets "written down" into a storybook as you go. There is also a voiced narrator who does an excellent job of setting the mood throughout the game.

Beacon Pines is relatively short, but the experience is well worth it. I also loved that it came out at the end of September last year—it was the perfect way to usher in the autumn season. Anyone here want to start the Rolo Fan Club with me? XD

Echo Generation GAME

21.5 hours
50 of 50 achievements

Review: I initially didn't pay much attention to Echo Generation, thinking that I didn't like the graphics (it's made by the devs who created Riverbond, and uses that same Minecraft-y voxel style). But when it was announced to be leaving Xbox Game Pass, I decided to give it a try—and I'm really glad I did! Turns out I just didn't like the model for the main character that was used in all the key art (I dunno why, he just looks annoying lmao), and in-game you can choose your character's appearance. Glad we were able to get past that stumbling block, lol.

Anyway, here's another game that gives "Stranger Things" vibes (I should mention, I haven't actually watched the show, but I'm saying this based on what I know about it XD). You start off just running mundane errands with your little sister, but things quickly spiral out of control into a grand adventure involving...well, I'll just say "the supernatural." It's not the world's the most creative story, but I think it's a lot more fun to be surprised by what happens, so I won't say too much :-)

The game makes use of that familiar mechanic of "chaining" quests together, e.g., you need a bus pass to get downtown, but in order to get that, you need to obtain some other object, the person who has that object needs you to do something for them, etc. Some people may not like this quest-dependency sort of thing, but I rather enjoy it. There's a handful of different areas to explore, with lots of interesting and funny characters to talk to (the dialogue is very clever), some puzzles to solve, enemies to fight (including bosses), and more.

The combat will probably be the most engaging part of the game for many people. It's turn-based, but each character gets a handful of moves (more are unlocked as you progress), and each move has an associated mini-game. Your success in the mini-game determines how much damage you do. I had a lot of fun with this, although eventually it's pretty clear that some abilities are strictly better than others, so there's not much incentive to mix it up once the "good ones" are available to you. Different moves use up differing amounts of your action points, so there is some level of strategy involved when it comes to orchestrating actions for your entire team. I really got a kick out of watching the various goofy attack animations.

I will warn that there is a quite of bit of walking back-and-forth through places you've already been, and the game can also get a little grindy—monsters respawn in certain areas, and there were times when it was literally impossible for me to win a fight that was necessary to progress until I fought those respawning enemies for a while in order to level up. I personally did not mind this, but I'm mentioning it because I know it could be a turn-off for some players.

All in all, I had a great time accompanying my character and her lil sis on a wholesome yet spooky retro adventure and I'm definitely going to be following what these devs do next! (How did this end up being my longest review??)


10.2 hours
21 of 21 achievements

Review: Omno is a pleasant game with no dialog in which you play as someone going on a sort of "spiritual journey." It's interesting to see how the devs were able to relay a story without any characters speaking (though there are some little lore entries that help make up for it). The gameplay essentially consists of traveling through several different biomes, recording new creatures (and plants, I think? It's been a while lol), solving some relatively straightforward environmental puzzles, and finding collectibles. The scenery in each biome is quite pretty, the creature design is unique, and you eventually get a cute little companion that looks like some kind of flying squirrel.

I did enjoy the game, but I'm giving it a 3 out of 5 because, relative to other games I've really liked, it doesn't particularly stand out in my mind. I won't be raving about it to anyone, but it was good. My favorite part by far was skiing around on my little magic light staff. That brought me a lot of joy :-D

  • Nobody Saves the World

    35.1 hours playtime

    21 of 41 achievements

  • Lost Nova

    1.5 hours playtime

    2 of 18 achievements

  • Melvor Idle

    410.7 hours playtime

    11 of 86 achievements

  • Pixel Puzzle Makeout League

    16.7 hours playtime

    10 of 22 achievements

  • Chicken Police

    20.1 hours playtime

    12 of 31 achievements

  • Boneraiser Minions

    15.1 hours playtime

    62 of 159 achievements

  • Baba Is You

    16.3 hours playtime

    1 of 18 achievements

  • Cookie Clicker

    670 hours playtime

    152 of 583 achievements

  • Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

    5+ hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Link's Awakening

    5+ hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Kirby & the Forgotten Land

    5+ hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Rune Factory 4 Special

    10+ hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Citizen Sleeper

    7 hours playtime

    0 of 27 achievements

  • Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising

    2.4 hours playtime

    3 of 50 achievements

  • Immortality

    3.3 hours playtime

    6 of 27 achievements

  • Octopath Traveler

    9 hours playtime

    7 of 88 achievements

  • Hades

    18.7 hours playtime

    4 of 49 achievements

  • PowerWash Simulator

    7.1 hours playtime

    1 of 40 achievements

  • Disney Dreamlight Valley

    9.2 hours playtime

    0 of 15 achievements

  • Bugsnax

    2.8 hours playtime

    3 of 30 achievements

  • Raji: An Ancient Epic

    5 hours playtime

    5 of 21 achievements

  • Garden Story

    11.7 hours playtime

    6 of 21 achievements

  • Ooblets

    79 hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Final Fantasy XIII

    (idk) hours playtime

    (??) achievements

  • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy

    11 hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology

    4.5 hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

  • Yokai Watch

    2 hours playtime

    (n/a) achievements

Xbox Game Pass
  1. Legend of Tianding: Cool beat-'em-up platformer set in Japan-occupied Taiwan that I'd like to play more of. Awesome art style.
  2. Little Witch in the Woods: Wanted to play this around Halloween, then realized since it's in early access it's still missing story content, so I decided to wait.
  3. Unsighted: Tried briefly before it left XGP, and while the combat might be too challenging for me, I still kinda want it. Reminded me of CrossCode.
  4. Assassin's Creed Odyssey: Tried it on a whim, but let's be honest, I'll probably never actually play an AC game. Esp not the later ones.
  5. Flynn: Son of Crimson: Cute Zelda-ish(?) 2D side-scroller about saving the world (naturally). You also have a dog!
  6. The Outer Wilds: I KNOW, this game is AMAZING (says everyone). Tried to start it but it didn't really click. Already have it on Steam so I'll definitely go back to it.
  1. Strange Horticulture: Cats? Plants? Witches? This game is, like, made for me. So why haven't I played it yet? The human brain works in mysterious ways.
  2. Dome Keeper: Got caught up in the hype, bought it around release, played it once, and then somehow psyched myself out of playing anymore. For now.
  3. Portal: Thought it would be fitting to play this as one of the first games on my Steam Deck, but I just...wasn't into it. I'll try again someday.
Other Platforms
  1. Elden Ring (XBox): Again got caught up in hype and wanted to try it even though I knew I'd be terrible at it. Spoiler alert: I am terrible at it.
  2. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii): One of the few games from my summer retro rampage that I actually played for more than a few minutes. I liked it a lot!
  3. Shin Megami Tensei 3 Remaster (Switch): Never played an SMT game before this, but I dig the weirdness and will definitely play more.
  4. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch): Really like this one too, but there is aLOT to digest here. Played for like 5 hours and barely got out of the tutorial.
Top Games of 2022 Honorable Mention
1. CrossCode 6. Echo Generation
2. Beacon Pines 7. Ooblets
3. Spiritfarer 8. Chicken Police
4. AI: The Somnium Files 9. Hades
5. Nobody Saves The World 10. Boneraiser Minions

Good job with HTML stuff, it looks nice! I would’ve learned some HTML magic too if it wasn’t for BLAEO Generator :D


Well, I did use the generator tool as a starting point, but I can never be content to just leave things as they are lol. Always gotta fiddle around XD


Unsighted: …combat might be too challenging

Wow, really? I found UNSIGHTED to be way easier than CrossCode since you aren’t limited to three dodges in a row without the game completely stalling you for pushing the button again, nor do enemies gang up on you and combo/stunlock you to death, nor did it have RPG mechanics that make the game more tedious if you don’t want to grind for XP. In fact, I didn’t like CrossCode because of how hostile and unaccommodating it was to my playstyle, on top of what I’m convinced are genuinely unfair design decisions.

Did you get the “running doesn’t reduce stamina” chip in the blue ruins area, before the village? I can see you not liking UNSIGHTED that much if you miss it, as the stamina meter is that game’s biggest problem.

If you care to know more, here are my full posts on those games: UNSIGHTED ; CrossCode

EDIT: Wait, I just remembered CrossCode has a difficulty select as well (though the hardest was labeled as the intended way to play, so I chose that one). Which difficulty did you choose?


Well, you know, what is difficult for one person can be easy for another, so of course it’s all very subjective :-)

I didn’t play that much of Unsighted and it was a while ago, so I can’t remember if I got that chip or not. I feel like it might have been the dodging I was having trouble with. I’d probably get the hang of it with a bit of practice.

As far as CrossCode goes, it’s not like I never found it challenging - it was just always a challenge that I was able to overcome, and found it enjoyable to do so. I didn’t change anything with the difficulty level (i.e., left all sliders at 100%).


I really like the layout of the played tab, nice work!

Interested in playing Flynn, but I must admit it’s mainly because of the doggo. :) Is it a good platformer?


Thank you very much! This post feels like the culmination of my life’s work lmao

I didn’t get to play very much of Flynn before it left XGP, but from what I remember, it felt pretty fluid and good to play. At the least, it made me want to play more of it in the future. So, from the standpoint of someone who is not very good at platformers, I’d say yeah, it’s a good platformer! haha. I have it on Steam now so hopefully it’ll work its way to the front of the backlog sooner or later :-)


Intense glare received XD It’s been a wild and amazing year of gaming! 彡໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७彡

I really really love the collapsible review tabs + boxes you made here. Initially I thought, hey, these tabs are so cute, then I clicked ‘More’.. Okay, I am blown away by your dedication to writing these reviews! Count me in the Rolo Fan Club (⋋°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧⋌)


Thank you!! We are the founding members of the Rolo Fan Club lmao


As you’ll see once I get into the games list, I tend to “dabble” a lot and often find it difficult to finish games.

I think we’ve all been there at some point :) Hell, that’s pretty much why I made my challenge last year :p

Not too surprised to see Crosscode topping your list. I feel like everyone I know that’s played that ends up constantly recommending it to others but that playtime certainly doesn’t make it easy to approach :) Maybe one day…

And of course, nice job on the formatting. Always nice to see new variations around here ^^


I might try to participate in your challenge next year! Would have done it this year but I already had made my list of games goals by the time I joined BLAEO haha. I like the format of yours :-) although I’ve found my problem with year-long challenges is that the games I want to play in January are often very different than the ones I want to play in June, or December. Going by months or quarters has worked a bit better for me in the past.

For CrossCode, I totally get your misgivings about the playtime. That’s the same reason I haven’t started yet with games like P4 Golden or Trails in the Sky. What helped me is I didn’t think about it too much…I just…started it. Lol. I know, easier said than done, but it gave me the momentum to get going and then the game was so fun that it carried me all the way through. Honestly, if you end up loving the game as much as I did, those hours will feel like nothing at all. This is the only game I’ve played so far where I immediately wanted to start the DLC after, because I didn’t want it to be over!

Thanks on the formatting, happy to add a new look to the site ;D

(accidentally double-posted my comment so I deleted the other one ^^)


although I’ve found my problem with year-long challenges is that the games I want to play in January are often very different than the ones I want to play in June, or December

Don’t take this as me trying to coerce you into joining my (or other BLAEO users’) challenges, but I don’t think either the 20/22 or the 20/23 lists I’ve had ended up with more than half of my initial picks :P Swapping stuff out is always an option, as long as the new picks fit the original rules.

As for just starting crosscode, yeah, I see where you’re coming from. My problem is that pretty much everything left in my backlog is a long (or longer) game, so I have to do that everytime :P


This comment was deleted over 1 year ago.


Goodness, I see why this post took so long in the making! It’s so detailed. Ive played quite a few of the games you have, actually, either on Steam or Playstation, and others I own and will play sooner than later (AI: The Somnium Files is up next after I finish Soul Hackers 2). I hadn’t heard of Lost Nova before, but it’s going right on my wishlist. It actually looks a lot like Nova Lands, which I played the demo for and loved–but even cuter.

Aaaaand I still do need to play Beacon Pines among a couple of other titles you’ve recommended to me. Heh.


Oh yeah, I got Lost Nova and Nova Lands mixed up a few times because of the names and similar style of the key art XD but the gameplay seems quite different outside of that (I think). Lost Nova is extremely cute. I’m looking forward to Nova Lands coming out as well! I still need to try the prologue.

I’d like to get to Soul Hackers 2 on Game Pass at some point. Can’t wait to hear what you think of Somnium Files!

Beacon Pines is a great game to play over a weekend, since it’s not too long :-)


WTF, the graphics you created look so good?! I’m jealous!

Also, where the heck did you get all of that money?


Thank you!! The boxes took forever to figure out but it was a good learning experience!

Luckily, I had been saving up for a decent while before I went on my handhelds-spree…and then the savings all went poof! XD
I’d like to post a pic of the collection at some point, if I remember!


Please do, I’d love to see it!


Amazing post, was worth the work you put in it (Love your HTML layout <3) Sorry for the late comment but I was out of town for 2 weeks.

I’d love to see your nintendo handheld collection if you ever have a pick around __ I’ve always regretted selling my GBA SP to a friend, I have been looking for years now to get a second hand one back but the prices have been insane (or they are in trash conditon, and sometimes both). I’ve also been trying to get a New 3DS but pretty much same problem, the prices are crazy on the second hand market. Thankfully I could fix my old 3DS XL. The existing library for both of those have crazy good titles in it (sometimes drowned in a lot of garbage titles, but nothing new on the VG market).

You (as everyone who’s played it) really make me wanna tackle CrossCode this year (after all i managed to finally play hollow knight, everything’s possible, right ? :sweat:) but that playtime though :sweat:². AI is definitely on my 20/23 list too and one that I don’t intend to swap out. I’m glad to see you loved Spiritfarer (and beacon pines but we already discussed that).

Oh and since you mention it in your post… I might have picked up a SteamDeck during the sales :sweat:


Thank you so much for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. And we are happy to have you back! :-)

You’re the 2nd person to express interest in seeing a pic of my handhelds, so I’ll probably sneak in a little bonus photo when I make my Feb/March summary post (surprise, I’m a month behind because of how long this stupid year-in-review took me lmao). You should check out r/gamesale for secondhand consoles if you are still looking to buy, that’s where I got several of mine. With patience, you can usually find some cool people offering decent deals.

You got a Deck!! Yes!! Awesome!! It will certainly help you with your backlog - at least, it has for me!

For CrossCode, like I said to Skatrzoo, I really recommend just jumping in and starting without thinking about it too much. If it grabs you like it did me, that playtime will fly by :D I was lucky to be playing it at a time when I didn’t have a lot going on, so I could really focus on it - but at the same time, I truly did not want it to be over. If it doesn’t grab you within the first ~3 hours, I’d say probably set it aside and give it another try some other time. As an added bonus, successfuly completing such a long game has really cured me of the anxious feeling that anything over 20 hours is “overwhelmingly long” haha. I honestly feel it has opened me up to playing and enjoying longer games!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on AI Somnium Files ^^;


No rush, I’ll wait for when you come around to show off you collection. For reddit, i’ll have a look, thanks for the tip!

Maybe i’ll install crosscode soon(ish) after i swap the ssd and after i’m done with what i’m currently playing. It seems to be comfy to play on the deck :)


Finished Spiritfarer recently. It is truly a gorgeous game! Also, nice to see that game can include action without relying on combat. Worked well with the mood of the game.


Yes, definitely! Spiritfarer is truly one-of-a-kind :-)