
June’s Theme - Bad Trip

Lost in a demon world inside of your head, crashed down on a tropical island filled with zombies or fallen down to an underground world surrounded by danger. Which of these bad destinations would you prefer to go on a trip to? Well, get your tickets ready, because it’s time for us to assemble, assassins!

We are glad to introduce you our next monthly theme, Bad Trip, which is divided in three categories: head, body and feet. Click in these areas on our logo below to learn more about each of them. Click in the sword to bring back the origin post.


With summer coming up, we thought it would be appropriate to have a monthly theme related to that, and since Dead Island was getting a definitive edition at the end of last month, the idea of a vacation gone wrong theme emerged. Concept came up with the title "Bad Trip" (and also made the logo for the theme) and we went from there, trying to expand the theme to as many different meanings of a "bad trip" as we could, to make sure everyone could have an applicable game. We hope you enjoy it and participate!

I just can't get you out of my head.

Our minds can project the most incredible things. This category is all about that! Play games that take you on a psychedelic trip. That includes games that are about hallucinations / expansion of consciousness (especially if influenced by drugs) or games that have a psychedelic surrounding.

No body's gonna tell me how.

Our bodies can take us to the most beautiful places during a vacation trip, and when shit happens, it is the tool we need to use for survival. This category is all about that! Play games that take you on a vacation / trip gone wrong or survival games that take place in an island / tropical setting.

Feet don't fail me now.

Our feet are great for running from our psychedelic and vacation nightmares, but sometimes they don't take us too far. What if you were to trip over and fall down to an underground world surrounded by danger? Wouldn't that be a bad trip? This category is all about that! Play games that take you to an underground / underwater world filled with danger.

If you are familiar with a game that you think fits one of the categories and wasn’t listed, please let us know. The lists will be constantly updated based on your suggestions and on what you’re playing.

This website can come in hand for filtering the games in your library.

All entries must be submitted before June 30, 23:59 UTC. You can post now and edit as you go along if you want.

For your entry to be valid, the game you play must be listed in one of the three categories.

Ranking & Prizes

The ranking will work based on a points system that will involve AStats’ / HowLongToBeat’s hours to finish (F), hours to complete (C), points (P) and total of points (TP). Here are the correspondent points for each of the entries:

Entry Points
Has achievements. (C - F) * Σ(P) / TP + F
Does not have achievements. (C + F) / 2

Σ(P) is the sum of the AStats Points of each of the achievements you got during the month (excluding broken / date-specific achievements, so please don’t cheat to get those, since they will not count towards your ranking and might also leave a red flag on your profile).

If you get all of the achievements in a game during this month, you also get an additional 25% of your points.

If you want to replay a game that you already got all of the achievements, it will give you only F points.

If a game doesn’t contain C or F on AStats or HowLongToBeat, I will take the average playtime from BLAEO members who played it for the theme. This might not be the most elegant solution, but there is no better way to deal with it.

As for the prizes, there might be some giveaways, especially with the summer sale coming. We’ll see. But if there will be giveaways, I must warn you that your position in the rankings will not give you any advantage whatsoever. The ranking system is simply there for those who like a fair competition.


June is officially over in UTC, so that means you’re all returning from your bad trips. I hope you all had a horrible time wherever it is that you traveled to, and also that you had a lot of fun there.

The leaderboards are here with some impressive numbers. A total of 116 games were played by 45 members! Breaking that down between each of the three subcategories results in: 48 head games played by 35 players, 41 body games played by 33 players and 21 feet games played by 23 players.

The most played games of the three subcategories were: Mind Snares: Alice’s Journey by 6 players for head, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons & Clockwork Tales: Of Glass And Ink by 8 players each for body, and The Emerald Maiden: Symphony Of Dreams by 6 players for feet. So as you can see, HOGs were very popular this month.

Congratulations to Akantha, SevenDeck, EvilBlackSheep and CaerBannog for being the unique players with the highest points in the All, Head, Body and Feet rankings, respectively. Each of you will get to be player of the week during July, in the order presented above.

The full leadeboards can be found here.

Top Deer25.7786.740112.51
Robin.R *LMSK079.72079.72
Downward Concept2.518.3157.3478.15
Ducky of War035.78035.78
Ignatius Vulcan0025.9525.95
⚔Baron Khazadson15.550015.55
Aeonian Chacma011.06011.06
Blue Knight Senpai04.8504.85

And the prize is: the satisfaction of having beaten so many games from your backlogs. There is no better reward than that. I have decided not to make any giveaways because it is not my intention and, in my opinion, it shouldn’t be the monthly themes’ intention to increase your backlogs.

Do you like the theme? Will you participate?

Secret Giveaways!

These links will be here for 24 hours, after that a limited amout of people will be able via an SGT link posted on SG.

theHunter: Primal

All site members are allowed to enter, regardless of past theme participation, but only as long as the links are here (after that, you’ll have to go through SGT like everyone else). Please don’t bookmark the links to enter later, that might land you on some blacklists and/or get you banned from SGTools for looking like you’re cheating/using a leaked link.


Love it ! Much more diversified than the previous theme! :) I’ll see what games i own that fit the theme :D


Glad to hear that! xD


yay, the new theme is there. Time to make a list.
What is your definition of “psychedelic trip”. Does that imply that somewhere in the story the main character should get drugged or experience a similar state as if he had been drugged? Or can the game play in a very weird/psychedelic surrounding. For example: Ilamentia.
Ok I checked the store page of Ilamentia and turns out it has psychedelic as a tag.

Not easy to decide that before playing the game, sometimes that information is hidden in a spoiler.
For example I would never have guessed to see GTA V in that category ;)

Very nice choice for a theme.


Yes, games that play in a weird / psychedelic surrounding count as well. After all, they do take you on a psychedelic trip. Yeah, I tried to gather all the games I could find from a search to prevent people from doing that search and spoiling the game. :)


I have a simple question… all Penumbra games fill the theme or just Overture? I just finished all 3 few weeks ago :( time to download and install again

Btw, I loved this theme… like said before, much more diversified.. I’ll try to finish (again), as much as I can and pick up some unfinished games from my library :DDD


you don’t need to replay stuff if you don’t really want to, you can just focus on finishing some unplayed/unfinished games :)


Yes, all Penumbra games count. And like nelly mentioned, you don’t need to replay them. Just focus on new games. xD


I’ll look on my library to see how much games fill the theme…. most of mentioned games I already finished


most of my exams are done so probably i will join for this month, having some of the games really help me, unlike with the starwars theme of the last month


question: for game from series, the other games are also fitting the theme or is it debatable…cuz you mentioned crysis,risen,dead island,bioshock which have more games in the series or just the mentioned one fits in?


Depends. All the games from the Dead Island, BioShock and Risen series appear to take place in the same settings, so they would all apply. As to Crysis, it appears the second and third games take place in New York City, so it’s not a tropical setting.


BioShock Infinite is a different setting to the first two games. I’d say Crysis 3 could be debated. Whilst it is set in NYC the city has been enclosed in a dome and overgrown giving a setting similar to Enslaved. Even ignoring the setting all three games would fall under “bad trip” in the more narcotic sense due to the interactions between the player and the suit.


Yes, but BioShock Infinite fits in the head category. I still don’t think that would make Crysis 3 tropical, but I might have a wrong vision on what tropical is. Perhaps, but the “bad trip” considered for this theme is only the one that fits in one of the three categories, so I don’t see how that interaction could make it applicable.


I wasn’t arguing that Crysis 3 should be considered tropical, more pointing out that it’s not just NYC in the same way as 2 is.

I’d say they certainly come under head. You suffer from both auditory and visual hallucinations due to certain influences.


Well, then in that case, it looks like they fit.


Awesome :)


Oh okay, this will be intresting - I’ll check the subcategories after this comment,as at current state it seems incredibly diverse, basically anything fitting if you got into a situation that wasn’t expected and it’s bad :D


Damn, I know the listed ones are only suggestions, but I have so many already finished :D though I guess I should feel successful about it :P


That’s basically the point. xD But not just any situation, it has to be related to a trip somehow. :)


Yes, that’s a broad one! Feels like practically anything could fit. My first thought was Whispering Willows and I guess that’s great for “feet”. ^^ Then No Thing But I’m not too sure how good a fit it is for “head”. (I’m on my phone.)

So yep, def gonna participate. ^^;

ETA: This month’s theme does not count replays like normally? Ie. no “one new achievement”.


Does Whispering Willows take place in an underground world? The synopsis only mentions a mansion. No Thing applies to head.


The game starts with the MC falling through a hole. Underground, she comes across spirits etc. I don’t know how much “underground” or “otherworld” stuff there is, haven’t played that far. Just got to the point where she finds a way to the mansion.


Oh then it fits. My main idea for the feet category was to have games that start with the character tripping over something and / or falling underground, but I couldn’t think of any games that had that. I guess we found one. :)


About replaying: it could count as finished, but if you replay a game that you already got all the achievements, I can’t really know that you replayed it unless you post a screenshot of the ending / credits.


Since it’s my first month joining the themed challenge, i have a small question. Do we need to get the list of games validated in some way or as long as they’re on those steam pages you linked it’s fine?

I’ll try to see what i have that fits but I like the theme and i’m actually glad i didn’t have the time to finish far harbor yet as it’s in one of the categories :3

Edit: In the last site you gave, does the psychological horror counts too? Like from my library i’d say danganronpa or amongst the sleep.


Not every game in those pages apply. It has to fit the theme. They are simply a basis.

Those two games appear to apply to head.


Thanks a lot, that’s what i was aiming for :) I’ve started browsing through the survival athmospheric tag and indeed a lot in there won’t apply, i’ll do a second sorting. One that is in there but apply to head in my opinion (even tho not tagged psychedelic…) is The night of the rabbit. I had only started it a long while ago but if i remember correctly, it’s the story of a regular boy bored on his last summer day… Who suddenly sees a giant magical rabbit and follows him in some mystical world.


I would say that it is a psychadelic journey after playing it.


Ah, thanks for your imput. I guess I should put it on my June theme candidates list and try to actually finish it. It started great actually.


Be warned that at this moment revilheart has removed this game from the list.
Double check against the list if you want to play it for the theme.


Thanks for the warning, I asked a confirmation whether or not it fits body in the end, and if not i’ll just removed it from my pool of game for the theme :)


Experience noted. After some research, I think it fits.


I think I am going to remove psychedelic from the description since now I think you mean in-game drugs-related only with psychedelic and perhaps crazy color schemes such as heavy bullets.
I first included “expansion of consciousness” of the player (me) too with surreal settings.
Nevertheless in my opinion The Night of the Rabbit still falls in Vacation/Journey gone wrong category.


It doesn’t need to be drug induced, so it still fits.


If a theme is too broad then it stops being a theme and becomes a free-for-all. :s
I do like the idea of Bad Trip but you can stop at travel and psychedelia and it would have been fine, there’s ton of games just for those two alone but you appear to have included every genre under the sun in your suggestions. @_@

Anyways there is a F2P game called Maui which I think fits the theme just in case there’s someone who really doesn’t have anything listed up there.

Some others (lesser known) for thought:

I’ve already played most of these so they’re just some suggestions for others with some imput from you as to whether or not you think they are suitable, especially as they have all been in bundles. :)

I was also wondering about ARK and Terraria, they seem like decent fits (wake up in strange place… etc) although I’ll be impressed if anything does beat them.

I might add some more suggestions if I can think of any. :)

Good luck with your backlog folks!


Being broad is kind of the point, not everyone wants to stick to just 3 or so genres for the entire month. And I’m not sure if it really is that broad, I had 30 unplayed games that fit the space theme, I currently have 8 games on my list for this month (I’ll probably think of more later, but I doubt it gets anywhere near 30 - unless I add all the HOGs XD). Also, I’m not sure anymore if you were here for the first theme, “Hooked”, it was pretty broad as well and still fun :)

Not sure if some of those suggestions would count, seems they take place on tropical islands, but it’s either not a trip (Tropico, Ostrich Island from what I read) or nothing really bad happens (Lili - according to the reviews it’s “peacful” and “relaxing”) … but it’s up to revil to rule on that, if anyone wants to attempt those.


Might I recommend a change from monthly “themes” to “suggestions”. If you wish to make them broad, so be it, I have no problem with that but they stop being thematic when almost anything can fit.

I was around for Hooked but I didn’t participate because I saw it as too much and was better off continuing my own thing. No offence, it was still a creative idea.

Themes are great because they give you something to focus on and limit choice. I know “limiting choice” might sound bad but it’s actually had several studies into it, especially in consumerism and marketing, where the general conclusion is that less choice = better. In the case of backlogs, people are already doing, breaking them up into small bite-size chunks. There’s even a wiki-article on it: Overchoice.

You guys do whatever you think is best. :)
I’ll still participate and be supportive where possible regardless, and if each month is like this I could probably ignore the theme and still play something that fits. ;)

As for the suggestions I’ve made, if any more information is needed before it’s agreed on their suitability, just let me know. :)


Just to clarify, my aim isn’t to give every one as much choice as possible, it’s to not exclude too many people by only focusing on one genre or setting (or publisher or franchise, although we did that already). A month-long community event for the 5 people who actually have unplayed games for that franchise isn’t exactly a community event (I could see restricitve themes like that if we had them weekly, but that’s A LOT of organization). And if you do need to limit your own choices further, you could only focus on one part (head/body/feet) or try to maximize points by only picking games with achievements and getting them all.

Anyways, I guess the main “lesson” here is that not everyone will like every theme. We had people sitting out previous months, now other people are sitting out this one. I’m sure future themes will be narrower again, and some may be broader, I doubt we’ll ever find something where everyone is happy and joins in.


Please, I hope you’re not misunderstanding me. I truly want the best for this group, it’s one of the better ones to come out of SteamGifts and I’d hate to see it fail. The more people that can paricipate the better, whether or not I can participate will not bother me in the slightest. :s
You really sound condescending in saying there’s a lesson to be learnt when I was merely making some formal criticisms and suggestions. ._.

Like I said previously, if broad is what you guys want, go for it. You all know what’s going to make the group grow. :)


sorry, I didn’t mean it condescending at all, I just couldn’t find a phrase to say “after these comments it’s clear we have different opinions and I doubt anything we discuss will change that”.
And I actually took your first comment as condescending (your first sentence, can’t pinpoint why), so maybe I got a bit snippy there for a bit, sorry. (I also don’t see why you and Concept keep saying you don’t want the group to “fail” - would “fail” mean no one participates in themes anymore? Wouldn’t we just adjust that, then, ask for more suggestions? I’m just not really sure what you mean by that …)


Sorry, I probably did sound condescending. I tend to be incredibly formal which can come across as such when typed.
I’m not trying to change anything anymore though. If you want to take anything I’ve said on board, great! If not, life moves on. :)

DC says fail? I think fail would be like what happened with groups such as NiDiM, which he was also a member of I seem to remember, so he might be referencing the same things as me. It would be a case of no one participating, or worse a whole bunch of people leaving over something stupid. And with all good things, no one wants to see them disappear. :)

Downward Concept

She does have a point and I agree with her.

The theme became something completely different anyway from what I suggested in the forum, you know, what we came up with. Just looking at what is now considered a psychedelic game is beyond comprehension. The Witcher? Surgeon Simulator?
Same for most other suggested games, but I did say I wouldn’t plan it so I don’t complain about what it became. Just giving my opinion on the discussed topic.

In the hooked theme people basically played whatever and said it got them hooked. So it didn’t require a theme to begin with and having a certain direction gives people a reason to play specific games that they haven’t considered before. Otherwise we can just make a leaderboard for generally beating the most games and don’t need a theme. As Akantha said, suggestions would suit this better than calling it a theme.
I think it was very broad already from my initial suggestions, too. Tropical settings, psychedelic games, vacations gone wrong… There’s a lot of diversity in there for people to play different genres.


If a theme is too broad then it stops being a theme and becomes a free-for-all.

That’s definitely true, and the objection came up (shortly) in our secret admin discussion last month (“Star Wars vs Sci-Fi vs Space”), too. I would actually like it better to have a defined list of games for the theme(s), but it turns out it’s rather difficult / labor-intensive to arrive at a list that is neither to broad nor “excluding”. I think the “non-excluding” part is really important to nelly ;)
Well, I guess we’ll just try to improve on that theme-thing “from iteration to iteration” and find a solution for that.

Edit: oh, ninja’d by nelly.


well, I don’t know about you and the others, but I see the themes as a direction to go into if you don’t know what to play next/are really indecisive and need a little push/want to narrow down what you have. I don’t see it as “play any of these 50 games this month and get invited to a giveaway”, that’s what the past two themes felt like to me. That’s fine as well, but I’d like to see some more open themes as well. (and the “defined lists” thing is pretty much impossible since lots of games aren’t properly tagged with everything that might apply, and nobody knows all the games)
And like I said, it’s actually harder for me to find fitting games this month than last month, so I don’t view it as too broad.


Ok, so now both sides of the argument are here … now that everyone can see that we care and think about stuff, I think there’s no need to repeat the discussion ;)

… and I didn’t mean to say the new theme was too broad – didn’t “research” it enough to have an opinion on that yet. It does feel a little broad, but I can’t be sure until I checked. Yeah having to check is part of my problem with not having a list. A list I do very much realize we can’t have. Sigh.

Downward Concept

That’s definitely a subjective opinion and probably we have to further discuss where themes should be heading in the future, but I don’t see the previous themes as excluding. Especially because diversity came up a lot. Take the Star Wars/Space theme for example. You have roleplaying games, first-person shooters, strategy games, jump ‘n runs, puzzle platformers… There was an actual theme and yet you could have played every genre you can think of.
Yes, the connection is that they’re all set in space to some degree, but some are still different enough to give some variation in story and design. Jedi Knight and Pid are two completely different games for example.


But that’s only after we discussed it and added “Space” to the Star Wars suggestion ;) Do you mean this Pid? Was it even included in the theme?
Btw I still think “Space” was much broader than this


Space was definitely broader. The amount of space games there is… For this theme, you can’t just pick a category and go into it, you have to see if it actually fits the theme.


I really don’t mean to be rude but I don’t think you understand what I mean by broad. It means general, covers at lot of subjects, non-specific.

Space was very specific, whatever the game’s goal was it had to be set in space, it might have had a lot of games to choose from but it’s still specific.

Bad Trip is covering so many subjects looking at your suggestions, this includes:

  • travelling (gone wrong)
  • vacations (gone wrong)
  • running??
  • falling??
  • survival
  • underground/underwater
  • horror experiences
  • supernatural experiences
  • psychedilic experiences
  • psychological experiences
  • just “bad” experiences

Not only that but it only has to be a small element of the game, not even the basis of the game itself.

This is not a criticism anymore and I understand that some of this might be lost in translation on both sides of the conversation. I don’t mind how broad you want them now that it’s established by Nelly that it’s the goal (“Being broad is kind of the point”) of these monthly events.


No, “Bad Trip” only includes 4 subjects: psychedelic experience, vacation / trip gone wrong, life-threatening situations in tropical settings and underground / underwater. I still stand by my point that I don’t think it’s too broad. I think it’s very specific. And no, the only category that accepts it being a small element of the game is the psychedelic one. For the others, it has to be the basis of the game.


+ 1 :)

Downward Concept

You say it includes 4 subjects, but you list way more. :D


Where exactly? If the post is not direct, I can try to make it better.

Downward Concept

I know what you mean by saying it’s 4 subjects, but you list way more suitable types of games.
Psychedelic, vacation gone wrong, life-threatening situations in tropical settings… That’s three.
Now let’s get to underground and underwater. They are so vastly different that they are completely seperate as subjects.
Most games include life-threatening situations, so the settings are what make the difference here. Not just for the theme, but for videogames in general. So tropical, underground and underwater are seperate categories. You could exchange life-threatening situations with videogames in tropical settings. It wouldn’t make that much of a difference. You know what I mean? So it’s not 4, but 5.
Also falling/tripping over is part of the description above. Don’t know how everyone else interpets it, but as I know that you wanted to make it part of the theme I see it as another subject, because it was planned to be. Don’t know if it’s just a rethoric thing now.


I don’t see the difference between underground and underwater, they both take place under. Exchanging “life-threatening situations” with “video games” would make it more broad. There are games that take place in tropical settings that don’t revolve around survival.

Downward Concept

Okay, so Metro 2033 and Subnautica are the same games in your opinion? They both take place under.

Sure, there are games not about survivial, but you have to admit that ‘life threatening situations’ are in almost every videogame ever made.
Most games that have the ability to give you a game over screen are about you dying and thus having situations that pose a life-threat.
Life-threatening situations are as specific as games with weapons. Not every game has weapons in it, but most sure do.


Yes, I believe they are. The circumstances might be different, but they’re both about survival. They both take place under in a place filled with danger.

So do you think I should change it to survival games set in a tropical setting?

Downward Concept

I don’t want you to change anything, but to realize that it’s more than 4 subjects. Our opinions differ and can’t be changed tho, but I tried. :P


Sorry, I don’t see it as more than 4 subjects. :P


it’s 4, how is it “way more”?

Downward Concept

Well, maybe not way more but more.


“life-threatening situations in tropical settings” and Tropico doesn’t fit? :D
You know you can get assassinated if you mess up, right? Not to mention… hurricanes… tornados… :D

That’s still far broader than the space theme ever was but if you say so.

Also - “some psychological games should apply as well” Can you explain this in more depth please? :) I might be able to dig up some things for it if I understood it better.


But it’s not the basis of Tropico. Its basis is managing a business, not surviving in a tropical place. We’ll just have to agree to disagree. By “some psychological games should apply as well” I didn’t mean that psychological games apply, I meant that if you take a look at the list of psychological games, you may find a psychedelic game. I’ll edit the post to make that part clearer.


Managing a business country whilst … trying not to get assassinated! O_O Sure whatever, if it don’t fit, it don’t. :P

That’s still vague too me but I’ll just leave it. Let someone else come up with the suggestions for that particular part. :)


I played Tropico for several hours and nothing bad happened … only one session, but still, it didn’t really feel like an integral part of the experience … maybe it can count if you play “superbad” so that really bad things happen in return? Post lots of screenshots then :P


You never had a hurricane? D:
Those things devastated my settlements so many times but it’s not exactly a hard game so recovery was swift but yeah you really do have to be “superbad” or more “supermean” to get assassinated. ;D
I’m not going to be playing Tropico though and I never took many screenshots of 3&4 when I did play them. :)


Sorry to intrude in your convo, but at first i thought that most survival/athmospheric games would apply but then I realized i was getting it wrong (or so i think now?) and only survival that are the result of a trip gone bad would actually apply? That doesn’t end up being that big of a list actually ?


you’re absolutely correct :)


Survival result of a trip gone bad or survival that is set in a tropical setting, but they usually go together.


but I thought broad meant a lot of choice? I had so many more choices for the space theme - and “space” is really just a backdrop, it could include exactly the same things you listed above (most of which don’t apply to this theme)

edit: my “broad is the point” quote was referring to my initial idea of themes, but I see now I might have to adjust my expectations/view of the whole thing if it leads to huge discussions …


It does mean choice just not as numeric value but rather going by variety and differences. When I said it seemed too broad it would be that the [subjects] are too different to each other.

Hope that makes it clearer?


Yes, but like I said, I feel I had all the same and more with space, only there it was set in space, this month it’s a travel destination (usually tropical islands) or someone’s head.
I wiped my list for last month, but it definitely included at least as many of the things you listed above as are applicable this month, I would actually say more.

ANYWAYS, I feel like we’re just repeating ourselves, agree to disagree and move on? Maybe next month will be better (we don’t have a theme yet, feel free to suggest something)


I already had moved on… :s
Just waiting for some confirmation of the games I listed. In particular Oceanhorn and Maui which I would like to play. :)


Oh sorry, I’ll take a look at them now.


sorry you moved on 5 minutes before I wrote that XD
Confirmations are more revil’s department, I actually wasn’t aware “bad things on tropical islands” without any trips or vacations was a set part of the theme, so I can’t say anything about those
(although it’s very well possible I suggested that at some point, to make it more inclusive, before head and feet got added)

eh, took too long to type …


It’s complicated today. It’ll be figured out. :)


What a mess… Well, I can still narrow it down to only trips. I included bad things on tropical settings because I couldn’t think of many games that are actually a trip gone wrong.


I don’t know, I just felt that would be close to saying “horrible situations at places you sometimes travel to but where you could also just live”, which could be pretty much anywhere, not just tropical islands, and that would be almost any game ever. I thought the premise of having a trip as a starting point would be fine (with the other categories of drugs and underground, it’s still a lot).

I don’t know anymore, just leave it? Too much discussion today, still have so much work left :(


Yes, making these judgment calls on what is applicable and what is not is extremely hard for games in tropical settings, but it is what we had agreed on, so that’s why it was included. Maybe we should narrow down the theme a bit, but if we’re going to do that it should be today. :/


They are supposed to be different. “Bad Trip” has a lot of different meanings…


Wait! I have another suggestion!
What about a list of definitely a-okay games for the theme(s) somewhere?
Maybe in the steam group that could be linked to?


I did think of putting up a list like that and it was what mandrill also wanted to implement in the website. I’ll see if I can put it together.


Oooh, can’t wait for something like that on the website. :3


it would be cool if we could have community lists on here, like a moderated list with games people own, not just the listmaker’s, but everyone’s games …


Make sure to add Uriel’s Chasm for the psychadelic part :D that game IS how a trip went wrong looks like xD


Added xD

Downward Concept

Yes, this Pid and yes, it was. The whole story is based on taking the schoolbus through space only to land on some weird planet.
I revisited the discussion in the forum and we didn’t decide upon including space. The whole idea was to make a science fiction them to begin with. Akantha was working out the details and made it Star Wars and Space related. :)


I guess I have to open Steam again … yeah, so you told us Star Wars or Sci-Fi, we pretty much agreed that just Star Wars wasn’t enough, sorry I remembered it wrong (just remembered “May the 4th” …) ^^


Can I imagine you all like spies or MIB in your secret meetings? :)

That’s understandable, as I said in the reply to Nelly, just do whatever you think is best. :)

Downward Concept

That’s definitely some food for thought. We’ll see how this theme turns out and can work from there, considering the feedback we can gather along the way.


More food for thought in the secret MIB meeting room ;)


I agree that if a theme is too broad it becomes free-for-all, but I will also have to agree with nelly that I don’t see it as too broad. I had a really hard time thinking of games or searching for games that fit the theme. Sure, those pages I linked have hundreds of games, but not all of them will fit the theme. And I like the diversion of the genres.

I will take a look at the games you mentioned and reply to this post later, but just from the ones I know, the Tropico series do not fit. They don’t involve a trip and nothing bad happens in them.

Downward Concept

If I’m honest you did expand it to some unnecessary degree as well. I still don’t get how Surgeon Simulator is in there as a suggested game.
And as mentioned earlier having a theme like Star Wars, Space or even Devolver Digital doesn’t limit the diversity of genres and gameplay. Sure, Devolver games all have a certain vibe to them which someone could eventually grow tired of, if someone might dislike it, but Star Wars and Space contain so many games and different genres that you can’t say that it isn’t broad.


I don’t see how it went any far from what we had discussed. We had agreed on psychedelic, vacation gone wrong and games with tropical settings. That’s what it is about. The only new thing I added was underground, which I did tell you about and nelly agreed with me on it. I got those suggestions from some searching I did. We had agreed on games that take you on a psychedelic trip. I understood it as any game that contains a psychedelic trip or has a psychedelic surrounding. The Witcher 2 and Surgeon Simulator 2013 do take you on a psychedelic trip if we take that under consideration: http://venturebeat.com/community/2014/08/21/the-top-8-psychedelic-drug-scenes-in-video-games/

Downward Concept

I don’t recall anything about underground but on the other hand I just didn’t pay attention probably. I just thought we’d consider games for the theme that are overall psychedelic and don’t include games for having one bit.
But when you add those into the mix, then yeah, it fits, I guess.


I felt like there aren’t many games that are overall psychedelic, so I wanted to include more options.


Regarding Maui, if you want all the achievements you may have to switch over to the beta branch, One achievement wouldn’t previously work otherwise though it may have been patched since.


Thanks for the heads up!


From what I can see, Maui, Holy Avatar and Oceanhorn are applicable. Maybe Hamilton, but I’m not too sure.


What’s the not sure with Hamilton? It has “bad guys” without spoiling too much.


Okay, I changed it to “survival games that take place in a tropical setting” and also added lists of applicable games in the post. If you still think these games apply, please post there.


Alright, I’ll have a look tomorrow. :)
Just got back but to tired to function right now. (^_^)b

Awesome work!


http://store.steampowered.com/search/?snr=1_4_4__12&term=#sort_by=_ASC&tags=9157&page=1 Underwater tag has 29 games on Steam for the Feet subcategory; Underground only contains Arx Fatalis and Sandmason, so it’s not useful.


Well, some of those are just underwater, they don’t take place in an underwater world or anything bad happens. But I will link them as a basis.


Looks fun! Though I’m hard pressed to think of a game that doesn’t fit the theme somehow, but maybe that’s the point. :) Thank you mods and admins and other cool peoples for all the work you put into these monthlies!


I have a hard time thinking of a game that does fit. :P


Oh I see - I didn’t read very carefully. Is this an accurate summary of the rules? Needs to involve a journey to an underwater, underground, or tropical setting, or be a psychedelic trip of some sort.


Needs to involve / take you on a psychedelic trip, be about a vacation / trip gone wrong or a bad experience in a tropical setting, or take place in an underground / underwater world where bad things happen.


Does Darkest Dungeon fit the bill ? It is listed as an atmospheric game! And if your heroes get too much fear/stress, they become masochism, irrational, fearful, … That’s a Bad trip no ? :D


Hmm… doesn’t really take place in a tropical setting and isn’t related to a psychedelic experience from what I can tell.


Alright ^^


Huh. Okay yeah I’m not really understanding the criteria. Do you not take a trip underground in darkest “dungeon”?


I can’t find anything that references an underground place. Is it on Steam?


I haven’t played it. It doesn’t matter to me personally I don’t own it. I was just trying to check my understanding of the rules, and since there is a list I’ll just go with that :) But the title is darkest dungeon and dungeons I believe by definition are underground. The first words of the narrator in the trailer are “there is a danger under the manor” or something like that. Maybe it doesn’t count because it doesn’t take place entirely underground? But like I said it’s not important to me personally and I don’t want to create more work for you Revil! You’re doing awesome - thanks for working on this for us :)


Yeah, the game should be mostly underground. I don’t know, if Caer decides to play the game and sees that it fits, I’ll add it eventually. Thank you for participating! :)


Nice theme! I like the wide range of games that apply.
I have several games you mention as examples, but going through the Steam categories, I found a few ones in my library that could fit the theme. I said I would play a maximum of 3 monthly theme games, but might do a few more thanks to the broad theme ;)
Any of these games you think wouldn’t count for the theme? (all have at least one of the psychological/survival/atmospheric tags)


I was thinking about Fran Bow as well, but I’m not too sure. I wouldn’t say Edna & Harvey, at least the first one (The Breakout, only started the next one) - you kind of take some trips into your own memory, you’re talking to your plush rabbit and some other patients in the mental institution are pretty weird, but it never really felt psychedelic or even super random to me, more quirky and fantasy-like. (it was still fun)
Also don’t think This War of Mine applies, it has tons of bad stuff in it, but no real trips afaik (going out to steal stuff doesn’t count ;) )

Don’t know about the rest … Cat Lady doesn’t look like it fits, it’s more sad like This War of Mine. (as in, exploring those kinds of psychological problems wouldn’t fit in general, unless for example there are hallucinations, drug induced => bad (drug) trip)


Thanks for the feedback!

Hm, I might have been to quick with the categories there, I just skimmed the text and immediately started doing category/tag searches.

I’ll do some more research and subsequent cleaning, sounds like a few of them are out. Would be very happy to know if Fran Bow would be a fit. I know that you switch between seeing the world in two different ways by taking pills, sounds a lot like it could count as “bad trip”, even though it’s more about a mental disorder than drugs.


Fran Bow and BioShock 2 fit. Do Mad Max and Child Of Light take place in a tropical setting? I don’t think Edna & Harvey and Dead Rising 3 fit.


I was just in the progress of cleaning up some more. I’ve checked my candidates a bit more thoroughly and came up with this:

Fran Bow: “Fran is administered a strange medication that causes vivid hallucinations of grisly parallel world full of black shadowy figures and strange creatures. Driven to escape her imprisonment, find her cat, and get back home, Fran is able to pass into this world and alter her surroundings so that she might escape.”

Mad Max: Not totally sure about this one, but it’s a journey gone wrong in a desert. From Wikipedia: “Max Rockatansky journeys to the Plains of Silence. His voyage takes an unexpected turn when he runs into a group of War Boys (..) run him off the road and steal his clothes, supplies, weapons, and car before leaving him to rot in the desert sun.”.

Child of Light: Maybe not “psychedelic” enough, I went with a few of the broad similarities with Alice in Wonderland. “Child of Light is centered around the daughter of a duke from 1895 Austria, Aurora, who contracts a physical ailment that causes her to pass away. She somehow awakens, finding herself on an alter the mythical world of Lemuria. (…) Aurora seeks help from the Lady of the Forest to wake herself up from this dream, however the Lady of the Forest tells her that this is not a dream. Rather, there is magical link between her and this world.

As for Edna & Harvey: The Breakout I based it upon the comment from nellyneko, but I’m fine with removing it if you don’t think it’s a good fit.


I added lists of acceptable games in the post. Still checking Child Of Light and Edna & Harvey.


mmm, i would like participate ( Always i try to participate in the event with a game) but i dont know what game fit with this theme. Example:

  • Saga Tropico => is about tropical island but you havent the trip.
  • Left in the Dark: No One on Board ?

i need think more in this theme :(


The Tropical saga doesn’t fit. Left In The Dark does. The examples I gave didn’t do anything for you?


I will try:

  • Head, i need look more for some game for this part.
    -body => Left in the Dark: No One on Board
    -feet => Terraria, is undeground, isnt?

Terraria doesn’t appear to take place mostly underground.


Looking in my unfinished library I realized the same…. a lot of games which definitaly fit the theme I already finish, some of them few weeks ago #sad But I still want to try to participate.


What about Dead Island? It’s on your unfinished list. Revil also mentioned Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold, and maybe Just Cause? (he only mentioned Just Cause 2, not sure how it’s different from the first part though - mayhem and destruction on a tropical island)


Yeah, when I noticed the theme… my first thought was Dead Island. I added Melissa to the list as well. Just Cause I need to confirm.
I’ll look one by one careful and see what can fit. Talking about that, I just read a review about The Journey Down, I maybe, this fit the theme as well.
~”You are Bwana and with your brother, Kito, you are running a gas station. Everything changes when mysterious lady comes by looking for a old book.[…] But be careful, cause there are others who are looking for that book. You might be in danger.”~


Seems Just Cause 2 was scratched from the list, so I guess no Just cause. revil linked some lists in the OP for the categories, you can suggest The Journey Down there.


I would consider the following games as psychological journeys, for consideration in the Head category:


Wouldn’t say To The Moon counts, nothing really bad happens and I’m not even sure how much of a trip it is (it’s psychological, yes, but it’s still relatively close to reality, more of a re-telling of someone’s life … although there was that one scene … hm, revil can decide on that :P)


Those games look more surreal than psychedelic. I don’t think they fit.


Just trying to understand the interpretations of the rules - Mind: Path to Thalamus takes place entirely in your head while you’re on life support in a coma which would involve medications I assume … Does it not count because the drugs are not illegal?


Okay, added Path To Thalamus.


Ok, I think I get the difference.


Well, I added Path To Thalamus.


Hmm, I’ve already played most of the games from my library that would fit the criteria, but if I get a couple of games during the sale (Layers of Fear of Town of Light, for example), then I’ll participate =)


I added some lists to the post and they will be continuously updated. So check back to see if you own anything from there. :)


Having trouble following the discussion in this format, but just wanted to briefly share my thoughts: my confusion in applying the rules for this month’s theme is stemming from the subjective nature of the rules combined with what appears to be a fairly strict interpretation of the rules. “Space” was wide open (broad in that sense) but not subjective - everyone knows what space means. That theme was broad in scope but not broad in meaning. On the other hand “Hooked” was subjective but Nelly was very lenient in what counted so the subjectivity was a strength (it was fun to try to come up with reasons why a game counted, and we were rewarded with approval when we did). My suspicion is that this theme will be more enjoyable for everyone (including those of you who are generously sacrificing your time and energy to run it) if the rules are either narrowed down and made very clear and succinct or if you allow for a wider variety of interpretation. If this helps, great - if not, don’t mind me I just play here, and having a community that even tries something like this is awesome in my book. :)


I think revil is working on it ;)

edit: okay, linking comments doesn’t work … somewhere in the entire discussion about broadness, a list of games was mentioned, and it might be in the works


That will be helpful :) I know this is a lot of work for you guys. Thanks for setting up fun stuff for us :) You all rock.


thanks, revil is really working hard on this :)
and I’m glad you think it’s fun :D


revil added the list links in the OP ;)


I think I maybe figured out how link one comment…
Here is a Test


thanks, that works! I worked it out as well, simply replacing “post” with comment up there ;)


I had more work hahaha took a look in all html stuff using chrome inspect tool D:


at least we know that we have two options now :)


Lists have been added to the post and I tried to narrow it down a bit by changing it to “survival games that take place in a tropical setting” instead of “life-threatening”.


Most excellent. Thank you! :)


I’ve narrowed down my list but there is still a few games i’m not sure fit or not, so when you have a moment (no rush), can you check and let me know please? Maybe that will also help out other people.
Fallout 4 - Far Harbor As it involves a travel to an island (not tropical though, since it’s in the post apocalypse maine) that goes bad, I was wondering if it fits or not.
Tormentum Dark Sorrow - Not on the psychedelic steam page you link but is indeed tagged as psychedelic on steam AND appears as such on the lorenzostanco library filter.
80 days
Renowned Explorers: International Society Travels filled with dangerous encounters?
Brothers a tale of 2 sons I wonder if it fits in the “trip gone wrong” category?
Grimind From the store page “ Grimind casts you into forgotten caves and ancient crypts, without memories.”
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden
Mind snares: Alice’s journey

Thanks in advance for your insight.


Added Far Harbor, Tormentum, Abyss and Mind Snares. Still checking the others. There are now lists of applicable games in the post.


Thanks a lot, take your time. And thanks also for making the list, i imagine it might take a lot of time.


So if you’ve played an applicable game before, it doesn’t count for the points system right? And would it if I replayed it?
Also, can you play other games that you think fit the category even if they aren’t on the lists?


It would count if you provide a screenshot proving that you replayed it. You can suggest the inclusion of the game to the list if it’s not there.


Ok, and sorry for all the questions, but if I own a game on Uplay and want to play it for this theme would that be ok as long as I provide proof of hours played, the credits, etc?

Suggestions (I have a lot and you don’t need to read all of them I’m sorry):

  • Assassin’s Creed Revelations - The main character has slipped into a coma and is forced to relive the memories of his ancestors in order to separate his mind and memories from his ancestor’s. He’s also stuck on a computer generated “island”. The game has a small segment of some weird platforming that’s kinda psychedelic (the dlc does this too). Pretty trippy, and the setting is colorful and summery.
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent - messes with your mind in the game, has some kind of insanity meter
  • Dead Space - Haven’t played it but from what I’ve seen it seems like it fits the theme.
  • The Magic Circle - You are playing as a video game tester stuck inside an unfinished video game, and your goal is to finish it from the inside out so you can escape.
  • Saints Row 4 (?) - Long shot here, but it’s got aliens and superpowers, it seems like a weird trippy game.
  • Tomb Raider (2013) - Survival in a tropical area (sort of)

Sure, providing proof is all that’s required. I’m not familiar with Uplay, is there a screenshot system like Steam’s there? And do they have achievements as well?

I’ll take a look at your suggestions later. Tomb Raider is already in the list, by the way.


I put all my uplay game shortcuts into Steam so I can use the overlay, so I can use Steam’s screenshot system. I believe the same can be done with Origin games. As far as achievements go, it varies from game to game so I can take a look later and get back to you on that. Sometimes the achievements are in-game only and aren’t shown on the client.

Sorry about that, I guess I didn’t look hard enough. Thanks for your help!


Okay, most games on Uplay have achievements, and some even have achievements while the Steam version of the game does not. For example Far Cry 3 has achievements on Uplay but I can’t find any for the Steam version. However the Steam versions go through Uplay anyway so the achievements technically aren’t exclusive to the Uplay versions. Sorry I took so long to confirm this for you, I’m looking forward to participating :)


New to the site, where is the list of applicable games?


Click in the logo in the areas I mentioned.


Is this available on mobile devices as I’m unable to click anything on the logo?


Sorry, fixed, clicking the right leg worked for feet not the left! :)

Baron Khazadson

Good theme, I have an excuse to play Mad Max too.


Glad to hear that. :)


If I started playing Bioshock Infinite, does it count for the month theme?


Do you mean that you already played a bit of it? There’s no problem, it counts.


Thank you, vacations are around the corner, and a lot of free time to remove games off my list:)


This comment was deleted over 8 years ago.


Oh, a quick question:
Does it make a difference if we play only games from a set (ex. only head) or we play from al three?
Because I see there are points but being this my first monthly theme I don’t know well how it works and I fear I may end up missing something..


Nope. I might separate the categories in different rankings, but the points aren’t really worth anything. It’s just for those who like a little competition. :)


Ok, thanks :)


I like this theme the most so far! I just really enjoy the variety in the types of games, but it’s still specific enough that it’s a small(ish) number of games that count. It seems a bit hard for us to know if a game fits or not but the list is really helpful. Thanks for taking the time to do that. I’m gonna look through my backlog and see if I have any games that might fit on the list, but they’re pretty long already so I’m not sure I will.


Yeah, it’s hard for me too, but I’m sure that working together we can make a great list of games. :)


Not sure if this counts…. but Valdis Story you are minding your own business when your ship gets wrecked and you find yourself under the sea in a different area full of monsters and people trying to kill you? :)


Is this the one you mention? I don’t see anything related to that in its description. :S




Sounds like a good theme. However, I’ve decided not to participate in the monthly themes as I seem to end up just trying out games I have no chance of completing within the month and they just add to my unfinished games ;) If I do finish one that fits the theme I’ll throw my hat into the ring but otherwise I’m going to make an effort to finish the games I really want to play :)


No problem. :) I have a similar problem with themes as well, and I end up adding more games to my backlog for the theme, but I’m trying to overcome that by also completing other games. This month, for example, I recovered from last month’s defeat against The Backlog and came out victorious.


How are you treating games with date specific achievements?
I think it’s unfair to stop someone from being “100%” or make them “cheat” to get that 100% just because a game requires you to do something on a specific dates, especially if that date isn’t in this month.


I’ll take a look into it. Is Stanley the only one that has it? I can consider it as 100% if you get all of the other achievements.


Nope, two people have been playing Year Walk which requires a playthrough on New Years Eve.


I’ll add something about it when I’m done going through the suggestions.

I hope people aren’t taking the points system very seriously though - the ones with most points will not get any special prizes. If I make giveaways, it will be for all. So it’s really just to add a little competition and fairness in terms of those who finish versus those who complete.


Heh, someone probably will. lol

I doubt it affects too many games but it might put people off playing those. I don’t know, we’ll see. ;)


Oooooh! I like this monthly theme! :D I’m so in! ^___^

Started with Dead Island DE yesterday already :3


Glad you like it! xD And thanks for participating!


Just noticed you changed the point system. Just to be sure, for Luxuria Superbia (only game I’ve completed up to now) I have to look at this page, correct?
Also, points decrease from 1.5 to 0.2, right?


I actually just updated the system right now to make it more fair, based on a suggestion from Crystal. :) Now you take hours to finish for games that don’t have achievements. Since Luxuria Superbia doesn’t have this information on AStats, I will take the average playtime from BLAEO members who played it for the theme. Since you’re the only one who has played it so far and you spent 3.7 hours in it, your points are currently 3.7.


Or take it from here :)


I was going to mention HowLongToBeat didn’t offer precise hours like AStats, but I didn’t know it had this more detailed version. :O So malabagaa, you have 1.07 points. :)


Doesn’t look to “reliable” to me. After only 9 hours I can’t see any 1h 07m there. Unless we do all the calculations after the theme ends..

EDIT: ..or did you convert the minutes from base 60 to base 10 ?


I took the average of the main story (01:04) and converted it to hours.


Welp, I changed the formula again. I think this one is permanent. :) Since for games that don’t have achievements you can’t really know if a person finished or completed it, I’ll take the average of those times, so the new formula is (C + F) / 2, which will give you (2.43 + 1.07) / 2 = 1.75 points for Luxuria.


Sorry, didn’t want to make you change it again :\
Didn’t thought about conversion at first, that’s why I got that doubt..

Setting this value for now. Let me know if there are other changes (hope mainly for you not!) =P


Oh no, don’t worry about it. Yeah, I’m pretty sure this one’s final. :P


By the way, I updated the format of the entry a bit, so if you could edit yours to fit the new one that would be great. xD


Didn’t know you could access screenshots of a specific game, that’s why I was linking to my “journal entry” before.
Updated :)


No problem, thanks. :)


Wow, the points system is going to take a long time to calculate. Good luck for that!


Yeah, thanks!


Could I get a fictional example please. Visual learner here :D.
I guess I could help with counting the points If I can learn how to make a table.


I gave an example for Teakupo below. xD


Could you help me understand the points system please? I guess just showing me a filled in formula when you have time would help a lot? Like with my completion Master Reboot.
Astats page
I’m also willing to volunteer my time to count points (once I understand completely :P)


So, for Master Reboot: it has achievements, so we use C * Σ(P) / TP. C is hours to complete (5.7), Σ(P) is the sum of the points of all the achievements you got during the month (you got all of the achievements this month, so you get 93). TP is the total points of the game (93). 5.7 * 93 / 93 = 5.7. So basically, you end up getting the hours to complete as points if you got all of the achievements in a game this month. It’s just if you didn’t get all of the achievements or got some before this month that your points will be reduced.

For example, Master Reboot has an achievement called Welsh Wizard. Let’s suppose you got all of the achievements except for this one. Your P would be 93 - 7.9, which is the value of the achievement you’re missing. So you’d get 5.7 * 85.1 / 93 = 5.22 points.

Thanks for the offer, I’ll see what I can do. :P


I updated the formula to (C - F) * Σ(P) / TP + F, which would give you (5.7 - 3.3) * 93 / 93 + 3.3 = 5.7. Same points, just wanted to show you it in the new formula.


Oh okay. I see now! I wasn’t sure what Σ(P) was doing at first. Thanks sooo much for explaining.


New addition, as a suggestion from Crystal. I promise this is the last change. :P Now you get an additional 25% of your points if you got all of the achievements in a game during this month. So 5.7 + 5.7 * 0.25 = 7.13


The spreadsheet gives me 8.69 points for that game. Is there an error somewhere?


No, I was noticing some very concerning time differences between AStats and HowLongToBeat, so I decided to use the average of them. AStats lists F as 3.3 and C as 5.7, while HowLongToBeat lists F as 4.18 and C as 8.2, so the average of them gives F as 3.74 and C as 6.95, resulting in 8.69 for you.


Oh okay! Most of the time HLTB seems more accurate to me so I like this change. :3


These themed challenges look interesting!
I have at least 10 games from each list, so count me in!




Sorry to disturb you again, just beaten Limbo, may I ask you some help to calculate points? Or is not mandatory to put it in my posts, since you’re keeping data in that spreadsheet?


It’s not mandatory, but you can do it if you want. Here’s how to calculate:

We use two pages: HowLongToBeat and AStats. For games with achievements, AStats already provides Σ(P) without having to do it all manually, you just have to go to http://astats.astats.nl/astats/Steam_Game_Info.php?Tab=2&AppID=48000&SteamID64=76561198025491317, where 48000 is the app ID of the game and 76561198025491317 is your Steam ID.

Now to get F and C: HLTB has 3h 33m (3.55 hours) for main story and 7h 19m (7.32) to 100%, AStats has 3.8 hours for main story and 10.6 hours to 100%. We take the average of those two:

F = (3.55 + 3.8) / 2 = 3.68
C = (7.32 + 10.6) / 2 = 8.96

Now for the achievement points. AStats says you have 15 of the 53 points, so TP = 53, but now we have to filter out the achievements you got before June. The only achievement you got in June was “Where Credit Is Due”, which is worth 2.1 points, so Σ(P) = 2.1.

Now we just apply to the formula: (C - F) * Σ(P) / TP + F

(8.96 - 3.68) * 2.1 / 53 + 3.68 = 3.89

So you have 3.89 points for Limbo as of now - that can increase as you get more achievements.


Oh I thought it was either one or the other site, not both =P
Thanks for the clarification :)

About timeplay:
I played almost all the game before june, do I still get full value for it? shouldn’t I get less? :)


Yep, that’s a flaw of the system, because I can’t possibly know how much time one would spend from one achievement to another, and even for games without achievements - you could play 99% of the game before June, finish it in June and post a screenshot, how would I know how much you actually played? And if I were to take the player’s hours into account, Steam only shows played time for the past two weeks, so it wouldn’t work for a whole month, and it could turn into a mess with idling. If you have an idea to work around it, I’m open to hear it. :)


And actually it’s not that unfair: if someone were to get all of the achievements you got before June this month, they would already have more points than you and you wouldn’t possibly be able to reach the highest punctuation. :) Might be a bit unfair for games without achievements, but oh well.


That’s right.
Is that I’ve played, like, 20 minutes and got “full value” for it.. feels like I’m cheating =P
Maybe games started before june shouldn’t have been counted, but it’s too late now. And it also kind of goes against the purpose of this group.. XD

Otherwise only the player’s fairness remains.
“I hereby declare that I’ve played this game only for x minutes during this month.”
..or something similar.

Guess I’ll just take these points and stop creating troubles ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Well, like I said, don’t consider it as cheating, since there is no way you could get more points than a person who played it entirely this month. The F time is there just to give everyone who finished a game something as base, but the real points are in the C time. :)


Ook! thanks ^_^


Nice theme which includes many great games, but i have already decided that i play next Bastion/DOOM so will be out from this one. Maybe Risen after those :)


No problem. :)


The theme’s great, but I have so much stuff on my backlog, that I’d feel like a terrible person, if I just pushed those ahead ^^


The theme is about games from your backlog though.


I skimmed through all the stuff but I don’t really get the variables. What is this ranking and what do we get out of it?
Games that I completed before count right? And do you calculate the progress or what? Any other info I need to know?
Thanks revilheart


You get nothing out of it, it’s just a ranking. Well, the first place gets to be the player of the month in the group, but that’s it. And actually this month there might be more than one player of the month.

No, only games you finished / completed during June are counted towards the leaderboards. If you completed a game and wish to revisit it and replay it for the theme, you only get F points.

What do you mean by calculating the progress? For games with achievements, the more achievements you get the more points you get, and you get the maximum amount of points if you complete the game.


I meant calculating points sorry. I finished Batman Arkham series this month but there are problems with the achievments and they don’t unlock, even Arkham Knight had some achievements that are supposed to be unlocked for me.

I’ll take a look and see what other games I completed this month that belongs to the list


If you didn’t get any achievements for Batman, you’ll have to at least include screenshots. And you would get only F points.


I wonder if Dark Stone From Mebara would qualify. It’s a Mythos game, set adjacent to the worlds of Lovecraft, dealing with a small group of detectives who start with investigating an unusual murder and then quickly escalate to wielding dark powers learned from tomes of the Elder Gods. It might be more weird than psychedelic, though it surely involves some bad tripping and claims insanity and dread beasts as its home territory: it costs you sanity to learn dark spells, and even more to invoke them. No achievements, made in RPGMaker.


And I wake today to find a rehearsal shifted around, so I probably won’t have time to finish it by July anyway - so it probably won’t matter whether it’s in the theme or no. sigh


Sorry, I’m not even going to check if it fits. Too close to the end of the month, so I won’t be adding any more new games, but that shouldn’t stop you from playing the game. xD


It won’t! I’m enjoying it.