If you're looking for the current Challenge Me! event, look no further: Challenge Me! Monthly Edition (Aug-Sep) (Jul-Aug)

Also, there's an ongoing challenge for everyone now: ABC Challenge

August's Theme: Scavenger Hunt

Is it August already? Well time for the next theme!

From August 5th to August 12th the The Greatest Scavenger Hunt The Word Has Ever Seen is happening. Anybody of you participating? Well I don’t, but why not launch our very own backlog related Scavenger Hunt yet again.

Just like in our October 2016 Scavenger Hunt we would like to see a lot of screenshots. Everybody of you is getting a set of 4 Cards. On each card there are 5 goals to achieve. A goal has been successful, when you take a screenshot, posted it on the Submission Post. You need to have the game beaten at the end of the month.

The overall theme of the Scavenger Hunt is Traveling. So go on and see the (virtual) world. There is no fixed game list, do play whatever game you think fits the best. No matter how long the game is.

The Cards

  • Destinations
    Travel the World. And of course a tourist is taking pictures. Please present us one picture for every location: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania
  • Transportation
    Well, there must be a way to reach your location. Please take a screenshot of Plane, Train, Car, Boat, Bike
  • Travelkit
    We all have things carrying with us, while on the road. This card does not has a specific goal list. Take a picture of five items, you need while traveling. Just make sure you have a valid explanation, why you need the item.
  • Enjoy the moment
    This card has even lesser restrictions. Take five pictures of anything related to traveling. Basically everything that is related to traveling, but does not fit any of the other goals. Example: Any picture of ABZU would fit here, as you can make beautiful dives on vacation ;)


Yes, we have to set a few rules. Even for this event. But don’t worry, they are not too harsh. And they are not written in stone, if you have a case that is close to breaking a rule, just message me. I am sure we can come up with an agreement.

  • Screenshots of games are only counted, if you beat the game during August
  • You cannot get a card with just one game. You need to take screenshots of at least 2 games per card
  • You need to use at least 3 games for all 4 cards. In other words: You should play at least 3 games for this event
  • Upload your screenshots on Steam and post the screenshot in the Submission Post. If you are playing a game, that does not support Steam Screenshots, you can upload the screenshot somewhere else, for example Imageur.

Submission Post


Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.

What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
Absolutely nothing.

Why do I need at least 3 games?
We would like to see a variety between the screenshots. There is no rule, how long the games should be. So feel free to pick three very short games.


Reply to this comment, if you have any problem.


Shouldn’t it be August’s theme?


ah damn. You are right :D


Imo, you should also link at the top to the parallel event Challenge Me! Monthly Edition, like nelly did in July theme, since there is no separate entry for it in the dropdown menu. :)


:D good point. Can’t edit it myself, but I forwarded the message


added :)


Btw, did you accept this challenge?


I haven’t worked through my comments in a while, sorry. I saw the challenge, but wanted to think about it after beating my monthly game … which I haven’t yet :(


“Screenshots of games are only counted, if you beat the game during August” => So you need to beat at least 3 games if you want all your screenshots to count ?




If I understand your question correctly, all screenshots from completed games count, but to fill one category, they have to be from at least two games, and for all categories overall from at least 3 games.


Is it allowed to use one screenshot for multiple goals?


no. One screenshot can only counted for a single goal


First, thanks for organizing the theme, I’m happy to see a new iteration of the scavenger hunt :D Boy that list is gonna be hard though O__O

I have a question: Is it possible to replay a game (I’m mostly talking about games that are prone to multiple playthroughs because of high replayability and/or short games) that we have marked as beaten?


of course. Just make sure that you take a screenshot as “prove” at the end.


Thanks! I’ll most likely unlock cheevos too in the process, as I’m thinking about games like Armello


Is it possible to take a horse instead of a bike?


mhm, that is too early to decide now. But you can always use that image in the last category. I am sure some are going on vacation and ride a horse ;)
But I’ll think about it, if that is your last image remaining


Ok, thanks. But riding a horse for holiday is also an option ofc :D


Hi Daerphen, I have a question.

Can I use an achievement icon to count as one of the entries?
There’s an achievement in the game I’m playing, Dex, whose icon is of a passport. Since I don’t know if I’ll be able to actually see the passport in game, can I use it? What if I miss taking a screenshot when the achievement pops? Will a screenshot of the steam overlay with the achievement in it count, so you’ll see the time and that I myself got it when I said I did, etc.?

Edit update: I made it to that part of the game. The f12 screenshot option ignores steam overlay, so I didn’t get it in-world. I took a screenshot of the menu you get when you shift+tab. Would this be acceptable as a screenshot entry?


For now I would not accept it. Taking a screenshot of an overlay or the steam client is not really a picture of the game content. I know it is more a grey zone than a clearly black and white decision. Save the screenshot and we’ll see, if you need the screenshot at the end. Perhaps you find some other items, that can be linked to traveling. Perhaps you need to think a bit outside the box.


I’ll take that as a challenge, then! c: I’m sure I can find more related stuff - especially because it’s only been, like, one day. Thank you, Daerphen. The box will be demolished


Hey Daerphen, I have another question. The closer it gets to the end of the month, the more worried I am about being able to get the last few screenshots.

Would it be okay if I take screenshots from Overwatch, on the PS4? It’s not a game I can ‘finish’ per se, but it is a game I own and play regularly.


no sorry, they should definitively be games that you are able to finish.


Dang… I’m really worried about getting ‘Africa’, then. I’m sure if I play Adam Wolfe next or something I can find a train and car but I can’t really think of a game with a jungle or desert environment, let alone one actually set in Africa.

EDIT: nvm I think I got it solved! I won’t count myself out just yet!


Sound interesting… I’ll definitely try and fill some slots on that card.


I participated in Gishwhes 3 years ago. It was pretty fun.

I probably won’t be able to do this monthly theme since it sounds like it takes a lot of work and I’ll be visiting a friend for three weeks. Sounds fun for those who like a challenge though.


oh nice. Honestly I never heard of that gishwhes before this month ;)
Well you are taking the them “Travelling” literally :D Enjoy your visits.


Sounds nice and relaxed, but that first card though T_T I can’t remember when is the last time I played a game that was NOT set in a fantasy/ imaginary world, even those rare cases that were inspired by real world places, they still had made up name and lore. Oh well, well see how it goes :)


it’s okay if it just looks like one of the places - I’m sure there are lots of Asia-inspired areas, or deserts, jungles etc.


Oh, no… Bad timing for this as I’ll be on vacation and have no access to the internet. I’m so sad… :(


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


What part of the rules? Like Daerphen said, they’re not set in stone.


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


You can always replay games. Just make sure to take a proving screenshot, that you beat the game (again). And you don’t need to pick long games to take screenshots. If you have 3 or more games in your library that all are beaten within 1 hour. And you gather 20 themed screenshots, then go for it ;)


I’m not sure I get this… but I’m absolutely on board! chooooo choooo :D


Can I use more then 3 games? Like I’m playing Cosplay Maker right now and I have looooooads of clothes in there. And clothes are really handy to take along :]

Lucky Thirteen

The way I understand it, you can use as many games as you like (as long as you beat them during this month ofc), you just need a minimum of 3 games (i.e. you can’t take all the screenies from a single game) ;)


Ok, so I can play lots of different games wit lots of screens as long as I complete the game within the month :)
Thanks :)


exactly. Theoretical you could you 20 games.


Ha! That would have to wait until the next HOG month then :D

Lucky Thirteen

Yay, I was thinking about how much I’d like to see another scavenge hunt theme in the future! Looks like August is my lucky month, thank you so much Daerphen :)
Will be participating for sure, although I highly doubt that I can find any screenies for the Destinations “card” O.o Oh well, doesn’t matter.

By the way, I’m currently doing a second playthrough of Risen 3, how do I go about proving I beat the game again? Will a screenshot of the final boss battle suffice (I don’t like taking screenies of the credits)?


yeah sure, one where we can see that you reached the end. And wasn’t Risen 3 not playing on some Island with jungle. I am sure there is a jungle on one or more continents.

Lucky Thirteen

Oh, so they don’t have to be real locations? That’s good, the jungle/palm trees etc from Risen 3 should do nicely then, thanks! :)


haha, no. Of course not. That would limit the possible games a lot ;)


Wow! This is a seriously interesting challenge. I have to take some time to wrap my head around what, exactly, I should do to beat this… but I think I got it. Two games per card to count, at least three games in total overall. That’s - I can do that! Yay!

This is a unique and fun challenge. Thank you!

CleaningSimp twitter

That looks fun, I’m excited to try it out:)


Ok, yeah, sorry to be a bother. Just got to inform you: I love the theme already! <3
Thank you for hosting it :)


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


Awesome, awesome! The first scavenger hunt was one of my favourite themes, so I’m looking forward to this :) not sure if I have enough time to beat enough games to find all screenshots this time, but I’ll try to find some and beat a few games in the process.


Looks like nobody asked yet.. strange, I thought it was important info..

Ok then, let me ask what everybody’s thinking but hasn’t the courage to ask:
Are the cards marketable?

Lucky Thirteen

Lol, nice one. Gotta make some profitz, right? :D


You bet! =P


[H] CS:GO,TF2 Keys/Gems/Ref [W] Scavenger Hunt cards !

Smoke signal me your offers.


I loved the scavenger hunt theme, glad it’s back! :D


Screenshots of games are only counted, if you beat the game during August

Do games that have already been started count? For example, I started playing BL2 for the previous theme but haven’t beaten it. If I find some screenshots and manage to finish it this month, can I use them for scavenger hunt?




Hm this sounds like something I can do! Btw where do you post your screenshots?(in this comment, on board or where) And can we make some kind of story around it? :D


I see you already found your way to the submission post. :) I’m sure a lot of us would be interested in reading some stories (travel blog? :P) about the screenshots.


of course. The format isn’t fixed how to post your screenshots. The table is just a suggestion that is taken by a lot of users.


Tada! I’m done! And no horse as bike :]
Does it work out? :)


very good. Congrats for finishing


Yay! Thank you :)


Quick question! If I start over a game I never finished, does that still count? I abandoned Tomb Raider Legend like 3 years ago and kinda want to play it.


sure, why not. The only thing you have to proof: You played and finished it during August. Either by achievements unlocked or by a screenshot of the ending

CleaningSimp twitter

All done! That was really fun:)


glad you liked it. Congrats for finishing it. Looks like I will be running out of time


Finally done, just in time!!