
(This month’s theme is brought to you by Ninglor03)

June's Theme: HOG

Dear Detectives, Investigators, mystery Lovers, riddle Fans, villain Hunters and what not ever, I proudly present to you our monthly Theme! drumroll
We are going on an adventurous hunt for riddles, murderers, crimes, mysteries, puzzles and bizarre jokes. We will rescue kidnapped children, women, men and pets. We will solve unlogical puzzles and super difficult riddles. We will find Objects that are hidden in plain sight. We will most likely not solve the mystery of the universe, since we know that already – 42 and such.
So making a long speech short: We will solve HOGs!

I’m well aware that a few not so brave Detectives - and all the others mentioned above – might have left us by now. No worries! Even if our numbers are small, we shall still accomplish this monthly assassination mission!

Contrary to some rumours – mostly spread by myself – there will not be a reward system in form of a self written crime/mystery story. So I do apologize for that fuzz I made. And I’m utterly sorry if somebody looked forward to it. It’s not happening. I chickened out when I thought about coming up with a halfway logical story :]

So, there we go!

Without further ado, I – Ninglor – challenge all brave and noble assassins (all those who don’t think of themselves as brave and noble are of course just as welcome!) to play some HOG!
May the best win! (Or the odds be ever in your favour :] )
Happy Assassination!

List of Games


Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.

What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
Absolutely nothing.

What happens if I play all the games from the theme list this month?
Still nothing.

I don’t own any of the games from the game list, how can I still participate?
The game list is most likely incomplete. If you own or know of any other games that might fit this month’s theme, feel free to suggest them under the corresponding post.

I already played all the games I own from the theme list, should I play something again to participate?
If it was an awesome game and you’d like to replay it, sure, go ahead. Only replaying it for the theme won’t help you with your backlog though, so if that would be your only reason you should probably think about trying something else instead.



Niiice, I really enojy playing HOG’s but I’ve been putting them kind of in the ‘not so urgent’ part of the backlog, I guess it’s time to get on with them, and just in the perfect time as well, the doctor told me not to do anything much with my right thumb for a few weeks, so I’m just playing things on my laptop, mostly with my left hand…

And about the story you wanted to write, too bad, you should remember tho, don’t panic and carrry a towel!


Ah, still not better? :(
But some relaxing hog might just be the right thing for you then :]
As long as you can play left handed O.O

Oh, dang, now I now why it didn’t work out. I forgot the towel :(


Actually feeling much better now, pain is almost gone, I just don’t wanna force it
Yeah, it’s weird playing left handed, I think there’s an option to change the touchpad for lefties? I’ll investigate more about that haha


Ah, that’s nice to hear. Hope it’s gone soon!
Touchpad? Well that’s at least doable. Mouse might be way more tricky :D


Yup, I think it’s gone already, woke up this morning feeling muuuch better, still not forcing it, gonna be playing hog’s only and just a few hours a day
Yeah, i tried the left-handed settings but it’s too compllicated, specially after 15+ years of using a mouse right handed, just stuck with the normal settings in the end haha


Glad to hear it :)
Yeah. I had to try it for a while with the left hand as well. That was soooooo super strange :D

cbones - LINUX

That’s awesome, I am glad I will be able to participate in this month’s theme! My May Draft already included hitting my backlog of HOGs after I knock out a few more point & click games!


Well then good luck and happy hog killing! :D


HA hell yeah, RNGesus predicted this theme! I’ll try to play a hidden object game every other game, then. I have a decent amount in my backlog, and I do love them!


Did he/she talk with me? O.O :D
Wish you a lot off fun, glad you join the monthly theme :)

CleaningSimp twitter

I played like all my HoGs back in February , but since then I’ve gotten a few more, so I’ll play a couple ^^

Lucky Thirteen

Same, I played a whole bunch of HOGs some months ago, but got more of them since then! :)


Well I’m sure there are always some more to find :D
Have fun and good luck!


Oh, great excuse to roast some HOGs! I’ll see how many I can burn though. :3


Hahaha, roast some HOGs! :D Great line! :D


Burn them!
Have fun and good luck :)


Hell yes, I’ve been keeping HoGs for the past months for this very theme, so I should have a few to assassinate :D Great theme \o/


Ah, another hog hoarder then :D
Have fun and good luck! :D


Good theme. But won’t be participating, will visit Japan instead :P


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I’d so skip the theme myself! Take me with you! hides in your luggage




Fantastic theme :)


Thank you :*


I have 2 that I haven’t finished other than that I have either finished the few I have or avoided them like the plague. The games are a bit shallow and casual on the story and gameplay side and they take surprisingly long time to beat.


Mhm, well maybe you’ll still be motivated to give them a shot ;)


Definitely will complete the ones I have already. I enjoy playing them still, but there are so many of them and they would endlessly expand my backlog.


hmm, maybe i’ts time to play the 2 HoG sitting on my desktop…


Do that, give them a try :)

Lucky Thirteen

Yes! Finally a theme that I’ll participate in again, got several HOGs in my library, waiting to be played! Thanks a lot for this, Nelly :)

By the way, I’m not a native english speaker, so I hope I won’t sound arrogant or something, but

solve unlogical puzzles

should be “illogical” ;)


Pffff, unlogical, illogical, it makes no sense either way, now does it? :D

Have lots of fun and good luck :)


Well… I don’t own any HOG so I guess i’m skipping this one :) again… :( more time for skyrim then!

Good luck everyone else :D


There is a train link hidden in the list (not really hidden), so if you wanted, you could still try ;)

Have fun with Skyrim!


Hell yeah! I still have a few unplayed ones!
I already started 9 Clues and after that I will play 9 Clues 2 (SG win). If I have even more time this month I’ll start with the Grim Legends series :)
Happy HOG assassinating everyone!


That’s a good start then! I’ll start with Agent Walker myself :]

Happy killing to you too, dear Assassin :)


Oh, fuck…


Ah, I know just what you mean. Go get them, tiger :D


Well, I don’t like them as a genre. But at least there isn’t visual novels month, ‘cause I dislike them even more.


Well, lucky you, because that would have been my second choice :D :]


Enjoyed playing last HOG, Darkarta, so might get that one to 100% or try some other game i have. But i guess i should first post some update for last 2 months :)
Also i might have some spare HOG keys and no better time to share them i guess :D


Then do a quick update and ooooooff you go :D


Easier said than done, and not in the mood to write large posts :D


Nice, I hoarded so many of them. Let’s see if I can beat 10 this month. Sounds easy peasy.

But I know people who don’t like the genre at all, could you consider allowing detective/mistery point and clicks for them? For example Murdered: Soul Suspect has hidden collectibles spread throughout the city. Too far from what you had in mind for this month’s theme?

Mhm, since I picked HOGs it doesn’t really fit in, I think. Sry :

Good luck for your 10 games to beat :)


Nice! I’ve been waiting for this theme! To celebrate I’ve create a HOG train for those that wish to participate, but don’t own any HOG! It lasts until next sunday, so you’ll have plenty of time to finish them! Good luck!

ps: It just occured to me that if we were in october, you could have called it HOGtoberfest! xD Man, my best ideas are always late xD


And you collected them as well, so hog them down!

HOGtoberfest? Well that sounds a lot like Brezel, Bier and Spanferkel (suckling pig). Disturbing really. Hope there will never be a HOG like that :D


I was thinking about Oktoberfest, because it sounds like october and people would play hogs, so hogtoberfest. But we are in june, therefore it doesn’t make much sense xD
Maybe for october 2018 xD


I know, I know. You can get (I think, never been to THE oktoberfest) Brezel, Bier and Spanferkel on the oktoberfest ;)
And a suckling pig is in a way again a hog, isn’t it? :D


Damn, if only I had some HOGs in my backlog.



Would never have believed it anyway :D


Does the rhBLAEO checker work? It shows 0 games in the title and marks nothing for me.


Uhm… I’m sorry, I dunno. Dunno what that is or how it works, so can’t help :(


That here:
previous themes had that showing which games one owns ^^


Right, I did see that before, but since I don’t know how it works and I lived so far without it I didn’t look into it. Ahm. Do I do that or how does it work? I’m sorry o.o


I’ve asked revil about it, not sure if it needs an update or we did something wrong with our formatting


Yay, HOGs!

Oh wait, I already played every single one I own…..



What? Really? Wait, let me get you a medalle or something! Or a flower?

Relax a bit and put your feet up. Next month will come :D

🍒 Lilly (🌸◠‿◠)

My heart skipped a beat when I read this. I am a huge fan of HOGs, therefore this challenge is right down my alley!


That’s nice. I hope you will have great fun then!


This comment was deleted over 7 years ago.


I’m not the greatest fan and usually am quite lazy with my HOGs so this is a great opportunity to assassinate some games. I don’t own many but I’ll do my best to beat them :)


Hope you enjoy them :)


I have a couple of HOGs that I haven’t idled for cards…maybe I’ll give one or both of them a go (although I didn’t play the prequels of one of them).
Thank you for the theme!


You cooooooouuuuld also play those you idled for cards, you know? :] :D
Have fun!


Good news. seems like I have 19 (or maybe more) unplayed HOGs.
Good-bad news: I got somewhat better with my game selection so it’s likely that I’ll play something else than these (none of them are SG wins)


Yay for the good news!
Semi yay for the semi good news? :D
I think it’s not bad choosing something else, as long as you are having fun while playing I am totally for it! :]


:) This is a little trap aspect of these events. I’m not forced to play if I don’t want to to have fun. But at the same time not too many people participating (like there was a topic on the forum that said that the challenge-month’s participants are a good measure-up for activity) for various reasons make the events worse than they could be. For example I didn’t want to take part in it but was great for others. I’ll likely play a HOG or two this month, maybe all, I don’t know. Anyhow, it’s a simple and good idea for a theme… and something that’s really easy to categorize. It was so weird in previous months when more and more convoluted arguements came up to involve or not involved games


Yeah, it’s pretty easy to say what’s in it and what’s not :D
Also I have a loooooooooot lying around, so it was really pure selfishness me hosting this month :D
I would be happy seeing your name appear with played games for this month, but it is really not important and doesn’t matter. As I said before: just do what you enjoy and feel like. And even if you play hogs next month, that’s toooootally fine! :)
Have a great weekend mine sure is filled with hog, since the weather is… meeeeeh :D


Done :3


Can’t participate, no HOGs on my account :D
I don’t like this kind of games :P


Shame on you then! :D
Guess you have some other nice games there, that you like to play. So all fine :)


I own exactly 0 games in that list, free month for me! :p


Ah, that’s a shame. Maybe you find something else to play instead ;)
Have a great (hogfree) month!


I’m all for beating what HOGs I haven’t beaten yet (only a few though). Especially since they are pretty much the only games I can install on my potato computer at work (I only play during the lunch break though)


Potato Computer, with hogs on top for lunch. Sounds delicious ;)
Have much fun!


I just happen to be playing a HOG currently, so this is a very good theme for June.:)

Of course, I’ve probably already played most of them already, but it can’t hurt to check, right?:)


I never hurts to check. Unless you find loads of them like me, then it probably gives you a shock and that can be pretty nasty :D

Have fun with the theme :)


Whew! I have quite the long list of games to get through!!

I found something weird, though. Scrap Garden on Steam says I have 42/42 Achievements (100%), yet here it says 42/43 (98%) but it still gives me the blue colour of 100%! Was there a broken Achievement that got removed or something that this site doesn’t recognize?

I will have two main lists. One with Steamgift-won games and the other with all my Steam games. They are all colour-coded now, but is there a specific action I can do to separate games by genre (more quickly than choosing each one, which would take quite a while)? I want to separate all of the HOGs into one list so I can do then in a somewhat orderly fashion.:)

The better question would be: where do I find the HOG list you created and is there a way to transfer it to a list on my Profile? I’m kind of tired, so my brain is kind of mushy, and if this is something that I should know already, I apologize.:)


Yeah, I actually does seem a bit long-ish O.o

I don’t have scrap garden, so I really don’t know about the cheevos. But yes, you are right, steam says there are 42. Maybe poke one of the admins about it? I dunno o.o

Ok, so I sorted my steam games into priority for this month = aka hogs :D But I don’t own like 2k games. So that was easy.
I guess in this situation the revil sorting thing would come in handy - but I don’t now how it works, so we’ll do it another way: Search the steamshop for hogs. I’m pretty sure you’ll get a list there and that way could see which one of the list you own. Or you just look at the list I made (in the intro post is a link, but to make it easier for you: link ) and see what you got from that. Since that list is not complete you might still miss some though :/
I don’t know how to transfer it though but manually. Open the link and then add it to a hog list - either here or on steam ;)
Hope that helps a bit. You can also poke me on steam and I’ll try to help out :)


This would probably be a good excuse to give Adam Wolfe a proper go…


It absolutely is! Plus it’s a great game :)


Completed HoGs:

I won’t be participating any longer because I ran out of HoGs :D


theme goal accomplished! :D


I’ve beaten seven so far but that was because some of them were SteamGifts wins. Since I have plenty more in my backlog I’ll be taking part properly from now on!


7? That’s a nice number! :)
Do you care posting them on the link up above? Would be much appreciated.I’ll put you on my list anyway :)
Have more fun killing those HOGs!
And sry for reacting so late, I completely forgot the intro page :D


I haven’t been on this website for the longest time, went in to clean up some of my backlog-mess (and achievement-mess), got the last achievement I needed in Abandoned: Chestnut Lodge Asylum, and then noticed this months theme. I curse all the morphing items!


Yeah, these morphing items suck ;)
I keep staring at my screen and wait for things to happen xD
Hope your having fun nonetheless :)


Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector’s Edition \o/

I will try to beat Adam Wolfie, but don’t know if I will have enough time in the week D:


Yay for beating!
Adam Wolfe is super awesome!

And you are now confusing me with posting on both places :D


I wish my June wasn’t as busy as it was, because I’ve been waiting for a HOG month since I joined BLAEO :( I only managed to beat 2 and get a bunch of hours in Gems of War in my limited free time.


Aw, that’s a shame. Hope you’ll find some time soon :)
I’ll put you on my list anyway, if you tell me which you have beaten ;)


Awesome ^^ Didn’t get all the achievements for either of them because they were such a pain for me, but I beat both Darkarta: A Broken Heart’s Quest and Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood.


Thank you for posting them ;)