January: Community Picks
This month the BLAEO community decides which games deserve some extra attention!
The theme includes games that we most enjoyed playing in 2018. It doesn’t matter what the game’s release year is; what matters is that the members of the BLAEO community played it in 2018 and liked it so much that they want to see other assassins enjoy it too.
The list of games is available here. If you haven’t posted your own list yet, you can still do so at any point this month.
If you want to make choosing the games easier, check out Enhanced BLAEO - it will tell you which eligible games you already own.
To participate, reply to this post and tell us which game(s) that fit the monthly theme(s) you’re going to play.
Please use the following (or similar) format to make it easier for me to keep track of everyone’s progress, but feel free to add any extra thoughts about the game(s) to your post!
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status
:-: | :-: | :-: | :-:
name of game 1 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
name of game 3 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished
TOTAL: | achievements obtained | playtime this month | Number of games finished
Have fun!
Challenge me
The newest edition of the monthly Challenge Me is available here: click.
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
What happens if I play all of my unfinished games this month?
Your backlog will be a much smaller place.
I don’t have any unfinished games - I’ve beaten everything I’ve started.
Really? well that makes one of us… I salute you.
I already finished my entry can I play another?
Go ahead - the goal is to reduce your unfinished games list. The more you can play the better.

I own 3 of those games! I’ll try to get at least 1 in

I should definitely play Tacoma and Finding Paradise aaand finish Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
Other games to keep in mind: Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist , Owlboy.
I’ll update the post once I’ve made some progress.
EDIT: Only managed to finish Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist (4/6 achievements, 0.9h) + played My Time At Portia for 44 hours (29/91 achievements).

Tacoma was pretty short and really enjoyable, you should start with this one :eyes:

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Bastion | 7/24 | 7.2h | Finished |

Soooooo I have to check the list and see what I have?
Yep, I shall do that. And I shall play some!
Happy new gaming Year!
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Aviary Attorney | - | 6h | finished |
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc | 38 | 50h | finished |
Deus Ex: HR - DC | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Dishonored 2 | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
The Long Dark | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Quantum Break | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Civiliation VI | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
SW: Knights of the Old Republic | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Subsurface Circular | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Night in the Woods | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
TOTAL: | 38 | 56h | 2 |
Wow. There is not enough month. And my PoP month didn’t even start yet! panic

Was really a hard decision to select from this list! But thanks to a new idea I’ve had, I went with this one.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Orwell: Keeping An Eye On You | 27/27 | 10.5 hrs | completed |

What a good theme! Hopefully I’ll finish my SG wins in time to participate…
I’m gonna to leave a short list of my potential picks here and come back and pick from them when its time!
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy
Far From Noise
Forgotten Anne
My Memory of Us
Seasons After Fall
Tales of Berseria
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Gorogoa | 11 of 11 | ~2 hrs | Completed |
Far From Noise | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
Tales of Berseria | achievements obtained | playtime this month | unfinished/finished |
TOTAL: | 11 | ~2 hrs | 1 |

My first time participating, so hopefully I won’t embarrass myself. :3
I also like this theme very much! Already checked that some games in the list wait for me to complete them or for the fresh start. I will try to select some and then I will update this post with my progress. ;)
Good luck everyone with your choices! :)
Edit 04/01/2019
So many good games to choose from! :D
I hope I did it right. :3
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Hollow Knight | 45/63 (+36) | 77 hours (+50) | Almost done |
Dishonored 2 | 32/50 (+20) | 73 hours (+21) | Beaten |
Glass Masquerade | 0/31 | - | not started |
TOTAL: | 56 | 71 | 1 and half |

So I have managed to complete Dishonored! :D
In Hollow Knight I stand right before the end but I would like to end it with 112% completion, so that will take me some time. \O.O/
Due to other challenge on SG I have not found any time for Glass Masquerade, shame on me.
Bigger assassin report coming soon. :3

Game | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness | 16/16 (+16) | 0.7 hrs | Completed |
Cuphead | 10/28 (+0) | 2.1 hrs | Currently Playing |
Hidden Folks | 7/7 (+1) | 1.9 hrs | Completed |
The Lion’s Song: Episode 1 - Silence | 13/86 (+13) | 0.9 hrs | Beaten (Episode 1) |
Glass Masquerade | 31/31 (+1) | 0.2 hrs | Completed |
Yakuza 0 | 3/55 (+3) | 5.6 hrs | Currently Playing |
Four Last Things | 17/17 (+17) | 1.2 hrs | Completed |
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing | - | 1.2 hrs | Currently Playing |
Adventures of Shuggy | 4/13 (+4) | 3.3 hrs | Beaten (Local Co-Op) |
Dead by Daylight | 52/119 (+3) | 14.7 hrs | Multiplayer |
Total: | +58 | 31.8 hrs | 6 finished |
Finished both Hidden Folks and Glass Masquerade DLCs that I was missing, both more of the same from the base games which I enjoyed!
How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness was a pleasant surprise, got me laughing and dancing quite a few times. :)
I am loving Sonic All-Stars, didn’t realise until playing that this was one series and Transformed uses the same maps. Been fun comparing the two, playing ‘em both within the same couple days. If you love Mario Kart or Transformed you’ll probably love this one too.
Sadly not a fan of Adventures of Shuggy, found the core mechanics of knowing how to solve 90% of the puzzles right away but it boiling down to precise timing/dodging a bunch of enemies more frustrating and tedious than fun - even with us solving a lot of the levels first try. Though co-op was definitely more enjoyable, adding an element of teamwork and relying on each other with our own roles. I prob wouldn’t have/won’t finish it solo but I’m glad I played it with my brother while he was home for the holidays.

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
ICY: Frostbite Edition | 18/18 | 20 hours | Completed |
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice | 1/14 | 1 hour | unfinished |
Bastion | 15/24 | 16 hours | beaten |
How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness | 16/16 | 0.5 hours | Completed |
Just, Bearly | 9/9 | 0.5 hours | Completed |
My Time At Portia | 56/91 | 139 hours | beaten |
Total: | 115 | 177 hours | 5 finished |

Wow, and I thought my playtime in Portia is “bad”. :) Did you adopt any pets? Married anyone?

Lol, I’m kinda addicted to it actually. I adopted both Pinky and Scraps in my first playthrough and so far haven’t married anyone. I’m replaying it for achievements and… frankly still enjoying it :D I’m gonna marry some of the residents for their corresponding achievements but the final husband will be Gust.

I’m gonna marry some of the residents for their corresponding achievements
It’s a shame they have character specific achievements. :( Would have been much better if there was just one for marrying someone.

I was thinking the same thing. It’s really weird that there are achievements for some of the characters. I’d understand if they did this for every bachelor/bachelorette if spouses revealed more of their background stories after marriage. But better not, I feel like I’m being told whom to choose.

Ok then, let me have a go… lots of tasty games on the list
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
A Hat in Time | 7/37 | 0 | unfinished |
Replay - VHS is not dead | 4/14 | 0 | unfinished |
Rime | 0/31 | 0 | unfinished |
Tacoma | 0/12 | 0 | unfinished |
The Lion’s Song | 0/86 | 0 | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 0 | 0 | 0 |

First one done:
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Tacoma | 12/12 | 5 Hours | Finished |

Welp, I totally flunked this one. With good reason, but hey, one game is better than none right?

The list looks doable, but then again you never know. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish most of them at least. Might try to include Prey on the list too if these don’t take too long.
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Adam Wolfe | 27/27 | 10 hours | completed |
Aviary Attorney | 0 | 0 | unfinished |
Last Word | 9/9 | 13 hours | completed |
LIMBO | 0/13 | 0 | unfinished |
Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You | 27/27 | 21 hours | completed |
Seasons after Fall | 3/21 | 0 | unfinishedd |
SIMULACRA | 0/24 | 0 | unfinished |
Technobabylon | 0/40 | 0 | unfinished |
The Sexy Brutale | 12/12 | 14 hours | completed |
The Cat Lady | 0/25 | 0 | unfinished |
The Fidelio Incident | 7/14 | 0 | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 13 | 19 hours | 4 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Katamari Damacy REROLL | 19/21 | 11.2 hours | beaten |
Banyu Lintar Angin - Little Storm - | 0/0 | 9 minutes | completed |
SIMULACRA | 7/24 | 15.9 hours | completed |
How To Cope With Boredom and Loneliness | 16/16 | .8 hours | completed |
TOTAL: | 59/61 | 28 hours | 4 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Limbo | 2 | 4 hrs | beaten |
TOTAL: | 2 | 4 | 1 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Opus Magnum | 5/5 | 33 hours | Completed |
Mini Metro | 27/45 -> 31/45 | 2.3 hours | Playing |

Last one. I guess one per month is a thing then. :P
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Hidden Paws | 8/8 | 3.3 hours | 100% Completed |
Total: | 8 | 3.3 hours | 1 |

I have just noticed that the link for “Challenge me” redirects on the previous one and not the current (from 15.01.-15.02.). ;)
Not sure if its important. XD

Oops! Don’t know why that didn’t get updated. Thank you!

I’m late to the party, but I’ll try to get at least one in.
Name | Achievements Obtained | Playtime This Month | Status |
Transistor | 33/33 | 14 hours | Completed |
TOTAL: | 33/33 | 14 hours | 1 |

Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
AER Memories of Old | 18/20 | 3.7 hours | finished |
Subsurface Circular | 10/13 | 2.2 hours | finished |
DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die Edition | 13/41 | 39.8 hours | unfinished |
TOTAL: | 41/74 | 45.7 hours | 2 |
I was expecting not to finish DS in this month, but at least the theme got me to start playing it! Looking forward to more deaths and misery in February.

I’ve beaten 3 community picks this month:
Name | Achievements obtained | Playtime | Status |
Iconoclasts | 10 of 11 (91%) | 22.5 h | beaten |
OneShot | 11 of 11 (100%) | 6.4 h | completed |
Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe | 22 of 25 (88%) | 13 h | beaten |
TOTAL: | 43 | 41.9 h | 3 |
So many good things on that list, I’ll gladly participate (plus my backlog needs a serious diet after this holiday season) Great idea!