We’ve had our monthly themes for over a year now, with sometimes vastly different ideas behind them, but they’ve always pretty much had one thing in common: Try to beat as many theme-related games as possible within the month.
But this month I’d like to try something slightly different: I challenge you to finish at least one game in your backlog that requires 20+ hours to finish (not counting the time you’ve spent in it already, idled or played). Choose whichever game you like and then let me know about your choice here.
There won’t be a game list this month, since I’m sure there are hundreds of games with 20 or more hours of unique gameplay. Just go through your library and check what big-looking (expensive?) game you’ve been meaning to get around to but always put back at the end of the queue in favor of a shorter, quicker backlog assassination. You can also check the list of participants and their chosen games to see if there’s a game there that’s collecting dust in your library too. I’d expect the most common games to be AAA titles, visual novels and sims, but anything is welcome! You’ll find out more about the challenge “rules” in the sign-up post.
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
Absolutely nothing.
I don’t own any unplayed or unfinished games with 20+ hours left to play, can I still participate?
Yes! Make sure to check the sign-up post for more info on that.
20 hours?!
Now, I know what you’re thinking …
Yes, you do! At least time to give it a try! :D

Yesssss! Perfect theme for the middle of a hot summer, at least in these parts. Actually, probably perfoect for any climate except the go-out-and-frolic bits of spring and autumn.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! If only I had waited a couple more days to start Thea!!! Literally JUST hit the 19h mark on it lol
And I’m also like 75% through at OPPW3 which I started in June, also a long ass game x.x
Oh well, guess it’s 3 long ass games in a row then :3

Finished New Vegas to 100% with 312 on clock and ~170 hour on a character a few days ago :D

One Piece would actually still qualify, I think, if you’re going for more than just finishing the main story.

Nah, I don’t see me spending that much time on it, especially with all the Sale purchases. I can see me clocking another 20h on Thea though if that counts :P (thea’s HLTB page is totally inaccurate btw. “Main Story” can be finished in less than an hour if you know how, two if you don’t. And completionist time, which I’ll assume is unlocking and maxing all the gods, is certainly higher than 30-40h)
Otherwise there’s still The Age of Decadence, Bounty Train, Dead Age, Tales of games, Wasteland 2 and XCOM2 from my “priority backlog” as well as a couple more games I’ll probably grab before the sale ends like Gremlins, Inc. and Disgaea 2 :|

let me know if you wanna play a round of Gremlins Inc. if you get it, I’ve never played it against actual people (I only did the tutorial and maybe 2 games against AI players). I’m sure LadySanta would be in as well if she has time.

Sounds like perfect timing for the coming summer. If your AC works. :P

My Assassin’s Creed? ò_O

Your air conditioning. It’s heating up in here and airing the room simply won’t do anymore. :D

hehee I knew it, I just couldn’t pass on making such a clever joke :v sorry ^^;
..here instead there have been storms the whole week and the temperature lowered about 10-15°C ..feels like heaven :D

Great idea, thanks for the motivation \o/

Oh God, it’s an awesome idea with a super frustrating timing, in the middle of summer xD.
I really really want to participate though, I’ll try to find a fitting game:)

Another month of not participating, yay! Seriously though, you already dropped the idea of having any rewards. Then what’s on earth is the point of playing a policestate, monitoring screenshots, start time one by one and bullshit like “If you didn’t take a screenshot of your played time before starting the challenge, please don’t play the game until I’ve confirmed your post”? At first these events were for yaay, playing for a goal! Now it’s a supercontrolled, super monitored system with 5+ rules for the easiest, simplest themes as well because OH MY GOD SOMEONE COULD CHEAT. It was told so many times that leaderboards would mean nothing. There are no rewards. You tried and removed the scoring system for games based on their length / achivements. Then why? I couldn’t even take part in the stupid HOG event because apparently I should have made a screenshot of finishing a game because someone is paranoid that I may not have finished MY GAME that affects NOONE.
Fuck this bureaucratic, obsessed system, really.

Wow, okay then o_O (just disregard the fact that people have cheated in the past and others complained about it, and that while trying to keep it fair a few rules are necessary … and that you can just play any game you want without yelling at us for creating some motivation for some people … but carry on being pissed at an optional part of an optional community …)
Edit: Also,I’m not sure how you “can’t take part” - themes, while a community affair, are meant to help you pick games if you’re having trouble deciding for yourself. You can just play HOGs and enjoy them. You can just play a long game and enjoy it. There’s no need to sign up, and even when signing up, at least for my themes, there’s no absolute need to follow my “rules”. They’re just there to clear up some questions beforehand and make it easier for me to keep track of things (we already had 1 person starting their game before approval, slipping under 20 hours of play time left, and it’s not a problem). And I’m not keeping track of things because I love spying on random people, I’m doing it because seeing how many people are committing to long games is hopefully motivation enough for others to join, silently or officially. We’ve had themes where I didn’t sign up or post my achievements at the end, but I still played some theme games for myself.
Believe me, I would’ve rather used the past 3 hours to clear some of my backlog instead of adding people to the table for this theme, but I don’t see how we can do this while still keeping it fair. As you said, leaderboards etc. don’t mean anything besides bragging rights (and participation statistics for us), but there have been incidents where people (most likely) cheated to get to the top, and others feeling cheated about that. (Also not sure where you see “5+ rules”, there’s only 1 - “20+ h of game time left”)

Take screenshot before playing
Take screenshot after playing
If no achivements then make screenshots of credits that you played the game
One’s gameplay is measured by HLTB not by their pace - a 15 hour game long takes around 30 for me, so even if in my pace I could play that well beyond the limit, it’s not applicable because a site says that the game is not that long and punishes me for being me.
And all this bullshit because some lowlife people are cheating in a rewardless system and the best reaction to this is to overmonitor everything.
I’m so optimistic about these events for the first read, then all the juicy bits surface. “I challenge you to finish at least one game in your backlog that requires 20+ hours to finish” oh wait, but it’s not like that. You don’t need to play 20 hours. You don’t need to finish a game that’s at least 20 hours long. You need to play at least 20 hours between your current gameplay time and what HLTB states. How is this clear and “only one rule?” Each and every month the theme, the intro text says completely different things than the rules, or the rules twist it to make a way more limited, but still very often underdefined blob of acceptible games.
The Lego month had the theme of “Your task is to build something on your own in the game you want to play” then suddenly the completion of the game is required if it has an end, so my Terraria plans immediately got cancelled.
I finished a HOG month, uninstalled it and AFTER I got the notification that maybe I should upload a screenshot to prove I finished a game that will net me NOTHING in the event. Great motivation to play anything more for it.
Comic Book theme disqualified the superhero games because they were in a similarish topic, like anyone would lose anything with it. Played them all already? Changes nothing. Still have games to play? Great, more games that fit the literal superhero theme. But no, it would hurt someone for sure.
End of rant. I just don’t know why I still even bother about this, if my enthusiasm is killed by the time I read though the requirements after a promising topic.
And this is the main reason I left the group and refused the re-invitation. On a way to completing the backlog quite some people in the group just lost it and are way more focused on checking how others play their games, instead of playing in their own pace, for their own joy. And this includes the jerks who cheat achivements and/or gameplay time to get a better placement on a simple toplist, and people who feel that everyone should be burdened with meaningless crosschecks because of the previously mentioned sorry-ass fuckers.
BLAEO Monthly - because what emphasizes the catharsis of finishing a game than remembering that you need to make a screenshot to prove that you finished it.

Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
Also, it would be easier to agree with the points you make if you calmed down and used nicer language. Throwing insults around never helped anyone prove a point.

I am absolutely sorry, that you feel this way about the HOG theme. It was my first theme I hosted and I tried to orientate myself at older themes (I’m still not that long here, so haven’t participated in to many monthly themes so far). That’s why I asked ppl to add a link to either the cheevos or a screenshot showing the game was finished. But I didn’t turn anybody down! I didn’t even turn you down, I just tried to tell you nicely, that everybody else did it so far that way. I even had you on my list until last night, but since you deleted your participation, I took you not, not knowing how else to handle that. I had quit a view ppl who didn’t post a link. I counted them. I even stopped checking at some point, because I figured, that if somebody posted they posted it because they finished it. So it turned into trusting and not checking.
I’m sorry I gave you a different impression. And I’m sad that you therefore felt as if you couldn’t participate in last months theme.

Don’t apologize, Ninglor– or at least, I don’t think you have anything to apologize for. Clearly his rant was out of line, way beyond the levels of a little healthy nerd rage that we all get sometimes (like thinking a bug prevented completion of a HOG

You did it well. I deleted it because either I replay the game to provide the proof or you would have to make an exception with me which I never wanted in my life. I just don’t feel deserving or anything to get such a different way of being dealt with. I just hate making screenshots to prove I did something, and I rather quit it because it feels obtuse for me..though they could be private ones so at least not shared with the community/friends. I’m not good with people, sorry. While you made the event and it was really fair, I just got into a situation similar to when the illiterate has to face in the Nth step of something that would not require writing that it DOES require writing :( I tried so hard to find an event that I like and I can participate, but each one of them involves something I don’t want to / can not do, in the framework part. I just don’t belong here. Games worth more than me than throwing a message-in-a-bottle review of mine to likely never get any reaction to it, while expecting it because of the hundreds of people reading it. Not sharing it, not taking part at least guarantees the expected no reaction result. One can not be disappointed by lack of communication if denies communicating.

You are a little silly head, aren’t you? hug
I clearly said, I’ll add you to my list. And the main reason I asked you: You posted a link to the steam page of the game. I just thought you tried to point out, that the game was missing on the list. I then tried to point out, you might add a screenshot or a link to your cheevos. I didn’t order you to do it. So you totally could have participated :)
Just… talk a bit more, even if you don’t feel to much up to communication (if I get the last part right?).
So yeah. My thought on that matter. Hope that’s alright for both of us now :)

Your earlier posts were unexpectedly attack-y, so I’m glad to read a more clear-headed reply from you on this, even if it’s still a bit negative.
I actually mostly agree with you, that providing evidence of finishing for a rewardless system is pretty pointless, but by the same token, so is ranting about it (:shrug:). I haven’t participated in either of the monthly themes I’ve been here for (though the HOG one was tempting), and hadn’t noticed all the finer points about the rules. That part really is a bit of a turn-off, and I would’ve been disappointed about the requirements had I participated. The honor system seems like a better way to go for this place.
Thankfully though, I still feel like a part of this group, and hopefully you do too, just by reading everyone’s posts on the Activities page. It’s knowing that we’re “in it together”, actually beating games, actually doing something about our backlogs, actually making “progress”, whether you’re playing the same games I am or not. and whether they’re for the monthly theme or not. Stick around and don’t stress about the Monthly Theme at all!
Although this month’s theme is right up my alley, and I’ll probably beat something that fits it, I don’t know if I’ll even bother posting as a Theme entry, because… well… it doesn’t matter. It’s a nice suggestion, but in the end, I’m just going to play (and finish) the games that I want to play (and finish) – I just like hanging out here with other people doing the same! :)

that will net me NOTHING in the event
This sounds like you want to be rewarded? I’m sure you only mean recognized in the wrap-up etc. but still, you rant about rules and leaderboards that should mean nothing, and then about not being recognized … I’m not sure what you actually want. And I agree with your point, everyone should be
playing in their own pace, for their own joy
Just do that, I really don’t get why people get so riled up about these optional themes. Every month it’s someone else, and always about a different aspect - then we change something and it’s the next person (you know the first themes you seemed to like because they were open and less restrictive? People didn’t like that either). None of our “rules” are completely set in stone, like ninglor said, you would have been counted anyway. Screenshots are for measuring progress if there’s no other way. It’s really just a few clicks, and if you know about it beforehand, why is it an issue?
But you’re right, the wording in the main post might be a bit misleading about what games count, I’ll look into making that clearer.
And it would have been nice if you’d just told me about not wanting to be in the group anymore, I could have made a note and not annoyed you with more invitations/wasted my own time checking your profile every round of invitations and wondering why I hadn’t invited you before.
About HLTB: Do you have better suggestions on how to measure people aren’t just picking an 11 h game and idling for 9 h? I know HLTB isn’t super accurate, but this theme isn’t actually about finishing 50+ hour games (as some people already submitted), it’s about really focusing on one big game instead of blazing through as many short ones as possible - I personally find that I often skip long games for a quick finish, just to see my percentage change a bit, so I thought some motivation to focus on just one for a while would be nice. As you may have noticed, I didn’t mention any punishments or rewards, there’s not even a leaderboard, I just want people to try and make some progress.

Jeeeeeezus, sorry nellyneko. You of all people didn’t deserve that. Like I told Ninglor above, clearly his rant was out of line, way beyond the levels of a little healthy nerd rage that we all get sometimes. We’re very grateful that you spend so much time and effort on this site for us, come up with themes, write up rules and wrap-ups, track things, etc. All time that could have been spent playing your own games. You spent way more time justifying yourself than I would have, given his rude, disrespectful, and borderline offensive tone.

Thanks, Trent. I’m never sure how to respond to these things, and I don’t really wanna draw them out, but I also feel I should try to understand where the criticism is coming from and whether it’s valid and we should make some changes (though like I said, someone’s always unhappy, sometimes more than would seem necessary/appropriate for an optional offering that changes every month anyway)

I don’t really wanna draw them out, but I also feel I should try to understand where the criticism is coming from and whether it’s valid and we should make some changes
This is why you’re a good leader. But given the tone that was used, I would have been tempted to ignore it.

Do what you did, apparently it’s good, or at least the best of what can be done. I’m the one who feels miserable and left out because I personally never asked to be on any leaderboard, nor even mentioned, nor rewarded, but the part-taking is the limited element :( won’t hear about me more, don’t worry.

I’m sorry you feel left out and (according to your other replies here) felt ignored. I’m not sure how we could have done anything differently, since no one is required to reply to anyone. Even if you don’t use the community part of the website anymore, please feel free to keep using the organizational parts to track any progress if you like. (btw. we all spent hours figuring out how to format our posts, and I’ve since given up and just stick to plain text with some regular markdown I know from steamgifts anyways).
Just to be clear: Posting about your progress + providing proof in theme posts is asking to be on the leaderboard + recognized. You can just play games fitting the theme without telling anyone about it, or just by saying “I’ll be playing this but don’t want to be counted” in the main post, that’s still taking part in the theme for yourself, which it sounds like what you want. I always assume there are some people too shy to post, but still attempting to join for themselves (as I said, I’m sometimes too lazy myself to post, and once I forgot to take a screenshot, so I left that game out of my submissions).
But also please don’t feel like you’re “not worthy of exceptions” - we try to keep the themes as inclusive as possible, and make exceptions left and right to accommodate everyone. To list all possible exceptions would have made the sign-up post twice as long, so I rather wait for people to bring up issues (e.g. having started a loooong game already with less than 20 h left according to HLTB and not wanting to drop it, HLTB times being off by 30+ hours etc.)

this theme isn’t actually about finishing 50+ hour games (as some people already submitted), it’s about really focusing on one big game instead of blazing through as many short ones as possible
As someone who posted 50h+ game, i can say that this theme is a perfect push i needed for finishing Skyrim. And the reason i stopped playing it is those shorter games that look great for the stats(not saying there are not great short games, but you get the meaning) :)
So thank you for making BLAEO great place for killing all the games we want :D

You said it, there are no rewards. So why care so much about the rules? Just pick a game, play it, and post your report on the site for everyone to see. You don’t need to submit it to the theme. But you could at least try looking at things from another perspective and understand that rules exist to make things fair, and that some people care about leaderboards regardless of rewards and don’t want their place taken by someone who didn’t bother to follow the rules when they worked their ass off to do it. It’s not just because you don’t get a prize for something that it shouldn’t be supervised.

” post your report on the site for everyone to see”
Ha, no. There’s a reason I even deleted everything I ever posted there, and there are reasons I’ll never post anything new. Nor read it at all :) Even finding proper formatting options took hours and found less than half of what’s apparently common knowledge but avoided me. Also being squashed between thumbnail/picture filled multiple screen long postst (one took up NINE screens of mine) feels bad. Good thing that my posts were left without any reactions whatsoever, because it felt like nothing of value was lost by stopping it. And after this I’ll likely just stop any interaction on the site because I really, really don’t feel like someone who belongs here at all.

I’m really sorry that you feel that way, but the lack of post reactions is unfortunately something that everyone goes through, really. I even had a post of mine once that had absolutely 0 replies, and I’m an admin. :P Actually I’ve had quite a few posts with 1-2 replies. It depends on the time that you post and if other people are posting as well, because then your stuff gets buried and it’s hard to see it.
You also don’t need to use formatting in your posts, you can just stick to plain old text. And if you don’t want, for example, to take screenshots because those will be publicly available on Steam, you can definitely take private screenshots and share the link with the organizer, and they will you count you in like everyone else.
But if the problem is that you don’t want to interact at all, I don’t really get this rant because if you don’t want to be in the leaderboard, nor mentioned, then wouldn’t that contradict submitting a game to the theme? Or do you simply want to apply in the submission post, but be excluded from the theme wrap-up?

Well according to the rules on signup page i could apply with Skyrim where i have 70 hours so far and go for main+extra that needs 106 hours? :D
If that is possible then i guess i will have more reason to get back to playing it :D
And don’t mind my username, already reported it as bug on steam group :)

yeah, I noticed the usernames, it affected quite a few people … wonder what’s going on there, since afaik nothing’s been done to the site in weeks

yeah, Skyrim is fine - and feel free to sign up already so I can lock-in your already played time. I don’t think the site will be fixed soon, since our admin is pretty busy and might still not have internet access at home :/

Well apparently if i set to use nickname from steam it shows it ok, but profile link is still messed up :D

I don’t think I’ll be able to join.. (if this was August’s theme I may had some chance to)
good luck everyone ^_^

I’m assuming that since I already started playing Sleeping Dogs: DE two days ago (June 29) that won’t count for the theme? Oh well, I’m still going to finish it (while going for full completion, or as close to full as I can get, because I suck at racing there). HLTB says 37h for completionist, but The ZooZ who recommended me that game said it took them 65h to complete, which is much more in line of how I play games (my 372h to complete Fallout 4+DLC vs not even 200h according to HLTB). Anyway, I don’t think I’ll have time for two big games (especially if I would need to make it before the month’s end), so I’ll probably think about it after I finish Sleeping Dogs DE, and get back here if I decide I can make it with another bigger one :)

Did you check the sign-up post? Started games are allowed, just make sure at least 20 hours are still to play (you only have 9 hours, so it would count)

Oh, I didn’t check cause I figured I don’t have anything to sign up with. I didn’t know all the explanation would be there. Thanks :)

Woo hoo, great timing with this theme! I intend to play Risen 2 and maybe even Risen 3 this month, if all goes according to the plan (finishing the first Risen game atm) :)

Playing Mass Effect and according to HLTB its 17 hours base game and I have 9 hours in game… With no overlay I can’t take screenshots without having to manually do it… Oh well xD

No overlay sucks - it’s fine if you do one screenshot per gaming session, or even every other or third gaming session if you play in shorter bursts

17h???? It took me 90h+ on the first character, who are they trying to kid here? O.O :D
Uh right, which part are we talking about? :D

Oh well, I was just talking about the main quests I guess if you rushed through it. Right now I’m doing DLC missions and I’m 13 hours in… I don’t think I will be anywhere close to 17 hours xD

Man I somehow wish I could sometimes play through it that fast. But then again I could miss sooooooo many things! O.O ;)
Have much fun playing it!

That sounds pretty nice. Got to check what’ll fit :)

Damn, I really wanted to play Renowned Explorers but can’t since I have too much idled time. :/ I know I won’t have the time to play the 20 hours anyways, but with something based on playthroughs/levels I could even try. Maybe if I can find anything else. Probably not, as at least on first go through HLTB there seemed to be nothing. Ugh, so another month not participating.
Good luck to those who take on the challenge!

That’s a good idea and a nice change of pace. I probably won’t be able to participate, but I’ll try my best to beat God Eater 2 in this week a have before leaving. Well, I can always continue later from where I left. :)

Is it ok if I choose The Long Dark for this month? I’ve been dying to play a good survival game lately and the story mode is coming out on August 1st. I just want to familiarize myself with all the locations, so far I only explored one area and a little bit of Coastal Highway but my save file is gone.
If possible, I would like to attempt the survive for 200 days achievement which should take more than 20 hours.

You can play it of course, but I’m not sure if it’s fair to count it since HLTB has 43 h for the game and you’re played 41 already. But the remaining achievements do look really hard … is it okay if I think about it a little bit? The site tracks how much you play this month anyway, so you can go ahead and attempt that achievement without losing any time towards the theme.

Just want to make it clear, in those 40 hours I managed to survive for 50 days (see corresponding achievement). I have to start from day one. :straightest face in the universe emoji: and it’s just sandbox mode for now so it doesn’t have an ending. The 200 days is just a goal I want to set for myself.
But if TLD is not ok my second pick would be Defender’s Quest Valley of the Forgotten.

TLD should be okay, I’ll just add a note that you’re attempting that achievement. I don’t want you to drop your plans just because of the theme. I totally get the wrong HLTB times, I guess especially for survivals it varies too much (it says 2 hours for 60 Seconds!, but I’m 3 hours in and still haven’t managed to get rescued - someone even gave it a negative review because they finished it in the first half hour of playing it so concluded there’s not enough content …)

Yeah, HLTB and AStats (to a lesser extent) times are way off for a casual, explore every nook and cranny player like me. Plus I like to hoard EVERYTHING. I don’t think I’ll make it to day 200 cause I have too much work this month, but I’ll give it a try. :)

Of course this is the theme after I finished Final Fantasy X a few days ago :p
I might try to endure FFX-2 since I never finished it back on the PS2. Steam counts them both as the same game so I’ve already racked up 50 hours.

Great theme! I have lots of games like this, I guess I’m gonna start with my latest purchase, A.O.T. which is one of the most expensive games I’ve bought, maybe later I can continue with GTA V or State of Decay

Ouch, a 20+ hour game? In my busiest month? There’s still a possibility that at least one of the games I try during my IRL-breaks might keep me occupied for at least 20 hours, I’ll get back to it :D

I have played and completed Wasteland 2 (Vanilla) before. I have Wasteland 2 DC installed, but have not played it yet. I do have a hankering to see what the differences are between the two. Would Wasteland 2 DC be a permissible game for this challenge? I just want to make sure it would be in the spirit of fair play.:)
Wasteland 2 took me over 100 hours to play (I like finding every secret and getting 100% in RPGs when I can), so I figure this one will take about the same amount of time.

Well, as far as I can see it runs under the same appID, where you’re already at 100%, and thus I couldn’t see whether you played or just idled it this month. But I don’t want to prevent you from playing what you want to play, so if you want to submit it to the theme, I’d say the same rules apply as for games without achievements - take some screenshots throughout the game and link me to them.

I can do that for sure. I did check, and it shows as all the Achievements being locked. So, if the Achievements will still unlock normally, I will let you know about that as well. I probably won’t be able to start until after work tomorrow night.:)

If there’s an in-game achievement screen where you can unlock them again, you can just screenshot that (if it doesn’t show your name in there, you can screenshot it with Overlay)

Well, I’ve got 13 hours in Wasteland 2 DC so far, with 3 (out of 46) Achievements unlocked. I did things a little differently this time around, and chose to rescue Highpool rather than the AG Centre. This also means I won’t have access to the one character (Rose), but will be able to have Vulture’s Cry instead. There are definitely things that are different in this version, such as the different graphics, and more voice-work with regards to NPCs. One downside to the increased voice-work is that Angela Deth’s voice is different sometimes (for some reason, they used a different voice actress for the DC version).
I’m still having a lot of fun with this game, but I am not sure if I’ll be able to finish this in 11 days! I’m going to try my best, though!

Oh, I didn’t realize it had its own app ID on Steam! I did a search and only the regular version came up, so I thought it was included as an extra mode or something. Now that I see it has its own achievement page, screenshots aren’t necessary. Sorry for the confusion! I put you down as just main story for now, maybe that’s still possible :) Good luck on these last 10/11 days! :D (I’m not even halfway through my game ^^)

No worries! I can understand why you had thought that. I’m just glad that I don’t have to get a second set of Badges! LOL!;)
I have faith in you!:) You’ll be able to do it.:) I’ll be playing a large chunk today (after I eat some supper!), so I’m hopeful to get a fair bit of Arizona completed (before the journey to LA!).
Thank you for accepting my friend request.:)

Well, with 1 minute left in July, it doesn’t look like I will have succeded in the July Challenge. :(
I will still play the game to 100% (I want to finish it!!), but here are my Stats for the game:
Achievements Unlocked: 16/46
Time Played: 51 hours
When I played the Vanilla version of Wasteland 2, I had the benefit of lots of free time, since I was laid off from work while they were building a new store (off for 5 months). Now, with a job, I didn’t have as much free time.
I like the changes they made for the DC, and I haven’t run into any bugs yet which is a plus!

I failed… game didn’t appeal to me visually at all, so i dropped it quite quickly… sigh.

Well, I am just a little late, but I can finally add Wasteland 2: DC to my 100% Complete list. One game off my backlog, many more to go!! LOL!
I really enjoyed this game, actually I enjoyed both versions and seeing the differences between them.:)
Hey, I guess this means I’m officially active on BLAEO again. xD
Just wish BLAEO would take my Steam username as I’m waiting for cg to make me revilheart again. :P
Welcome baaaaack :D
Thaaanks! xD