
Welcome to October's Theme

Welcome to October Assassins. This month will be slightly different than all previous months. Superpowers will no longer be needed. The great AkanDeck, champion of people with too much time and ill spent money has bestowed us with a gift from the sky. For this month we will become game scavengers, I have issued a list of 20 rogue targets that need to be tracked down. It can be found below. It’s my humble request that you locate them and use the all-powerful F12 to snap them.

I can see that you are eager to start your hunting but you are still waiting for the list of possible locations. Unfortunately they could be anywhere, so hunt without restrictions and bring your targets to justice here where you report and can brag to other members about your captured targets.
Become the master hunter. 100% this theme.. I believe in you all.

Good luck on your adventure hunters!


  1. There is no set game list, play the games that you want/believe give you the best chance of getting a successful hunt.
  2. Same as previous months finished or replayed games during this month go submission post.
  3. A set limit of maximum 4 targets per game.
  4. Gore, Nature, Technology, Creatures, Skills that kill. I provided for each something without limiting a gamer to a certain type of game nor genre.
  5. One screenshot can only count for one target.
  6. I will keep a list that tracks Tier progression and rank everyone on percent completion.

Finally have fun and happy hunting, may I greet you all at the end of the month with a 100% completion rate.
May the AkanDeck safeguard you on your journey!


Interesting variation (◕‿◕)

games that you believe give you the best chance of getting a successful hunt.

Am completely lost there, finding the right titles will be the most difficult part for me xD

Do found targets count only on finished games or for any?


Finished games only same as other months but there is no need to complete one color tier in a single game.


The Last Door should unlock the whole red tier for you in less than 5 hours (100%).
Star Sky will unlock the whole green tier as far as I remember (might not come with garden equipment) in less than 2 hours.

Both conveniently SG wins for you too. ;)


oohh nice! Thanks for suggesting, gonna tackle them then (*^‿^*)


Bioshock should work for Tier 5, and Portal 1/2 might help in some of Technology:p.


Thanks for helping out too, seems I’m set for the next weeks ^_^


Interesting, the rules you set also make sure you do play at least 5 games. But finding the right games would surely be hard.


I believe the items aren’t that uncommon in games.
There is also no need to fill up one tier with one game only.
Mix and match as you please.

Lucky Thirteen

Well this month’s theme makes me feel especially dumb. I’m not sure I understand the rules >_<
Is it that I simply pick a game, finish it and take a screenshot that fits one of the categories?


You play a game and see a computer, screenshot it and you completed Tier 3, A terminal box if you post the link to the screenshot in the submission thread.
Try to get as many as you can in a month.
(also you got to finish the game of course :)

Lucky Thirteen

Alright, straightforward enough :) Thanks.


Yay, this sounds super fun!

Quick question: let’s say I play Reigns this month and have already unlocked death by fire, is taking a screenshot of the gallery valid? Or do I have to get the card during this month’s playthroughs? Or do I even need to unlock ‘death by fire’ in another game this month?

ETA: another one! Can we interpret the collectibles as we like as long as we give an explanation?


If you do another play through this month and screenshot your death by fire with an extra achievement unlock or bossfight/credits screenshot then it is valid as Tier 5: death by fire.

Edit: In-game screenshots of targets only.


Okay, so probably not playing Reigns for that then. :p Too much work/luck to replicate.

The last two of tier5 really confuse me, what kind of things they are for? Also t4 last one open for interpretation…


Tier 4 last one man’s best friend. A random dog or animal side kick of your character.
Tier 5 up close and personal, screenshot an enemy attacking when it’s right in your face. See screenshot in submission post.
And got him in my sights means screenshot when using a scoped weapon.


Ok. Let’s see.

I was thinking all things in the manner of “this is my best friend” -screenshots and stuff. ^^; I like leeway, kinda expected that it wasn’t a go. ;)


Yay! It’s up! Let the scavenging begin!

I recognise that artstyle in the logo, is it from somewhere?


If you mean Concept, then I am going to say no.
Yeah made my own in the meantime just have to wait for admins to alter the post. :)

BTW Happy Hunting

Downward Concept

That’s not what you said and it’s not what she meant, but okay. :)


I meant the cartoon figures look familiar… wondered if it was from a particular comic artist or something. @_@


Do you have to finish the game for the screenshot to count?


yes ^^


Thought so. :v Thanks for confirmation.


would certainly be easier without ;-)


Yeah, it would haha.
I was thinking about epic length games or games of an endless nature/hard to call “finished”.


Indeed, maybe some exceptions are possible there ^^


For epic games, the amount of allowed screenshots could be extended. Game like wither 3 for example.
For all games I need them to be finished and screenshots need to be made during this month.


Oh fun idea! And lots of freedom in game choice (: Is there a difference between, say, having all 4 in tier 1 vs one each in tiers 1-4?


No difference :)
Could even get 2 only in 1 game.


I see. I just thought of a variation - maybe do it like bingo - so if you complete a whole row/column/diagonal you get extra points :P But that works best if all the “targets” are placed randomly.


That’s an excellent idea too!
I guess we could come up with more variations.


Oh I like this a lot. :)


Thank you Thyreos. Saving you a seat at the Inn.


Yay, it’s on! I have a question, I think this screenshot would count for up close and personal, but to take it again would mean my screenshots would get repeated. If I beat the game this month, can I re-use that screenshot?


That is an awesome shot and I so want to say yes but I have got to be tough on the rules and say that the shot needs to be made this month.
But that is one awesome shot!


I see. Maybe I’ll snap another and be a bit creative to make it different. xD


Oh hmmm.. the thing I like about the themes is that it picks the games for me ;-) Now I still need to go through my backlog and figure it out myself.. :-P

Oh well, I just won Stardew Valley, still finishing up Watch_Dogs and got Grim Dawn from Humble monthly, which I really want to play, so should have plenty to do this month without having my games picked for me ;-)


Stardew should have some stuff for Nature and maybe Creatures ;) (you may not be able to finish it within 1 month though)


Yes, finishing Stardew in a month would be quite a challenge! :-D I guess I can try!


✪ Le succeeded with that in a theme month ^^


Btw if you haven’t started Stardew yet, wait for monday, a massive update is coming out :D


Thanks for the heads up! I played a little bit, but not much, so can definitely start a new game monday!


From what I’ve read you’ll be able to choose between different layouts for your farm, I’m at year 3 and still considering restarting to try new stuff.

  • cellar, two new love interests, you can divorce (lol), a few new crops - you can harvest your own coffee! :D (if you opt in for beta, the update is accessible..just not perfect yet)

you can harvest your own coffee

And with that, the game has reach perfection \o/


Oh this sounds interesting, although I kinda expected a Horror/Halloween theme :P
I will have a closer look at the games I planed to play next, but from my first guess I think I will not be able to successful hunt a lot.
XCOM 2, SteamWorld Heist, Cities Skyline and Quantum Break are currently my active games.


Keep an eye out on the side for them, I am sure that you will be successful. I am saving you a seat at the Inn.
Two of those games are on my list, can’t wait for your screenshots to entice me to play.


This idea is brilliant! It gives a great freedom of choice and we will also see a big variety of screenshots in the submission post, can’t wait to see them. :)


I didn’t pay him to say this!
Well put by the way and can’t wait to see your shots.

I’ll provide you the gaming key later okay


Right, uhh.. nothing to see here! Here’s a cute kitten.

Yes, prepare the key and mail the envelope ASAP, thank you. I’ll reimburse the cost of stamps as agreed upon in our contract.


This is an exciting theme, even if like most people I was expecting an Halloween/Horror theme, I’m excited to try something new and more open. I made myself a checklist and see what I can find while playing :) Really cool theme idea :3

Edit: Can a screenshot count for 2 of the prompts? (I’m currently playing a game where there was a spider with a lot of eyes. Do I have to pick between “more than 2 eyes” and “spider” and find another screenshot for the other, or does it count for both?


I am afraid that you will have to choose a slot for that one and find another screenshot,
Keep a lookout for paintings or statues that fit since it will count too.
Happy Hunting and thanks.


I guess this was meant as a reply to my comment, so thanks will do ;) I’m sure i can find another spider easily somewhere else by the end of the month ;)

Is there a list of what counts as mythical beast? Would stuff like a mummy or a zombie fit?


I’d guess Chimera, minotaur, centaur, harpies, sirens, mummies(?), sphynxes, valkyrs, medusas, wolpertinger, etc etc. Zombies aren’t exactly mythical, I don’t think there’s a closely linked myth or legend to them


If you were to spot that spider of yours in a different setting somewhere it would be ok :)
And adam’s list is littered with awesome examples.
Zombies and mummies aren’t beasts. It should resemble an animal somehow.


Oki doki, thanks :)


This is awesome, gotta print the list and hang it beside my monitor !

Quick questions, are online games allowed? Things like Killing Floor or Overwatch which can’t be “beaten”.


Steam games and have settled on not including endless games.
Will keep same rules for finished games as previous months.

Lucky Thirteen

settled on not including endless games

You might want to include that rule in the original post or maybe even post an update about it. I’m periodically going through other assassins screenshots (I know what they say about curiousity :D ) and I noticed some of them are from Killing Floor or TF, which should qualify as endless games ;)


Yeah it is there but maybe need to be a bit more clear about the wording.


Do screenshots from games I’ve started playing before October count?
Also, are non-Steam games allowed?


Screenshots have to be taken during this month somewhere.
Only steam games will be applicable.


Fun theme! Question: Can achievements gotten this month be used instead of screenshots if they are very clear?


I was thinking about that but in the end decided on In-game screenshots only, whether it be of game play or movie cinematics.


Oh, I still didn’t comment. I’m loving the idea behind it a lot! even thought I expected topic to be Halloween related. I’ll try to find time to complete at least one tier :)


Welcome aboard Crystal :)
You can still make it a horror month if you like. I am sure that some take place in a sci fi setting or nature setting.
Also one tier is so lonely, let’s aim for two :)


I have to say that I was happier at first glance when I thought that the things are more numerous and harder to to come across AND the aim is to find examples, not to finish games. This is just problematic because whatever game jumps into my mind that maybe has stuff for these, is way longer than I would like to play nowadays (I’m generally not really in a good mood, hard to keep going on longer games), so other than my personal grumpings, the idea is really nice. Huge variety and yet easy to control if they make the cut or not.


What a fun challenge, I’m looking forward to this a lot! Combines two things I enjoy: Taking screenshots and finishing games ;)
I think I might be able to do all of them if I manage to finish all games I have plans for this month. Tier 2 will be the most challenging one, especially the garden equipment.

Challenge accepted!


Oooh what a fun idea, time to find the game that are going to work…


One question: do I have to actually beat the game this month to use the printscreen, or is it enough to just make any progress on the games?


Yep, you need to finish them!
“2. Same as previous months finished or replayed games during this month”


Oops, reading that on mobile didn’t work out as planned. Thank you for that, though!


No problem, happy screenshot hunting :)

Lucky Thirteen

A quick question regarding the “Massacre” category: does a lot of blood count as a massacre, or does it have to be dead bodies?


It has to be dead bodies.
Doesn’t have to be that many though.

Lucky Thirteen

Hmm alright, thanks


EDIT: Wrong place


Interesting theme, i think that i will find some achievements in the xcom :)


Does the toy rabbit in Edna & Harvey: The Breakout count as man’s best friend?


Yes, Edna sees it as her best friend even though it is a weird situation.


Awesome, can you also check if my twilight and flower submissions are acceptable? My post is the last one on the submission page.

Baron Khazadson

I remember looking at this and thinking it was a neat idea, but lately I play a lot of “endless” games (ie RTS sandbox games, open world exploration games, 4X games) although I have a few ideas on how to complete at least 1 tier now:).

Clarification please:Does it count if you fill up one row with just one game? I ask because I saw “ 3. A set limit of maximum 4 targets per game.” but it seemed like some people were suggesting certain games for entire rows.


You can only use four screenshots from one game.
Yes, you can fill up one row with screenshots taken from one game but you don’t have to. I don’t think a single member has as of yet filled up a tier with screenshots taken from only one game.
Good luck and have fun filling up Tier 1. :)

Baron Khazadson

Alright thanks:)

Baron Khazadson

Can you please look at my entries and tell me if there is a problem? We have until November 1st to complete the challenge, right? (It is currently the 31st for me.)


No problems and u still got 24 hours before I close the thread.


:D imgur decided to delete the pics? Or has someone else removed them


It was me :D, spring cleaning on my imgur account.
To be honest I spotted it too yesterday, while thinking about whether I should launch an un-official theme or not.


I am waiting for a new theme :D Although I am 99% sure I won’t participate. I was challenged by tso’s thread on SG and want to complete Fallout 4 this month.
Would like to see the return of the image. The list of past themes looks awkward.